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Want To Win Some Money? Take The Knicks On Wednesday Night

This is not a thread about betting. I believe all betting (and alcohol) should be banned in America. Prohibition was the greatest thing the US ever did. They should have doubled down and eliminated betting. My point is not about betting.

My point is this: the Knicks will kill the Jazz this Wednesday night.
My point is this: the Knicks are a far better team than when we started this season
My point is this: the Knicks are a better team than the Jazz
My Point is this: you will see about five Knick players who are better than everybody on the Jazz
My point is this: we will crush you on Wednesday night

If you want to make money, take the 11 points that the Jazz are giving to the Knicks and bet every cent you have. The Knicks are a very, very good team.

We started off 4-18. Insanely awful. But since we fired our coach we have been playing .500 ball. The way to read that is we are getting better...and better...and BETTER! Right now I place us as the fourth best team in the league.

We are far better than the Jazz. We will destroy you Wednesday night. Mitchell Robinson alone can beat your entire team. I swear it, five of you against one of us (Mitchell Robinson) and you wouldn't stand a chance. Don't believe me? just wait till Wednesday night. You will be humiliated.
What in monopoly money? Pull the other one. Nobody is paying that for the Knicks, burn the garden down with the team in it and you won't even get half of that from the insurance.
He'd get 5B.. MSG rakes in the cash... theyd also get a bump in value because their biggest wart would be removed.
The Knicks should've traded that RJ Barrett pick down to Atlanta for 4 + 8 as was the rumored offer. Then taken Garland at #4. RJ is a bricklayer.
I really likes Mudiay's comment he thought he had a really high bbiq, until he got here. I believe he has bought in and is really growing. I guess that's a big part of the team's slow starts. It takes time to learn the system and then how to play within it.