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What's Good in the World Today Thread

You need stories to demonstrate there's good in the world? How depressing. Every single day people find love, sacrifice themselves for others, grow, build, create, dance, learn and it goes undocumented.. The news job is not to inform you, it's to sell you... mainly sell you the idea that this crap is worth digesting and coming back to --- if these positive stories y'all are quoting didnt fit that agenda, they wouldn't run them..

If you're having trouble finding good, ask yourself , is this really how it is or has this perception been impressed upon me? How did I reach this conclusion? Was it off of a tiny speck of a sample size?

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite -- William Blake
You need stories to demonstrate there's good in the world? How depressing. Every single day people find love, sacrifice themselves for others, grow, build, create, dance, learn and it goes undocumented.. The news job is not to inform you, it's to sell you... mainly sell you the idea that this crap is worth digesting and coming back to --- if these positive stories y'all are quoting didnt fit that agenda, they wouldn't run them..

If you're having trouble finding good, ask yourself , is this really how it is or has this perception been impressed upon me? How did I reach this conclusion? Was it off of a tiny speck of a sample size?

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite -- William Blake
And you want to take a dump on a thread focused on highlighting the good in the world? Talk about depressing.

There are numerous ways to get someone's story these days. Yes, some is passed on en masse by some form of media. You should also mix in some in person stories from people themselves. I think it's a good thing if we tune in to positive and good stories, which forces these media outlets to publish good & positive stories to get you to watch/listen. It doesn't mean we need them to give us meaning in life, but it can be a positive data point in our lives.

LB, don't be a Debbie Downer even if you've been one all your life.
And you want to take a dump on a thread focused on highlighting the good in the world? Talk about depressing.

There are numerous ways to get someone's story these days. Yes, some is passed on en masse by some form of media. You should also mix in some in person stories from people themselves. I think it's a good thing if we tune in to positive and good stories, which forces these media outlets to publish good & positive stories to get you to watch/listen. It doesn't mean we need them to give us meaning in life, but it can be a positive data point in our lives.

LB, don't be a Debbie Downer even if you've been one all your life.

Get someone's story?? My point stands; Isn't their goodness all around you? Easily found? Every direction you turn? It's gotta be in headline form for you to acknowledge it??

Hahhahhaa.. Taking a dump? Thats how you percieve it? Negatively? What a surprise.. No need to get defensive.
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Guy calls me a debbie downer in response to pointing out the obvious goodness all around us... LUL.. Holy defense mechanisms batman!!!!

We should tune in to good stories he says... Sounds like you're having some difficulty focusing on the positives too, if you need to make some concerted effort.

It doesnt take any effort whatsoever... Yet the way its presented in this thread and in your response is like its some task or chore...
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Einstein musta been a big debbie downer too, I mean.. just look at this quote;

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
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The overwhelming majority of my posts are positive(and topical), and are met with negative (off-topic) responses..

Negativity isn't the way of the world, you've been duped if ya believe that... its really something thats championed in North America.. Sensationalism. It's pervaded other cultures surely, but here it's hanglike a black cloud over life for so many.. Tabloidization has penetrated more minds now than it ever has. Religion plays a major part of selling this nonsense early.

Positivity might be losing --- but it can never be defeated... So why get swept up in the sways like an undertoe?

Have you ever played any online video games? This mindset is rampant on any north american server, much more so than elsewhere. This is something being passed down by the older generations and is festering with todays youth.

Heard a statistic the other day that over 40% of America is depressed. LUL. How absurd... Quality of life has never been higher.. The age of the internet, having all this information at your fingertips is just seen as the new normal, and not some glorious miracle of human engineering.

Instant gratification seeking behavior personified. This thread is an exercise in Extremism. The good thats all aroudn you, it isnt extreme enough.. LUL... Thats my point... It's clear as day too..

this thread is childish and misguided. It speaks to having low-standards. Scuse me for pointing it out and suggesting easier, superior alternatives. Life is hard and thats how everythings gotta be, amiright? you've gotta search under stones and in caves for positivity? It's all around you bruh.

Lots of people arent built for this plugged in lifestyle. It runs them ragged and defensive eventually seeking shelter. There's good all around you, dont many of you guys have kids?

You wanna see stories that demonstrate positivity? look back at all the negative stuff written over the course of 1000's of years and you'll see just how uniform these hot takes are, and have been. This is nothing new, it's just in the faces of the masses at younger ages, and far more accessible than it's ever been.

It's like people have forgotten the story of Chicken Little... or i should say, it's not extreme enough for them to remember or find relevant or applicable... They've grown up, and their --- realists... could it be possible that their perception of reality is faulty, and their just defending their perception of their own authority??

We've got a thread on positive stories here and it's been invaded by namecalling and people trying to hold dominion.. As long as their authority isnt challenged, their open for discussion. This is the lie and status so many cant wait to impress upon others.It seems to me thats what growing up is all about for many...
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Talking down to people on a “good things around us” thread, telling them they are doing it wrong is a great example of why you get the reactions here that you do. You come off as a know-it-all jerk. That’s not positivity imo.

There is nothing wrong with focusing on the good here. Yes, we can and should focus on the good around us in life. Living life and interacting with them is a way of “getting their story”. Talking to them and getting to know them is another way. Sure reading about it is down the list but it’s still good.

Yes, your criticism and disdain was dumping on the thread.

Is it possible we see the good and bask in it and that this is just one place we visit? Wow you are judgy and wrong on this. Just chill and let people find their good how they want without micro managing.
There is a lot of good in the world today, such as helping widows and the poor. You don't hear much of that on the mainstream media however. People, due to the mainstream media's lies, are at each other's throats.
Many people get attacked and called names for stating their opinions here on jazzfanz. We could all stand to be more civil and Christ like with each other. I have now put many of you on ignore rather than be tempted to engage in the hostility any longer. Sad. I am reminded of the song Have I Done Any Good. Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed. Has anyone’s burden been lighter today Because I was willing to share? Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way? When they needed my help was I there? Good words to live by no?
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So Costa Rica's new president is wowing to end fossil fuel use by 2021 - is he delusional or is this real possibility? I just do not see how you operate daily without planes, ships and cars using gasoline. Maybe technology will allow that in 20 years but in 2 years it looks more populistic proclamation than real plan.

Do we have the technology to make batteries?

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So Costa Rica's new president is wowing to end fossil fuel use by 2021 - is he delusional or is this real possibility? I just do not see how you operate daily without planes, ships and cars using gasoline. Maybe technology will allow that in 20 years but in 2 years it looks more populistic proclamation than real plan.


I think 2 years is too soon to think you’ll be totally free of fossil fuel.

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At the end of the day, one cruise ship burns same amount of fuel per day as million cars. Until we find how to replace those fuels in ships and planes we will be only making a scratch on fossil fuel consumption by changing to bio fuels, electric or solar power for other needs.