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WHAT DID I SAY? dante exum cant even break down the korean defense.

He was having trouble against pressure defense. I think it was mainly because of troubles with his handle. Other than that he was consistently beating his man off the dribble, the problem is that he seemed to lack the confidence do to anything aggressive after he did that. I think the physicality of the game has hit him hard and he's not used to playing like that and getting so much resistance. I'd hold judgement for his prospects at least for one year, but there certainly are some worries that I have.
It's going to be a couple of years before we know what kind of pick it was. I think that getting him in Utah, working with Quin Snyder and building his body to an NBA level will help him immensely. I'd still put him out there now and force him to learn how to play, but I don't expect significant results until at least next year - maybe even two.

He's clearly not ready for the NBA now, but he wasn't drafted to come in and be an All-Star on Day 1. The Jazz will be patient and develop him the right way. Thankfully they have built a front office and coaching staff that believes in player development. He's going to get the attention and coaching that's needed to hone the physical abilities into a quality basketball player.
Who should the Jazz have taken then?
After him is Smart, Randle, Stauskas, Vonleh, Payton, McDermott.
Everyone had Exum ahead of all of them.
None of them are playing in the FIBA Cup.
Exum may not look good but he's getting valuable playing time against elite world players.
Exum was the right player to take for the Jazz.
Who should the Jazz have taken then?
After him is Smart, Randle, Stauskas, Vonleh, Payton, McDermott.
Everyone had Exum ahead of all of them.
Exum was the right player to take for the Jazz.
Could you imagine the outrage on this board had the Jazz taken someone like Randle or McBuckets? I was a big supporter of Vonleh. But that was when we thought the choice would be between Gordon, Vonleh, Randle, etc. Exum was definitely the right pick when he fell. No, he's not going to come in and average 20/10 this season. And there will be some crying "bust" as he gets 18 mins/per and struggles. But these are the same who probably would have said the same thing about John Stockton for his first couple of years in the league.
Wait you mean a draft pick is NOT a sure thing?!?! When the **** did this happen?!?!? Someone text Stern RIGHT NOW dammit!!!!!
Its going to take at least one season maybe two before we see how Exum pans out- its a work in progress behind the top 3 picks we were never getting a superstar at best a solid contributor. Patience.......
Rookies don't save their team's asses who sucks already -most of the time. It took seven years for Jordan to win his first. And Utah might need much more time than that. The good thing Utah did is they started a rebuilding process that is projected to change the entire mentality of the franchise to a winning/competing attitude team. But obviously they will never be able to change some of the things.

If you want your rookie to step in and dominate against guys who has been on that level for years, you should give up on expecting anything from your franchise.
....he was playing against players who probably coudn't cut it at your ymca gym....mmmkay
He will be fine. Experience is the one resource he really lacks and it will be freely available for him this season. Once he get into real game shape and learn a system, he will be good. When he will bulk up, work on his shot and on his handles, he will be great. Give the boy at least two years to grow into his own skin.
IMO it would be best for Exum do so what feels most natural to him and that it to play with the ball in his hands.

I'd rather see him come off the bench and replace Burke instead of him start with Burke.
I will give Exum time. It's only fair. Hell, I wanted us to draft him. Badly. But it's not like he's playing mediocre ball. He's playing pretty much awful basketball. And the excuses on this board are a bit much imo. "He needs the ball in his hands." Do we plan on having him dribble the ball for 22 seconds and then try to score or dish it at the last second before the shot clock expires? The kid needs to learn to play off the ball. He needs to learn how to co-exist in team basketball. Period.

Great players play great in spurts, even at this age with this little experience. Even Kobe, in as little minutes as he got as a rookie, showed that he was going to be a hell of a player. Exum is showing pretty much nothing. I'm still holding out hope and like I said, I will give him time. But every single game that passes where he continues to show he's in over his head is very disconcerting. Show me this "mental toughness" Exum. Take a few moments in a game over. Please. Show us something.
Exum is going to be just fine. The BB IQ I see from this kid is mind blowing for his age. And I already see glimpses of determination from him. Once he builds confidence and endurance along with strength. He is going to be crazy good. We can all agree the passes we see him make already are crazy impressive. So we know the skill is there. Just give him the time to put it together. And we will be glad we did. :)
Exum is going to be just fine. The BB IQ I see from this kid is mind blowing for his age. And I already see glimpses of determination from him. Once he builds confidence and endurance along with strength. He is going to be crazy good. We can all agree the passes we see him make already are crazy impressive. So we know the skill is there. Just give him the time to put it together. And we will be glad we did. :)

What unbelievable ball iq has he shown? I'm genuinely asking. Because if we're talking about making a great pass, that's not ball iq to me. That's having great vision.
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Exum is going to be just fine. The BB IQ I see from this kid is mind blowing for his age. And I already see glimpses of determination from him. Once he builds confidence and endurance along with strength. He is going to be crazy good. We can all agree the passes we see him make already are crazy impressive. So we know the skill is there. Just give him the time to put it together. And we will be glad we did. :)

Part of the reason he seems like he has such great BBall IQ is that he is looking to pass 90% of the time he has the ball and forgoes really driving to the basket strong, taking contact, or finding space to pull for shots.
Good Grief.

There are a ton of players who have PG skills, but a SG offensive game (Including Trey Burke IMO). Exum is the perfect compliment to a guy like Burke. Mitigate Exum's potential weakness by having Burke bring the ball down the floor. He then passes it to Exum who runs the offensive set, with Burke playing off the ball. Maximizes both of their strengths and allows Burke to guard the smaller guy, with Exum guarding the bigger guy. Allows the Jazz to manage match-ups to their advantage.

I think some of you guys are just bored, and are looking for something... anything to whine about.