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What are Republicans doing to Unify the country?

Kennedy has zero supporters while Trump is the leading frontrunner for president. Kennedy is in the same camp as Williamson; a dude with some money who wants some attention. There will always be people seeking attention through politics. However, what matters is what kind of following they generate. Only the GOP has surrendered its party, media, and voters over to a snake oil salesman.
He is selling oil made from himself? That is some next level **** right there. Can't he just go donate sperm or something instead?

Oh gawd, imagine the world filled with clones of the Donald. Yikes!
I was a Republican for my first 35 years or so, then became an Independent leaning right, and for the past decade an Independent leaning left. I think my environment played a much larger part in developing and changing my policy ideology than brain chemistry did.
I was a Republican for my first 35 years or so, then became an Independent leaning right, and for the past decade an Independent leaning left. I think my environment played a much larger part in developing and changing my policy ideology than brain chemistry did.
I seem to recall that there is significant research suggesting that we adjust our political beliefs based on our cohort rather than the other way around.
Sooooo nothing. They’re doing nothing to unify the country, right? Quite the opposite. They’re using rights for LGBTs, teaching history, abortion, Ukraine defending itself from a murderous regime, and elections to further divide Americans. Fantastic.
This forum has called Republicans Nazis, Cultist, racist, transphobic and much more bigoted bs. Now there are bad people on both sides but there are also mostly great people on both sides. This **** thread alone is meant to be divisive and bigoted. Some of you here spend every day spewing venom towards anyone who voted differently. Every...day...
With all due respect to some here, you can take your hypocrisy and put it where the sun don't shine. You are no better than anyone else. I know I'm not perfect but I don't claim to be
This isn't divisive and actual hatred is it? Likening your fellow Americans and friends to Nazis is extremely divisive. Democrats have done nothing but attack Republicans since Obama with vitriol and hate yet they expect a high five and dignity. Now Republicans are very much to blame and I'm not innocent either but for some of you to sit on your high horse after the vileness I've seen on here?

You guys and gals are hypocrites. Why do you suppose there are so little Republicans here? Because they are not welcomed.
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No one has shown more hatred and contempt for Republicans than Fox News hosts. They think/know their viewers are so stupid, they have to lie to them or else risk losing them to OANN and Newsmax.



More Trump. Rehashing a story that literally only Democrats care about just to try spread hate. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump. I mean... It was never a secret that Tucker wasn't big on Trump yet Democrats have to give them an excuse to spew vitriol.

It just proves my point. Democrats have to rehash month old stories just so they can't hate on Trump and his supporters. There's literally no other reason besides to divide and put other people down. Pure hypocrisy.

The same people who pushes the Russia hoax for 5 years talking about the Trump hoax. Did we ever find those pee tapes btw?
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How many Trump supporters feel welcomed by posters here? Please like this post if you feel welcome by posters on this board and support Trump. There are 80 million Trump supporters in this country and Salt Lake has a very huge amount but I don't see more than one or two here(if that). I feel it's because Trump supporters get bullied and attacked on this board for simply having a different political view. Maybe I'm wrong so if you support Trump and feel welcomed here chime in or even give me a like. I'm not trolling, and I'm not trying to be rude but I do feel I have a point when we want to talk about who doesn't unify. I feel the left is very welcome here but anyone else is automatically bullied and talked down to. Trump supporters feel free to call me out if I'm wrong and you feel welcomed here.

Disclaimer...I get accused of trolling and I admit I have at times but I'm mostly serious. I know I do post a lot that clutters threads but there is a lot to showcase how corrupt and hypocritical Democrats are. Especially ones on this board. I will no longer name names or attack person's. I feel I have a right to bring up the Democrat party though and also point out how this board does not feel overly welcoming to Trump supporters or even staunch Republicans for that matter.
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Also, lol

Now it feels they’re just trolling just to troll.

Also, lol
This is nuts! What other western industrialized democracy is dealing with this ****? These people are stuck in the 50s… like literally 2,000 years ago. Lol

Speaking of which, I know we’re growing numb to the absurdity of it all, but did you see this?

View: https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1646957717519466496?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

She wouldn’t be saying this if she didn’t think it would help her among her base. Sometimes… you just have to take a step back and take this all in. What rational adult thinks a ****ing 2 year old should be ****ing around with a ****ing shotgun??? THIS IS ****ING INSANE!!!
Does this help unify the country? Does this help mend divisions in our society or does it further establish a hierarchy and diminish those who aren’t comfortable with placing the 10 commandments in schools? This isn’t about religion or morality. This is about a group of people at the top thumbing their noses at everyone else.

Besides, doesn’t texas have major problems with their electrical grid? Why don’t they work on that rather than pass nonsense like this? I guess it’s all performing for their base. Schools, books, trans kids can go pound sand

View: https://twitter.com/sawyerhackett/status/1649231594719248392?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw
There is not a single Trump supporter on this forum. Not one. Well there are many but they are not welcome here... Prove me wrong.
I disagree that religion should be pushed in schools just as gender identity should be pushed and literally hidden from parents... The hypocrisy knows no bounds. Both sides should stick to teaching kids the basics not ideologies or perversions.

And back to my original point. It's insane that nobody here can name a single Trump supporter that's been welcomed here. You won't even address it and we both know why. Personally I don't think Democrats have an iota of a speck of dust to stand on when speaking of tolerance and unity.
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There all welcome. Most can't handle their ides being criticized.
Name one that's welcome here. I have never felt welcome. Stuff like this is bigoted hate not criticism... A poster comparing his fellow posters to Nazis is flat out bigotry.