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What would you do if one of the Jazz sits or kneels for the National Anthem ??


Well-Known Member
So I'm seeing that the Seattle Seahawks as a team will interlock arms in unity but also stand up for the injustices that are almost daily popping up on TV and the Internet. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id...rlock-arms-stand-together-unity-season-opener

I also see Kevin Durant ,Stephon Curry supporting Colin Kaepernicks sitting in protest during the National Anthem. https://bleacherreport.com/articles...kaepernick-for-sitting-during-national-anthem

It's not inconceivable that a player for the Jazz comes out in defense of Kaepernick as well .....Where will you stand with that ?
I would probably kill myself.

don't over-dramatize things. Nobody would care what you do.... or what I do.

I would think it's cute. Maybe laugh a little.

millionaire athletes in a disproportionately black workforce produced by the eugenics of the Southern Democrat slaveholders. ha ha. That might not seem funny to most of you. But you have to admit there is definitely some advantage for very athletic black men in the NBA, and while I'm sure that survival realities in sub-Saharan Africa across millennia really did produce some favorable results for the blacks that could be characterized by statistically significant parameters.

The reason blacks are so disadvantaged in this country is the same reason the American natives are disadvantaged. Political exploitation creating a political dependency, essentially depriving blacks as class the opportunities of capitalism. Handouts are really no good gift for anyone. When the farmers and ranchers of this country are finally rounded up and corralled in the inner cities, they will be made a dependent class just like the poor blacks and the reservation Indians.

So, these devout believers in racial exploitation ideology as it's being spun out today, are just going to highlight the problem that ideology creates.

The Chinese word for disaster is the exact same word for opportunity. When the way things are is disturbed by a crisis, the Chinese go to work and make a new "way things are" corresponding to the new situation. If the gov bureaucrats would just get outta the way, people will find solutions and prosper. No matter what color.
Abdul-Rauf did this years ago and was bascially excommunicated from the NBA.

It bears mentioning that he only did it a few games - then as a compromise he would stand and pray during the anthem.

And they still blackballed him from the league - a starting caliber PG.
Let's see, 2 Frenchmen, 2 Aussies, 1 Canadian, 1 Brazilian, 1 Ukranian.

They damn well better show their patriotism to our flag.
It bears mentioning that he only did it a few games - then as a compromise he would stand and pray during the anthem.

And they still blackballed him from the league - a starting caliber PG.

Not sure I understand. He played 3 more years after the incident. His performance fell off the table. Then he went overseas. How is that blackballing?
This is one of the stupidest controversies I've ever seen. Are we or are we not a free damn country? Nobody should care what they do it's their right. And if the media would stop harping on it constantly nobody would care.
It wouldn't bother me at all because I believe people have the right to protest. I also believe that different people have different perspectives on America. Not every one gushes over everything this country has done or how we've acted. Basic knowledge of American History shows that we haven't always been the good guys.
This is one of the stupidest controversies I've ever seen. Are we or are we not a free damn country? Nobody should care what they do it's their right. And if the media would stop harping on it constantly nobody would care.

It has more energy in social media than traditional media.

don't over-dramatize things. Nobody would care what you do.... or what I do.

I would think it's cute. Maybe laugh a little.

millionaire athletes in a disproportionately black workforce produced by the eugenics of the Southern Democrat slaveholders. ha ha. That might not seem funny to most of you. But you have to admit there is definitely some advantage for very athletic black men in the NBA, and while I'm sure that survival realities in sub-Saharan Africa across millennia really did produce some favorable results for the blacks that could be characterized by statistically significant parameters.

The reason blacks are so disadvantaged in this country is the same reason the American natives are disadvantaged. Political exploitation creating a political dependency, essentially depriving blacks as class the opportunities of capitalism. Handouts are really no good gift for anyone. When the farmers and ranchers of this country are finally rounded up and corralled in the inner cities, they will be made a dependent class just like the poor blacks and the reservation Indians.

So, these devout believers in racial exploitation ideology as it's being spun out today, are just going to highlight the problem that ideology creates.

The Chinese word for disaster is the exact same word for opportunity. When the way things are is disturbed by a crisis, the Chinese go to work and make a new "way things are" corresponding to the new situation. If the gov bureaucrats would just get outta the way, people will find solutions and prosper. No matter what color.

It was sarcasm babe! And I love the part about the Chinese word for disaster. Straight out of a pyramid scheme "motivational" speech.
Yep, all players stand in line per NBA rules. Americans stand for Canadian anthem in Toronto as well.
How many nations are there in the league? I bet there are enough games to play all of their anthems. It wouldn't be so bad since they are the athletes that make this league happen and it would help get international fanbase feel more into the entire NBA world.
It was sarcasm babe! And I love the part about the Chinese word for disaster. Straight out of a pyramid scheme "motivational" speech.

and how'd you know that. You're the last person on earth I'd imagine would ever listen to those pyramidal speechers.

I got that bit from, actually, a real Chinese friend. In a research lab. He was my prospective new employer, who had just fired a technician for falsifying data and had gotten a grant based on that false publication, which had indicated a possible cure for medical condition called Hereditary Nephritis.

My task was to find a useful project we could do with that money.

We eventually published a report on the structure and function of the immunological protein that was falsely implicated in HN.