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Would you trade Hayward for Melo?

Would you trade Hayward for Melo?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 60 80.0%

  • Total voters
Make another poll with Lebron instead. I would love to hear the interesting explanations by those who wouldn't trade for LBJ. You know who you are.

List of all NBA Team Jazzfanz wouldn't trade for: All of them (except Burks).

Not wanting to trade for Melo does not mean not realizing or not accepting that he is the superior player. It's the most natural thing to not like some players even though they are among the most talented, so you might not want him in your favorite team.

And haters gonna hate and in this case I'm one of them too. So, hell no from me too.
I advocated trading for Melo when he was disgruntled in Denver so we could have Dwill/Melo. I thought Sloan could have turned Melo into a beast. Don't really want him anymore. His game has gone down hill from what it was in Denver.
When you factor in one is getting over 120mln for 5 years at the end of which contract he'd be 35 year old, and the other is getting 63 for 4 years at the end of which he'd be 28, I think it's much harder decisions than some might think. Declining/aging Carmelo vs rising/prime Hayward for half the price... I am leaning towards keeping Hayward... There were some interesting advanced stats that show that he's nowhere near deserving max contracts and even his synergy offensive efficiency is ranked 20th in the league:

If both Hayward and Melo were rookies today, Melo 100% yes. He would have become a different player under the Jazz and Quinn than he did in Denver and his overall talent level is way higher.

Melo and Hayward today, considering Hayward is on the Rise and Melo is going downhill from here, Hayward without question. Also Melo is a prick.
Yeah, talent isn't enough for me. I want to cheer for players I like. I'm willing to give them wide latitude and the benefit of the doubt. SOmetimes there are guys that most of the league hates, but I like. Carmello Anthony is just a player that I can't cheer for, and I was one of the people who was screaming at the TV when Detroit took Darko over him. I think the overall issue boils down to two things.
1. He was a nugget. being a nugget or a Rocket is a strike against you in my estimation. Perhaps unfair, but there it is. Overcoming this is not insurmountable or even difficult, but then:
2. This.
I understand sucker punching a Knick. I mean that is a primal need. But then running away like a schoolgirl. Just. . .

Give me Hayward.
Melo is my least favorite superstar of all time. (one notch below McGrady)

....and who says he is a Superstar? He's a hip hop punk that plays hip hop basketball....and got "punked" on MTV to boot! His shooting has regressed, his defense has always been pathetic and the only pass he makes are to waitresses at the restaurants he goes to!
I would trade Hayward for Melo, yes. A team with Melo, Exum and Favors would be top-4 in the west for several years. With Durant out with his injury, Melo might be the best pure scorer in the league right now. Hayward is a nice player, but he's not irreplaceable.
Not wanting to trade for Melo does not mean not realizing or not accepting that he is the superior player. It's the most natural thing to not like some players even though they are among the most talented, so you might not want him in your favorite team.

And haters gonna hate and in this case I'm one of them too. So, hell no from me too.

And if you had read my next post, you would have seen that I said Melo is not worth the amount of cap he eats.
My post about Lebron was serious. I really think it would be entertaining, since I have no doubt some homers would try to make a case.
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As you all know I am vocal about NOT being on board the Hayward bandwagon. However I will tell it like it is. Melo destroys his team based on his own jealousy. His demands when he was in Denver, down to being with the Knicks and demanding that J. Lin be on the outs despite of the spark he brought to the team that gave them wins when they needed it. He couldve built a winning team 3 times over with 2 different teams. He is a great scorer with the mindset to improve his personal numbers, but doesn't have a mentality that would allow him to respect the team he is on or the players that surround him. I'm not saying Hayward is better,, but at least he cares about something more than himself. Melo will never take a team to the NBA finals even if he were to join an elite double . I would rather have a new towel boy than Melo joining the team.
And if you had read my next post, you would have seen that I said Melo is not worth the amount of cap he eats.
My post about Lebron was serious. I really think it would be entertaining, since I have no doubt some homers would try to make a case.
Yeah, I missed the post you mention, sorry for that. I agree.
It's about what you wanna do with your team. Do you have trouble scoring? You could try for Melo. Do you wanna construct a team basketball? Keep Gordon. He is really good and will probably get better as an all around player.
....and who says he is a Superstar? He's a hip hop punk that plays hip hop basketball....and got "punked" on MTV to boot! His shooting has regressed, his defense has always been pathetic and the only pass he makes are to waitresses at the restaurants he goes to!

his shooting is his best in his career lol you ..............................

hayward sux
My post about Lebron was serious. I really think it would be entertaining, since I have no doubt some homers would try to make a case.

I would trade Hayward for LeBron.
