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Who are you?

I'm still me, though I ditched the extra "l" from my username, it was a mistake anyhow, d'oh! I am still the Chief Old D'Oh! even though I can't get it to list that in my title. Oh well, at least it says I'm "super"
I was Mono on the previous version of this board. I decided to retire the name Mono (after one season's use) and go back to my original handle from Jazzhoops and various other Jazz websites, where I participated for years before going into about a 5 year lurk-mode.

I'm changing the name in the spirit of fresh starts. I think I behaved myself pretty well as Mono -- much better than a lot of you, let's be honest! (but not as well as others) -- but the last thing I did before the board crashed was get into some stupid flaming argument with somebody... So I kind of blew it. Then I went on vacation, went to my sister's wedding, visited some family, came back to Jazzfanz to find that it had crashed and everything was gone. I never did get to see further posts in that argument. And I'm pretty grateful for that.

So with the new name, I hope to take a fresh start. So hello to all my friends, it's good to be back.
Big Jose (my favorite)
Someone should get Troutbum before Troutbum gets Troutbum...then blackmail him for all his John Beck jersey's for toilet paper use.
I originally signed back up as bigb again. Then I changed my mind and went with catratcho
I was Idajazz, I never did like that name.

I was around from the beginning, and didn't want/have the gumption to change it.
Now I have the Name that I like best........Mine.
I was Idajazz, I never did like that name.

I was around from the beginning, and didn't want/have the gumption to change it.
Now I have the Name that I like best........Mine.

Good idea choosing that username on a Utah Jazz fan board. I'm betting I'm not the only one who threw up just a little when I saw it. No offense.
Someone should get Troutbum before Troutbum gets Troutbum...then blackmail him for all his John Beck jersey's for toilet paper use.

I contemplated that, but I didn't want anybody using Sloanfeld, dammit.

I'm too unique to emulate though.

Trout, did you ever get the purple TP yet????
Well way back when I was "12cz32" but when the site moved off of realgm, Jason was nice enough to let me change my name without re-registering. Not really applicable in this thread but I'm bored at work and wanted to feel included.
I've been One Brow for almost thrity years (including some five incarnations of JazzFanz). I'll be One Brow for the rest of my life. Why would I lose the magic brow?
I was JazzfanUT83 on the old board...I added an extra n and now am Jazzfannut83 since, well, i'm nuts, and even though the old name stood for my alma mater, many would call me "Jazzfannut" anyway so, now it's official.