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Neither do i I was looking at this website thinking how is this in any way legal? I have two sick parents, I have a house full of these bloody things, be great if i could find a doctor that would prescribe them medical cocaine...

I actually had a go at my mum for leaving her fentanyl in the car in a great big box that says fentanyl on it in the centre console. Im pretty sure id have to answer a few questions if a cop pulled me over and knew what it was. Aside from that i park on the street at work which is in a part of Melbourne awash with junkies, having a box of high strength medical heroin next to the front seat is probably not a good idea.

A friend and I once ate a couple of fentanyl patches at the bar one night. It didn’t end well for me. (He was a junkie and managed just fine)
A friend and I once ate a couple of fentanyl patches at the bar one night. It didn’t end well for me. (He was a junkie and managed just fine)

i once had a go on a pethidine flute before going to the pub one night lasted all of 45 minutes before somehow finding my way home to bed. never again.
Percocet is my drug of choice. Love that stuff. When I was undergoing cancer treatments I had a bottle of 100 10mg percs and some time release oxy as well as pure oxy for a quick hit. I had a high level of pain due to surgeries and heavy chemo, but I didn't mind the mellow buzz, that is for sure.

Now I have a pretty high tolerance (I do naturally anyway, I always need at least 2 of the 10mg percs to touch the pain). At the time I developed a dependency, was using up to 5 10mg percs at a time, and that was ugly. I ran out one weekend, not thinking anything of it, and within hours I was in full-on withdrawal. Sweats, shakes, vomiting, the works. My wife called the doctor, told him what was going on and he personally met her at the office on a Saturday to give her a scrip, as he said that withdrawal from high levels of something like oxy can be as bad as an overdose. He almost had us go to the emergency room.

I was finally weaned off using methadone and buprenorphine. I was never a "junky" per se, I don't steal the drug, I don't buy it illicitly, never have. But I was truly addicted at the time and it took some effort to get off of it.

This was over a decade ago when the prevailing medical opinion was control the pain, deal with the addiction later. Now they have the opposite approach, due to the high number of people permanently affected by opioid addiction.

But man, if I have to get a pain killer I prefer percocet. Good stuff.
he said that withdrawal from high levels of something like oxy can be as bad as an overdose. He almost had us go to the emergency room.
While very uncomfortable, it doesn't have the potential to kill you like overdose would.
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Percocet is my drug of choice. Love that stuff. When I was undergoing cancer treatments I had a bottle of 100 10mg percs and some time release oxy as well as pure oxy for a quick hit. I had a high level of pain due to surgeries and heavy chemo, but I didn't mind the mellow buzz, that is for sure.

Now I have a pretty high tolerance (I do naturally anyway, I always need at least 2 of the 10mg percs to touch the pain). At the time I developed a dependency, was using up to 5 10mg percs at a time, and that was ugly. I ran out one weekend, not thinking anything of it, and within hours I was in full-on withdrawal. Sweats, shakes, vomiting, the works. My wife called the doctor, told him what was going on and he personally met her at the office on a Saturday to give her a scrip, as he said that withdrawal from high levels of something like oxy can be as bad as an overdose. He almost had us go to the emergency room.

I was finally weaned off using methadone and buprenorphine. I was never a "junky" per se, I don't steal the drug, I don't buy it illicitly, never have. But I was truly addicted at the time and it took some effort to get off of it.

This was over a decade ago when the prevailing medical opinion was control the pain, deal with the addiction later. Now they have the opposite approach, due to the high number of people permanently affected by opioid addiction.

But man, if I have to get a pain killer I prefer percocet. Good stuff.

I too prefer Percocet. Especially over lortab
Yep. I work in an ER in the Bronx, and we get dudes and dudettes withdrawing from heroin all the time. The symptoms are undesirable to say the least: people lose bowel control, vomit, sweats, even hallucinations. But they are not fatal, unlike the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and benzos. You can die if you quit those drugs cold turkey. Bad stuff.

But I see a lot more than your dad's drugs here in the Bronx. Let's talk about K2 and PCP! PCP is making a HUGE comeback here, as is crystal meth. PCP is silly...gives people ridiculous sense of strength and cuts off pain perception. It's a lot of fun trying to corral 180 lb. dudes to get in their stretchers when they are flying on that ****. Thank god for Ativan and Versed.
PCP is making a HUGE comeback here, as is crystal meth. PCP is silly...gives people ridiculous sense of strength and cuts off pain perception. It's a lot of fun trying to corral 180 lb. dudes to get in their stretchers when they are flying on that ****. Thank god for Ativan and Versed.

Its more the higher tolerance of pain than extra strength, they are not actually any stronger, the laws of physics still apply, its just that its a lot harder to use pain compliance on them. We generally use locks and when necessary choke holds, clinically we also use IM ketamine makes it a ******** easier to get IV access.
Its more the higher tolerance of pain than extra strength, they are not actually any stronger, the laws of physics still apply, its just that its a lot harder to use pain compliance on them. We generally use locks and when necessary choke holds, clinically we also use IM ketamine makes it a ******** easier to get IV access.

He said sense of strength.
Yep. I work in an ER in the Bronx, and we get dudes and dudettes withdrawing from heroin all the time. The symptoms are undesirable to say the least: people lose bowel control, vomit, sweats, even hallucinations. But they are not fatal, unlike the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and benzos. You can die if you quit those drugs cold turkey. Bad stuff.

But I see a lot more than your dad's drugs here in the Bronx. Let's talk about K2 and PCP! PCP is making a HUGE comeback here, as is crystal meth. PCP is silly...gives people ridiculous sense of strength and cuts off pain perception. It's a lot of fun trying to corral 180 lb. dudes to get in their stretchers when they are flying on that ****. Thank god for Ativan and Versed.

Holy crap!
He said sense of strength.

Its basically just the lowering of inhibitions in general, had a girl on meth interfere with herself until she squirted a couple of months ago. (no i was not on a date.)
Alcohol is still the worst thing I've seen people withdraw from, just brutal.

My brother lives in Detroit and is an alcoholic. He's been in the hospital 5 times in the last 5 months and twice in the last 3.5 weeks for withdrawal. He was in for 7 days 3 weeks ago and 8 days last week. He drank for the 8 or so days in between. Pancreatitis, kidney failure and esophageal bleeding have nearly killed him. I worry one more binge is all he has left. He's been in and out of the hospital(but not to this extent) for the last 4 years. So ****ed up.
My brother lives in Detroit and is an alcoholic. He's been in the hospital 5 times in the last 5 months and twice in the last 3.5 weeks for withdrawal. He was in for 7 days 3 weeks ago and 8 days last week. He drank for the 8 or so days in between. Pancreatitis, kidney failure and esophageal bleeding have nearly killed him. I worry one more binge is all he has left. He's been in and out of the hospital(but not to this extent) for the last 4 years. So ****ed up.

Yeah we have people come in 3 or 4 days a week, sometimes everyday, one of our frequent presenters just got 8 years for manslaughter he went home and killed his neighbour after we kicked him out. He'll be out in 2.
Yeah we have people come in 3 or 4 days a week, sometimes everyday, one of our frequent presenters just got 8 years for manslaughter he went home and killed his neighbour after we kicked him out. He'll be out in 2.

Its more the higher tolerance of pain than extra strength, they are not actually any stronger, the laws of physics still apply, its just that its a lot harder to use pain compliance on them. We generally use locks and when necessary choke holds, clinically we also use IM ketamine makes it a ******** easier to get IV access.
We keep it a secret we have ketamine. If word gets out, we’ll have everyone north of Harlem coming to our ED. But it does work like a goddamn charm.
My brother lives in Detroit and is an alcoholic. He's been in the hospital 5 times in the last 5 months and twice in the last 3.5 weeks for withdrawal. He was in for 7 days 3 weeks ago and 8 days last week. He drank for the 8 or so days in between. Pancreatitis, kidney failure and esophageal bleeding have nearly killed him. I worry one more binge is all he has left. He's been in and out of the hospital(but not to this extent) for the last 4 years. So ****ed up.
Sorry to hear that. Yes, it's brutal. My grandpa was an alcoholic but somehow managed to quit before I was born. I know it was a real struggle, though, that required years for him to accomplish. I am super thankful that I was born into a religion that teaches no alcohol at all, as I feel it's extremely possible I would have become an alcoholic myself. (From what I understand, my grandpa's father and many if not all of his brothers were alcoholics as well.)