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The Stretch 4 Discussion Thread

Inconsistency and a step slow on defense sounds like a dude with an injury history who can get better. This will be his first non rehab offseason in awhile. $15 million really isn't that much (I expected him to cost more).

A swing we don't need to take? Fair enough, but if we are taking a swing. Potentially unlocking the offense with this piece for $15 million or running it back with Favors for $15-$20million. One move has much more upside.

He had defensive concerns before the injuries... I mean he could figure it out, and he could stay healthy, and he could be worth the contract he will be given, and he might not have attitude concerns (said some Rodney Hood like things). It's too many ifs.

I think he gets more than $15M but was trying to find the highest number I'd be cool with.
I also wouldn't offer Favs a multiyear deal at 15-20M... we need to stay flexible imo.
I'm fully in camp "Trust DL" and nothing I say matters.

But I remember me and a few others were excited about Rubio while a bunch of other were complaining.

IF it happens, I'm just trying to lay out the argument for why it's not a bad move while everyone, who is obviously so much smarter than DL, complains about it.
Favors has been monstrous in big games the last two years but imo, we simply can not offer him more than a two year deal. Dude's had three years to work on his three point shot and has improved it at a turtle's pace. I'm down for keeping him but only at something like 2/16. If he can get more on the open market, let him. But we need not tie up significant cap room on a guy who's always banged up and who Quin really wants coming off the bench in an ideal world (where we have a strong, starting stretch 4) anyway. My only caveat to this is if he's willing to take like 4/30 @ 9, 8, 7, 6. Then, sure, do 4 years.
Favors has been monstrous in big games the last two years but imo, we simply can not offer him more than a two year deal. Dude's had three years to work on his three point shot and has improved it at a turtle's pace. I'm down for keeping him but only at something like 2/16. If he can get more on the open market, let him. But we need not tie up significant cap room on a guy who's always banged up and who Quin really wants coming off the bench in an ideal world (where we have a strong, starting stretch 4) anyway. My only caveat to this is if he's willing to take like 4/30. Then, sure, do 4 years.

2/16 won't get it done... I'd do one year at $15M and a second year team option... he makes a lot and then gets another shot at FA when there are more teams with money.
I think Anthony Tolliver is the best blend of cost and effectiveness for us... props to Cy for the suggestion.

47% on wide open catch and shoot threes this year. 40%+ on open ones (he can get them off quicker than Thabo and Jonas who only get off the wide open shots). So he has true gravity.

If we need a defender stretch 4 - Thabo, a creator stretch 4 - Jae, a straight cash stretch 4 Anthony. He will be cheaper than most other options. He's a stop gap, but not a lot of great value options on the market... not many I like in the draft. Gives us some variety.

He shoots threes at the same rate as Klay and makes them at the same percentage. Just being on the court will keep things spread for DM and Rudy.
I would love to get Anthony Tolliver. The guy is one of the true shooting big men, not just a big guy who learned to be a shooter. He is a true marksman.

He would definitely be one of my top targets in free agency.

You're a wise man.

Karma will make mr. LoPo to pay for that "meh".

Furthermore, I consider Tolliver must be signed.
I think Anthony Tolliver is the best blend of cost and effectiveness for us... props to Cy for the suggestion.

47% on wide open catch and shoot threes this year. 40%+ on open ones (he can get them off quicker than Thabo and Jonas who only get off the wide open shots). So he has true gravity.

If we need a defender stretch 4 - Thabo, a creator stretch 4 - Jae, a straight cash stretch 4 Anthony. He will be cheaper than most other options. He's a stop gap, but not a lot of great value options on the market... not many I like in the draft. Gives us some variety.

He shoots threes at the same rate as Klay and makes them at the same percentage. Just being on the court will keep things spread for DM and Rudy.
You said nothing but the truth.
Beyond that he's a legit glue-guy, tough defender, NBPA veep and a funny and nice guy.
The grass always looks greener on the other side. The facts are that with reasonable health we won what .. 300 % of our games with Derrick and Rudy back. Giving up all the good things that Derrick does for one of these turkeys who can shoot but might suck at rebounding and defense and finishing at the rim may well prove to be fools gold. I'd be more inclined to not make massive changes at least for next season and continue crushing teams souls defensively.

I think Thabo is a little underrated. He played terrific when we were awful, and i think would be highly productive playing with the way we've been going the last few months.

Having said that i wouldn't be surprised if we try to pick up Bjelica who i wouldn't mind. Wouldn't want any part of Gordon, dude can't shoot esp at his price tag.
If we’re seeking these bottom of the barrel guys, may as well just sign Channing Frye. He’d be a good pickup.
Not sure what players Don will attract. I wouldn't be surprised if a star no one expects wants to team up. This offseason is legit awesome.

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There’s a few guys like Kawhi that most people will immediately dismiss as not worth talking about due to the fact that we don’t have the assets necessary to acquire said player. I think that would be a mistake.

Getting a 3rd team involved in a discussion and possibly being willing to absorb a really bad contract in the process can do wonders sometimes.

With the Millers, I think we’ve seen that when this team nears legit contention they’re willing to do the spending necessary to get this squad over the hump.

Agreed that we should go for it.

We are one piece away from being contenders. Kawhi definitely fits that mold. He would bump us up immediately into title contenders.

We sat on the fence for many years with Stock and Malone and didn't get the job done. Our 1997-1998 rosters were ok, the most beefed up they had been,
but still lacking.

Let's not blow this opportunity to win a title. With Mitchell and Gobert we need to go get that piece, and get us to the promised land.

We'll have a window coming up with Houston and possible GS fading a little.
Agreed that we should go for it.

We are one piece away from being contenders. Kawhi definitely fits that mold. He would bump us up immediately into title contenders.

We sat on the fence for many years with Stock and Malone and didn't get the job done. Our 1997-1998 rosters were ok, the most beefed up they had been,
but still lacking.

Let's not blow this opportunity to win a title. With Mitchell and Gobert we need to go get that piece, and get us to the promised land.

We'll have a window coming up with Houston and possible GS fading a little.
How the hell are you gonna get a top 5 player in the league while keeping Mitchell and Gobert?