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WHAT DID I SAY? dante exum cant even break down the korean defense.

Good Grief.

There are a ton of players who have PG skills, but a SG offensive game (Including Trey Burke IMO). Exum is the perfect compliment to a guy like Burke. Mitigate Exum's potential weakness by having Burke bring the ball down the floor. He then passes it to Exum who runs the offensive set, with Burke playing off the ball. Maximizes both of their strengths and allows Burke to guard the smaller guy, with Exum guarding the bigger guy. Allows the Jazz to manage match-ups to their advantage.

I think some of you guys are just bored, and are looking for something... anything to whine about.

Has he looked great to you in the SL and FIBA? Good? Mediocre? Poor? I'm genuinely curious. All we have to go off of are the games we've seen him in.
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No my favorite past time was ripping on Corbin.

I don't know what I'm going to do next year.

You can rip on:
1. Hayward: unless he averages 20/5/5, some are still going to rip on him because of his contract. No, I take that back. Unless he goes MMA after taking a hard foul, some will still say he's not a "leader."
2. Exum: 19 yr old with no college experience should come in, win the starting job from Burke and average 16/8. Anything less and he's a bust!

Seriously, I'm really upset at Lindsey. He's brought in 15 players I actually want to see play. I'm even intrigued by what the "end-of-benchers" like Felix, Murry and Motum might bring to the team. For the first time in forever, I'm actually excited about the entire roster.
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Good Grief.

There are a ton of players who have PG skills, but a SG offensive game (Including Trey Burke IMO). Exum is the perfect compliment to a guy like Burke. Mitigate Exum's potential weakness by having Burke bring the ball down the floor. He then passes it to Exum who runs the offensive set, with Burke playing off the ball. Maximizes both of their strengths and allows Burke to guard the smaller guy, with Exum guarding the bigger guy. Allows the Jazz to manage match-ups to their advantage.

I think some of you guys are just bored, and are looking for something... anything to whine about.
While I agree we're worrying too much about Exum as a raw prospect, I have to disagree about Burke and Exum complementing each other; they don't. We saw that in SL. Burke is a ball-hog. He is NOT going to share the ball. And Exum needs to have the ball in his hands to create. Trey is not an off-the-ball threat and neither is Dante. Neither can shoot (well, apparently Trey has some nice stats in the last 5 mins. of games. Other than that, he's a bricklayer).

Jazz have two SG's who are vastly superior to either Exum or Burke playing off-guard (Burks and Hayward). Add in Hood and the wing rotation is set (with maybe Felix or Clark getting some spot minutes). There is ZERO need to downgrade at SG by forcing Exum over there. Dante has shown he's very raw. The solution is to start Burke and play him for 28-30 mins. Let Exum get 15-18 (all at PG) and play Murry a bit as needed. As Dante increases his endurance and skill level, then cut Burke back. If it looks like Exum is ready to take over as the starter either this year or next, then Burke is traded at that point.
While I agree we're worrying too much about Exum as a raw prospect, I have to disagree about Burke and Exum complementing each other; they don't. We saw that in SL. Burke is a ball-hog. He is NOT going to share the ball. And Exum needs to have the ball in his hands to create. Trey is not an off-the-ball threat and neither is Dante. Neither can shoot (well, apparently Trey has some nice stats in the last 5 mins. of games. Other than that, he's a bricklayer).

Jazz have two SG's who are vastly superior to either Exum or Burke playing off-guard (Burks and Hayward). Add in Hood and the wing rotation is set (with maybe Felix or Clark getting some spot minutes). There is ZERO need to downgrade at SG by forcing Exum over there. Dante has shown he's very raw. The solution is to start Burke and play him for 28-30 mins. Let Exum get 15-18 (all at PG) and play Murry a bit as needed. As Dante increases his endurance and skill level, then cut Burke back. If it looks like Exum is ready to take over as the starter either this year or next, then Burke is traded at that point.
I agree. They don't seem complimentary to me. Small sample size though.
What unbelievable ball iq has he shown? I'm genuinely asking. Because if we're talking about making a great pass, that's not ball iq to me. That's having great vision.

Great vision is a part of BB IQ in my book. But it's more than just vision. Anyone can play PG and vision the pass, but you must have great timing to make the pass. That's what I have seen from him anyway.
Great vision is a part of BB IQ in my book. But it's more than just vision. Anyone can play PG and vision the pass, but you must have great timing to make the pass. That's what I have seen from him anyway.

I don't see that as great bbiq. I never played organize ball but I played a ton of pickup and in college could make some unbelievable passes, with virtually no turnovers. My bbiq sucked though. We'll agree to disagree on this.
Good Grief.

There are a ton of players who have PG skills, but a SG offensive game (Including Trey Burke IMO). Exum is the perfect compliment to a guy like Burke. Mitigate Exum's potential weakness by having Burke bring the ball down the floor. He then passes it to Exum who runs the offensive set, with Burke playing off the ball. Maximizes both of their strengths and allows Burke to guard the smaller guy, with Exum guarding the bigger guy. Allows the Jazz to manage match-ups to their advantage.

I think some of you guys are just bored, and are looking for something... anything to whine about.

One problem with this plan........ burks is better than both trey and dante.
While I agree we're worrying too much about Exum as a raw prospect, I have to disagree about Burke and Exum complementing each other; they don't. We saw that in SL. Burke is a ball-hog. He is NOT going to share the ball. And Exum needs to have the ball in his hands to create. Trey is not an off-the-ball threat and neither is Dante. Neither can shoot (well, apparently Trey has some nice stats in the last 5 mins. of games. Other than that, he's a bricklayer).

Jazz have two SG's who are vastly superior to either Exum or Burke playing off-guard (Burks and Hayward). Add in Hood and the wing rotation is set (with maybe Felix or Clark getting some spot minutes). There is ZERO need to downgrade at SG by forcing Exum over there. Dante has shown he's very raw. The solution is to start Burke and play him for 28-30 mins. Let Exum get 15-18 (all at PG) and play Murry a bit as needed. As Dante increases his endurance and skill level, then cut Burke back. If it looks like Exum is ready to take over as the starter either this year or next, then Burke is traded at that point.

this korean team beat new zealand a month ago... and new zealand lost to turkey by just 2.

Sent from the JazzFanz app
Vision is definitely BBall IQ, and if you don''t think so, you are kind of retarded.

That being said, it's easier to enhance your ability to make passes when that is the only thing you are focused on doing and it makes you a much worse player.
Has he looked great to you in the SL and FIBA? Good? Mediocre? Poor? I'm genuinely curious. All we have to go off of are the games we've seen him in.

Burke was awful in SL last year, then broke his finger. By the time he came back, it was so clear that he was the best option for the team at PG that even Ty Corbin had to put him out there. I like Burke, but have serious concerns about his leadership skills, shooting and athleticism.

Dante Exum was not anywhere near my favorite prospect in the draft because of the lack of information on him heading into the draft. Having seen what he can do in flashes, I'm totally convinced that he's going to be a star PG in the NBA. His shot is a concern, as is his conditioning. . . but I like everything else that I've seen from him. Attitude, hustle, passing, defense, rebounding and team interaction. He's very mature for his age and has a great work ethic. He's exactly the type of young kid that you draft, develop and build your team around.

I love the idea of him and Burks in the lineup together putting pressure on defenses with that cutting and slashing ability to draw the defense. He's not going to light up the league this year, but he will work hard to become a star. He needs to get bigger and in better shape. That's a given. He needs to learn how to run Snyder's offense, and work to improve his shot. Considering the strides DeMarre Carroll made under Quin's guidance, I'm encouraged.

I absolutely think that being an elite passer is a sign of a high BBIQ. Just because you have great vision doesn't mean you know how to make the right decision at critical moments at NBA speed. He's already shown a gift for making the right decision in those situations and I have full confidence that he'll only get better with extended and intensive coaching.
Vision is definitely BBall IQ, and if you don''t think so, you are kind of retarded.

That being said, it's easier to enhance your ability to make passes when that is the only thing you are focused on doing and it makes you a much worse player.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Who should the Jazz have taken then?
After him is Smart, Randle, Stauskas, Vonleh, Payton, McDermott.
Everyone had Exum ahead of all of them.
None of them are playing in the FIBA Cup.
Exum may not look good but he's getting valuable playing time against elite world players.
Exum was the right player to take for the Jazz.

If they really wanted to swing for the fences, which is basically what they did by picking an unknown like Exum, they should have taken LaVine.
Good Grief.

There are a ton of players who have PG skills, but a SG offensive game (Including Trey Burke IMO). Exum is the perfect compliment to a guy like Burke. Mitigate Exum's potential weakness by having Burke bring the ball down the floor. He then passes it to Exum who runs the offensive set, with Burke playing off the ball. Maximizes both of their strengths and allows Burke to guard the smaller guy, with Exum guarding the bigger guy. Allows the Jazz to manage match-ups to their advantage.

I think some of you guys are just bored, and are looking for something... anything to whine about.

Lol. And which one of them is supposed to shoot it?
I will give Exum time. It's only fair. Hell, I wanted us to draft him. Badly. But it's not like he's playing mediocre ball. He's playing pretty much awful basketball. And the excuses on this board are a bit much imo. "He needs the ball in his hands." Do we plan on having him dribble the ball for 22 seconds and then try to score or dish it at the last second before the shot clock expires? The kid needs to learn to play off the ball. He needs to learn how to co-exist in team basketball. Period.

Great players play great in spurts, even at this age with this little experience. Even Kobe, in as little minutes as he got as a rookie, showed that he was going to be a hell of a player. Exum is showing pretty much nothing. I'm still holding out hope and like I said, I will give him time. But every single game that passes where he continues to show he's in over his head is very disconcerting. Show me this "mental toughness" Exum. Take a few moments in a game over. Please. Show us something.

I didn't want him and was the earliest outspoken against his hype. WTS, I pretty much agree with this post. He needs time and needs to show flashes.
What Exum needs to propel him to improve is a Jazzfanz Exum rap topic. I think that was the obvious key to Trey Burke being better than his summer league performance last year.