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What happened in your house before you moved in?


Well-Known Member
(KUTV) The family who is currently renting the home formerly owned by Josh and Susan Powell says they have moved out.

Joanna Aeosana says since she and her family moved in two months ago numerous mysterious events have occurred inside the house. She says the company who leased the house to her never told her about the history of the home.


Aeosana says she was unaware of the story of the Powell's and says almost from the moment her family moved in, strange stings have been happening.

"I hear people crying when I'm showering," she told 2News.

Aeosana also says the garage door opens and closes on its own. Most recently, she said her 1-year-old son was taking to an empty swing in the front yard of the home saying, "Go away, leave me alone."

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(KUTV) The family who is currently renting the home formerly owned by Josh and Susan Powell says they have moved out.

Joanna Aeosana says since she and her family moved in two months ago numerous mysterious events have occurred inside the house. She says the company who leased the house to her never told her about the history of the home.


Aeosana says she was unaware of the story of the Powell's and says almost from the moment her family moved in, strange stings have been happening.

"I hear people crying when I'm showering," she told 2News.

Aeosana also says the garage door opens and closes on its own. Most recently, she said her 1-year-old son was taking to an empty swing in the front yard of the home saying, "Go away, leave me alone."


i would live there.
asuming its a nice house and nice neighbourhood
I wouldn't live there just so I would not have to chance his creeper of a dad showing up out of the blue for whatever reason. That guy is still alive, right?
"I hear people crying when I'm showering," she told 2News.

Aeosana also says the garage door opens and closes on its own. Most recently, she said her 1-year-old son was taking to an empty swing in the front yard of the home saying, "Go away, leave me alone."


My house also has noises in the pipes when the water is moving.

Different garage door openers can use the same frequency.

Kids get imaginary friends.

None of these things is particularly strange.
I hear crying when I am getting naked to get in the shower, then I tell my wife to stop whining and just turn the light back off.
You want to film a midget and an ape living together?

I want someone else to film it and all of you to watch it. I'll just put some money up front and rake in the big bucks when it's a big hit.

They've already committed to the second episode somewhere in another thread.
My house also has noises in the pipes when the water is moving.

Different garage door openers can use the same frequency.

Kids get imaginary friends.

None of these things is particularly strange.

Ah, the joys of being a true advocate of science. . . . and knowing everything before anyone has taken the trouble to trot out with a hypothesis, do any testing intended to explore the facts, or submitting same to an impartial team of experts for review. . . .

Good enough to just assume we have achieved comprehension of the universe and every issue has been settled.
I'm actually kinda a believer in this sort of stuff though. I'm a pretty logical thinker and am religious but not overly religious. But I remember seeing some pretty weird stuff in Brazil. I wouldn't doubt that there's stuff going on thisnyear that isn't all psychological but supernatural.
Ah, the joys of being a true advocate of science. . . . and knowing everything before anyone has taken the trouble to trot out with a hypothesis, do any testing intended to explore the facts, or submitting same to an impartial team of experts for review. . . .

Good enough to just assume we have achieved comprehension of the universe and every issue has been settled.

Do you look for a supernatural explanation for everything? Do you assume mystical forces are at work when someone travels through the air, or pictures appear and move on a piece of glass in front of you, or you are able to make the darkness disappear?

Why should this be any different? There are perfectly rational explanations that don't require ghosts and goblins, and until the evidence points otherwise, it is reasonable to assume the natural explanation is good enough.
Do you look for a supernatural explanation for everything? Do you assume mystical forces are at work when someone travels through the air, or pictures appear and move on a piece of glass in front of you, or you are able to make the darkness disappear?

Why should this be any different? There are perfectly rational explanations that don't require ghosts and goblins, and until the evidence points otherwise, it is reasonable to assume the natural explanation is good enough.

You reveal yourself here to be a believer in your own mythologies about what can be "rational" or "natural".

you're the one saying there's nothing beyond your set of acceptable and/or sufficient knowledge base that could be considered. This is in fact an inversion of general principles of the Scientific Method.

I was not asserting that "ghosts or goblins" exist, but that a person dedicated to Science would consider it essential to investigate the claims somehow before being satisfied that it's the water pipes/pressure fluctuations, a hallucination of some kind in the kid or the mom, or the neighbors' garage door opener.

So far as I'm concerned it could be some pranksters in the neighborhood, it could be the imagination of a TV reporter working hard on a slow day, it could be the HSA or even the Powell granddad now outta jail. . . . . and uhhhhhhmmmmm. . . . . . maybe something else we just don't know anything about yet.

The assertion that seriously disturbed persons now deceased do in some places linger in "ghost" form and do stuff is a common one, but science doesn't have the technology or equipment to test for such a "presence", and the whole claim of life after death remains untestable. A good scientist will recognize the limits of his abilities to test a hypothesis, or maybe will come up with some kind of rational and reasonable method of exploring a hypothetical ghostly presence.

The fun programs done by Coast to Coast sometimes involve persons claiming somehow to have equipment relevant to such a hypothesis,but I haven't seen a very convincing study done which would convince me they have the competence to investigate paranormal things.

A person who invokes "religion" or "God" or say angels or demons or any kind of visitation or presence of a deceased person, or so far as I know, of a resurrected person such as Jesus, is clearly not standing on Science as the basis of the belief. But neither is any "Scientist" who steps out to claim Science has disproven anything that can't be tested, or hasn't been tested.
Do you look for a supernatural explanation for everything? Do you assume mystical forces are at work when someone travels through the air, or pictures appear and move on a piece of glass in front of you, or you are able to make the darkness disappear?

Why should this be any different? There are perfectly rational explanations that don't require ghosts and goblins, and until the evidence points otherwise, it is reasonable to assume the natural explanation is good enough.

let's see. . . . . yes I can make darkness disappear.

I set up a hypothesis that "darkness" does not exist as a physical reality, but exists only in the eye or mind of the beholder. I rent an auditorium and ask for volunteer "observers", say two thousand. I provide an electronic reporting device, say with a button that can be clicked if things look "dark" or if they see "light". I get one thousand blindfolds, and a heavy black hood as well, and install these on one thousand "observers" and tell them to keep their eyes closed. The other thousand I tell to keep their eyes open.

I have someone stand at the light switch panel. I do a series of "observations" turning lights on and off around the auditorium and ask the observers to tell me what they see, light or dark. My hypothesis
is that when the lights are on, the "darkness" vanishes instantly, leaving no trace of an physical reality. I could use cameras or photomultiplier tubes to record the events, as well as the observers, but pretty much if the hooded cohort consistently observed "darkness" even when other observers and equipment reported "light", I am pretty sure some folks would accept my explanation that it is "light" that actually exists or doesn't exist, not "dark".

Anybody out there got a "dark" emitter, source, or anything that could reveal the presence of "dark"?????

So until we can measure "dark" somehow, we can continue to believe we see "light" maybe in the form of waves or particles or some duality of wave/particle maybe that we call a "photon". . . . . and that"dark" appears as credibly reported whenever we close our eyes or go into a space where there is no light. . . . .logically speaking, because of an absence of "light".