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GOP Debate Threads

Keep in mind, commenting "hack job" is no different from this intellectual-silencing that you appraise as a thing commonly seen in leftist circles.

The GOP is a complete cluster**** right now-- which is good. Pretty much guarantees another Dem victory :)
I'm 90% sure Hillary will be the next president.

I'm not enthusiastic, but I'm far from worried about that.

Donald Trump? That's some scary **** right there. I might become a "prepper" if Trump becomes our president.
Keep in mind, commenting "hack job" is no different from this intellectual-silencing that you appraise as a thing commonly seen in leftist circles.

The GOP is a complete cluster**** right now-- which is good. Pretty much guarantees another Dem victory :)

I realize you are not invested in this directly, but don't be so flippant about Trump losing. We have a whole hell of a lot to lose if the R party seizes control of all three offices. The entire world does; it will entirely change the world [for the worst] if one party seizes absolute power.

Srs, y'all should be whorsehiping Trump as the GOP candidate right now. As much as I'd love to see Mitt swoop in and win this bitch, it would **** up the check n balances so bad that we might not recover for 20 years.

Hillary is quailified and plenty confident. She is my dude.
I'm 90% sure Hillary will be the next president.

I'm not enthusiastic, but I'm far from worried about that.

Donald Trump? That's some scary **** right there. I might become a "prepper" if Trump becomes our president.

This is exactly how I feel. As snl hillary said "getting into bed with bernie is getting into bed with trump."
The extreme right and the extreme left are both toxic. They have extremist opinions, and they twist the words and intentions of the other side. I agree that there were some things said in the debate that do not reflect the country I want to live in (that's partly the point of having a debate so that we can flesh these things out). In some cases your characterization of what they discussed is completely different than what they actually discussed.

I also see a lot being done by the left that I strongly disagree with. The accusation that no educated person could support a republican candidate is simply an attempt by people with leftist views to silence the opinions they don't agree with. Educated people definitely can and do support the GOP.

I agree with this.

Both sides have smart people and crazy extremists. The smart people know this. The extremists only see the other extremists.
Keep in mind, commenting "hack job" is no different from this intellectual-silencing that you appraise as a thing commonly seen in leftist circles.

The GOP is a complete cluster**** right now-- which is good. Pretty much guarantees another Dem victory :)
The extreme right and the extreme left are both toxic. They have extremist opinions, and they twist the words and intentions of the other side. I agree that there were some things said in the debate that do not reflect the country I want to live in (that's partly the point of having a debate so that we can flesh these things out). In some cases your characterization of what they discussed is completely different than what they actually discussed.

I also see a lot being done by the left that I strongly disagree with. The accusation that no educated person could support a republican candidate is simply an attempt by people with leftist views to silence the opinions they don't agree with. Educated people definitely can and do support the GOP.

Yes it is the media's fault that the GOP is misunderstood. The right is always blaming the media for the crazy talk that their candidates spew on a daily basis. Whatever happened to taking personal responsibility for your own actions. In the last eight years what have the republicans done or attempted to do to help the working people of this country?
Yes it is the media's fault that the GOP is misunderstood. The right is always blaming the media for the crazy talk that their candidates spew on a daily basis. Whatever happened to taking personal responsibility for your own actions. In the last eight years what have the republicans done or attempted to do to help the working people of this country?
My post wasn't about the media. Many of the characterizations Thriller made in his post simply weren't true.
The extreme right and the extreme left are both toxic. They have extremist opinions, and they twist the words and intentions of the other side. I agree that there were some things said in the debate that do not reflect the country I want to live in (that's partly the point of having a debate so that we can flesh these things out). In some cases your characterization of what they discussed is completely different than what they actually discussed.

I also see a lot being done by the left that I strongly disagree with. The accusation that no educated person could support a republican candidate is simply an attempt by people with leftist views to silence the opinions they don't agree with. Educated people definitely can and do support the GOP.

What's the extreme left? It can be easily argued that the left has moved over to the right over the past 20 years.

I know it's hard for some to understand but contrary to what Rush says, Obama and Clinton aren't "far left." Obama would have been a moderate/left republican 20 years ago. In fact, many rating sites show Obama to be about as liberal as Nixon. Was Nixon a liberal???

One of Hillary's greatest problems is that the left doesn't like her. She's not far enough to the left. She's extremely hawkish and cozy with all street. You'd think that the "extreme left" which supposedly to you, is controlling the demos would want their front runner to be a pacifist and hammer Wall Street.

So while it's easy to see how the right has moved closer to the reich (Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and Trump). Hell, Reagan would be labeled a RINO and would be tea bagged by Trump if he were running. I'm not seeing this extreme shift of the left over to the Lenin... I mean left on the demo side.
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I realize you are not invested in this directly, but don't be so flippant about Trump losing. We have a whole hell of a lot to lose if the R party seizes control of all three offices. The entire world does; it will entirely change the world [for the worst] if one party seizes absolute power.

Srs, y'all should be whorsehiping Trump as the GOP candidate right now. As much as I'd love to see Mitt swoop in and win this bitch, it would **** up the check n balances so bad that we might not recover for 20 years.

Hillary is quailified and plenty confident. She is my dude.

I don't usually agree with Franklin. But this 100x.

I'm not sure if many people realize. A trump presidency would be like Dubya on steroids.
What's the extreme left? It can be easily argued that the left has moved over to the right over the past 20 years.

I know it's hard for some to understand but contrary to what Rush says, Obama and Clinton aren't "far left." Obama would have been a moderate/left republican 20 years ago. In fact, many rating sites show Obama to be about as liberal as Nixon. Was Nixon a liberal???

One of Hillary's greatest problems is that the left doesn't like her. She's not far enough to the left. She's extremely hawkish and cozy with all street. You'd think that the "extreme left" which supposedly to you, is controlling the demos would want their front runner to be a pacifist and hammer Wall Street.

So while it's easy to see how the right has moved closer to the reich (Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and Trump). Hell, Reagan would be labeled a RINO and would be tea bagged by Trump if he were running. I'm not seeing this extreme shift of the left over to the Lenin... I mean left on the demo side.
Obama would have been a moderate republican 20 years ago? How can you possibly believe this? It's a patently ridiculous statement.
Like I said, it might be difficult for some of you to understand.

Turn off Rush and stop watching only Fox
The reason it's difficult to understand is that the actual facts don't support it at all. Obama has a leftist community activist mentality. That has never been consistent with right wing politics, moderate or otherwise. When he was elected his wife said, "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of the United States of America." Do you honestly believe that was because he is essentially a moderate republican. When is the last time you heard a republican, moderate or otherwise, traveling around the world apologizing for the actions of America? Obama is a leftist even if the far leftists have been frustrated that he hasn't succeeded in moving the country all the way to the extremes they dream of.
The reason it's difficult to understand is that the actual facts don't support it at all. Obama has a leftist community activist mentality. That has never been consistent with right wing politics, moderate or otherwise. When he was elected his wife said, "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of the United States of America." Do you honestly believe that was because he is essentially a moderate republican. When is the last time you heard a republican, moderate or otherwise, traveling around the world apologizing for the actions of America? Obama is a leftist even if the far leftists have been frustrated that he hasn't succeeded in moving the country all the way to the extremes they dream of.

Let's look at actual policy and not rhetoric when discussing how far left obama is. In real life, Obama has been much closer politically to nixon and even reagan than to many of the democratic candidates put forward recently.

If you are paying attention to what a media personality tells you what is wrong with the way a candidate talks, and not actual policy, you will find it hard to get past the bs.

Nixons health care was far more sweeping than obamacare. Reagan era taxes were lowered at first, then raised beyond what most dems have proposed. Reagan spent more than all the presidents combined up to that point. How is that conservative? We haven't had an actual conservative or a capitalist in at least 50 years. And if you are actually comparing real data, Obama rates more conservative than most.
Let's look at actual policy and not rhetoric when discussing how far left obama is. In real life, Obama has been much closer politically to nixon and even reagan than to many of the democratic candidates put forward recently.

If you are paying attention to what a media personality tells you what is wrong with the way a candidate talks, and not actual policy, you will find it hard to get past the bs.

Nixons health care was far more sweeping than obamacare. Reagan era taxes were lowered at first, then raised beyond what most dems have proposed. Reagan spent more than all the presidents combined up to that point. How is that conservative? We haven't had an actual conservative or a capitalist in at least 50 years. And if you are actually comparing real data, Obama rates more conservative than most.
So you're rating Nixon to the left for a health care plan that he didn't pass (honestly, I didn't even know he had one but I wasn't voting age at the time), and then rating Obama to the right because the far left health care plan that he tried to implement was partially blocked by republicans? You rate Obama on what he's actually been able to get through and rate the republicans on some random comment they might have made at some point? You don't have any problems with using such a system?

Reagan was very conservative. He spent a lot on military and ended the cold war as a result. Yeah, that was costly, but for a short period of time we were in a very good place regarding world peace.

It's pretty funny that people on the left would attempt to make the argument that Obama is mid-right, but I can absolutely see why they would do it. He's been a bad president so the libs want to claim that the problem was that his policies didn't go far enough.
So you're rating Nixon to the left for a health care plan that he didn't pass (honestly, I didn't even know he had one but I wasn't voting age at the time), and then rating Obama to the right because the far left health care plan that he tried to implement was partially blocked by republicans? You rate Obama on what he's actually been able to get through and rate the republicans on some random comment they might have made at some point? You don't have any problems with using such a system?

Reagan was very conservative. He spent a lot on military and ended the cold war as a result. Yeah, that was costly, but for a short period of time we were in a very good place regarding world peace.

It's pretty funny that people on the left would attempt to make the argument that Obama is mid-right, but I can absolutely see why they would do it. He's been a bad president so the libs want to claim that the problem was that his policies didn't go far enough.

By what measure has obama been a bad president?
Here's a sampling: https://thefederalist.com/2014/09/16/10-ways-obama-has-failed-as-president/

By what measures has he been a good president?

8 of 10 of those in that article are nothing more than conjecture. Guantanamo is a problem. Russia is a problem. Those are the only two that are even remotely more than an opinion from a right wing bias.

Also, bringing up the stimulus without bringing up the previous administration in the same sentence is completely irresponsible.

The measures that have been good:

Stabilized economy, not the high growth we saw in the nineties, but not horrible.

Lower unemployment. This is a bit skewed because of workforce participation rate, but if you want a job now, you can find one. In 2009, you couldn't.

Expansion of health care coverage is a net positive for our country. Even if it takes longer than projected. It is always a good thing to reduce the amount of people who do not have access to care.

Healthcare reform like covering preexisting conditions, covering children til age 26, lower cost for women's health and maternity, are all net positives for our society.