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Which Current Jazz Player(s) Will Still Be Here 10 years From Now.

Better question:
Which current Jazzfanz poster(s) will be here in ten years?


It's just like Kanter. If I'm picking between what I think Gobert and Favors will be, I go with them over Enes every time.

If I have to choose between Burks and Hayward, it's Gordon. Burks vs. Exum is trickier, but I'm a defensive minded coach and I think Exum figures it out on offense as he gets stronger.

Love Burks, and I'm excited to see him in the lineup healthy next year. . . but the future of the franchise is Gobert, Favors, Hayward and Exum. If they eco me what I think they're capable of (best defense in the NBA) then you keep them together as long as possible.
You guys live in a dream world. I predict in ten years there will be no one on the team from the current roster.

Think about the Jazz in 2005.

In ten years we'll probably say good bye to Gary Briggs and Walt Perrin. Maybe even Boone. Snyder will be gone. If another team doesn't scoop up his assistants first, then maybe Jensen or Jones will still be around.

We were spoiled with Stockton and Malone. It won't happen again. Players leave when they can.