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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

So this is a multi-response to the above reactions, all of which I find interesting, and fairly understandable, and representative of millions of other Americans in general.

So I confess I listen to a lot of people while I drive long drives. Among my favorites are Breitbart, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, two guys on latenight "Redeye Radio" from Texas, two guys on Sunday morings from I think New York, George Noury on Coast to Coast, and when I really want intelligence, Mark Levin or Roger Stone. David Webb, Andrew Willkow, and others. It is a great time to be alive.

I remember when Walter Cronkite was the high priest of American political religion, and the three mainstream news retailers and NPR were all you could ever listen to. I used to be employed by actual members of the local recruiting group of the Council of Foreign Relations, and some of my fairly close relatives were staunch Democrats whom I genuinely respected for good cause. One of my former wives was the personal secretary of the chairman of the local CFR and head of the Democratic Party. I myself have had good friends who were actual Marxist believers, though I did not smoke weed or use drugs or alcohol with them, they often discussed our company's drug policy. One such had a bad back that gave him a lot of pain and he had continual rows with management and got a lot of time off work.... Not that all commies are druggies or anything...it's just the idea that people have personal rights when dealing with oligarhal billionaires in the workplace. I criticized the union representation then because they were mere prostitutes for management who always somehow managed to secure less for their members than management was offering before the strike, and such.....

My wife loved Rush Limbaugh sooooo much when he finally broke the ice on free poltical speech in this country, she couldn't help herself from planting a big kiss on his pudgy cheeks. She is a staunch Republican who has held posts in county and state party organization.

I love the LaRouche culties and read all their stuff, and I even read stuff in Jazz Fanz Community when offered.

I think my critics would do a service to up their game and actually deal with the perceptions that are gaining ground in the American public mind. I mean, do more that the standard demonization, flat out ridicule, and gasps of horror, and actually deal with the information and logical belief systems presented by your opponents, even if you don't like them.
I think my critics would do a service to deal with the information and logical belief systems presented by your opponents, even if you don't like them.

I think most people here do and some do a good job of it. Although I think you are of the perception that you are the one providing information or logical belief. Conspiracy theories with no proof or backing that are just made up opinions you are repeating after hearing them don't fit into that, sorry.

Maybe I'm just reading the wrong posts from you though. I only occasionally read more than the first sentence of yours to see if there is any real substance.
I have a feeling Babe has been listening to this 'Alex Jones' character a bit too much? Babe mentioned him quite a few times that he agrees with his views, etc, but I've never listened to him.

Is anyone else here a fan of his show? What's he like?

Ahh, the gay frog guy.


No, I wouldn't recommend him to anyone. And I feel pretty safe extending that to the rest of Babe's reading/listening list as well.
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I have a feeling Babe has been listening to this 'Alex Jones' character a bit too much? Babe mentioned him quite a few times that he agrees with his views, etc, but I've never listened to him.

Is anyone else here a fan of his show? What's he like?
Alex Jones is the nut behind Infowars. Google any crazy right-wing conspiracy theory over the last ten years and Jones has likely supported it or claimed to believe it. I say claimed because it’s all just for show. Jones is a fraud, a self-admitted performance artist who says his rants on Infowars should not be taken seriously. Problem is, millions of people do take him seriously, including the current president.
Babe has lost it
Gotta have it to lose it...

He did have it, he was very reasonable and an impartial poster 3-4 years back. Very pleasant to talk to and chat with about life, etc. He's changed quite a bit since the Trump/Hillary election. Not sure why though.
He did have it, he was very reasonable and an impartial poster 3-4 years back. Very pleasant to talk to and chat with about life, etc. He's changed quite a bit since the Trump/Hillary election. Not sure why though.

Used to be some real conservatives in here, but they've all gagged on the "reasonable" stuff the "in-crowd" seems to believe is beyond dispute.

Look, folks, it's just a sort of personal attack to post replies about my mental health or call everybody on the other side nutjobs. You need to take a specific point and figure out what is being believed by the other side and try to discuss it reasonably.

Probably Jason and Colton would agree with the general consensus you promote, but even they cannot discuss the issues which your general lack of education forces you to reduce to name calling.

reportedly, the CIA was the originator of the term "conspiracy theorist". It has been used extensively by many mainstream politiciabs and news agencies over the years to repudiate not only the truly bizarre but the facts of some matters.

I think David Rockefeller took the UN and the New World Order and general oligarchal scheme of governance that dominates most countries even this one off the "conspiracy theorist" list when he thanked the media for their essential cooperation, and published his book bragging about it all. The book "Tragedy and Hope" also has to be recognized as quite impressively factual.

How any reasonable person can deny the US/Brit political alliance since the days of US Grant's Presidency is pretty laughable, and to deny that American Presidents have since WWII... you know, guys, ever hear of the "Allies" or meetings of FDR/Churchill/Stalin to develop strategies..... er.... well by today's standards of usage... "collusion". But button-holing big shots and asking for favors and cooperation is a long way from making voters vote their way. Our own media has been practicing "collusion" to promote their favored candidates for at least 170 years, probably since Andrew Jackson. But the way our elections work, whoever is trying to influence us, we do get to go cast the damn votes. There might be some voter fraud, but I believe we are divided about 50-50 over a lot of things, and our elections come out about where I think we are. So we might as well just accept the election results, folks. We did the voting.

In the context of the UN and general world cooperation across all the political divides, high-level contacts is just part of the general "intelligence gathering surveillance" any politician needs to conduct personally. That's why Presidents attend various "summits" and go on visits to one another. There's always the element of seeking information vital to decisions.

I don't think Russia has failed to meddle in US elections since Lenin. They just haven't been the ones who count the votes here, yet. The Czars also meddled in US politics. They sold us Alaska for God's sake. They helped us fight the British in two wars.... the Revolutionary and War of 1812, and they helped interfere with the British supply ships heading for Southern ports during the Civil War. Even though the Czars were part of the general intermixture of royal ties prevailing in Europe, they generally allied with France or anyone having a dispute with Britain. We could make great allies of the Russians and just worry the Brits silly.

I also do not believe for an instant the United States has failed to meddle in any other nation on the face of the planet. Both US political parties have devoted millions of dollars in Philippine elections since "Independence" was granted after WWII. The Rockefellers got Marcos elected, the Dems got Aquino elected.... don't know about recent years, but I'm sure the show does go on.

I don't know everything about people like Jared Kushner, Roger Stone, or some others who've been on more of the inside loop with Trump. Some wacko conservatives believe Jared Kushner is an Israeli spy... who knows. One the more important friends I really do suspect of having involvement with the Russians.... well, actually it's right out there undenied in the open.... is Trumps "friends" who used to pal around with him on occasion, whom he even called to discuss his bid for the Presidency before he announced it.... and that is Bill and Hillary Clinton. Trump even went, hat in hand, to visit the current chief of the CFR to discuss his candidacy before announcing it. His problem? He just didn't need anyone to buy him outright. Apparently, the "Establishment" can't live with that sort of a President.

I don't believe Trump is a simple-minded Patriot by any means, but this witch-hunt to hound him outa office is a serious departure from civility in US politics. It will break up both political parties and produce unnecessary bloodshed among Americans, for no good reason.

So far as I'm concerned, if you're really an "American" you'll think it over and get outta the issue, and write your representatives in government and ask them to put an end to it. Trump won the election. We have survived a lot of Presidents, and we will get to vote about it again inside 4 years.
This is the big problem. ****ty news groups like Fox news, breitbart news and so forth have convinced people (including our President) that all other sources of media are liars and bad. They stopped trusting good news and rely on crap news with no integrity.

Also funny that people think of Fox as alternative news when it is as main stream as you can get. They are the most watched news in the US. O'Reilly was the most watched cable news show until that ended. It is quite sad. Especially when there is good quality news out there.

never said fox is alternative.

almost never check out breitbart news.
only show i watch from fox is tucker carlson tonight, but that's not really a news show

dont assume bro
I have a feeling Babe has been listening to this 'Alex Jones' character a bit too much? Babe mentioned him quite a few times that he agrees with his views, etc, but I've never listened to him.

Is anyone else here a fan of his show? What's he like?

sometimes i listen to him!

you gotta know how to listen to him!

he takes a truth and exaggerates stuff around it! it is entertaining
Ahh, the gay frog guy.


No, I wouldn't recommend him to anyone. And I feel pretty safe extending that to the rest of Babe's reading/listening list as well.

semes he was right about that, or at least a well respected natur amagazine forgot which one also ran an article on animals turning gay
The New York Times is citing a document that summarizes Trump's meeting with the Russian ambassador and foreign minister for the following quote:

“I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

In the meantime, the Washington Post is reporting that a current White House official is now "a person of significant interest" in the investigation of possible coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians:


Are there any actual facts ? All i've been reading for months now is "possible" "perhaps" "suspected" russian hacks blah blah blah.
Are there any actual facts ? All i've been reading for months now is "possible" "perhaps" "suspected" russian hacks blah blah blah.

ofcourse their are no facts, the democrats just want something to blame their loss on!

and russia has become the new buzzword to shut your political opponent down

after racist, sexist, bigot, nationalsozialismus, homophobe among other sdont work anymore!
they see legally russia works
ofcourse their are no facts, the democrats just want something to blame their loss on!

and russia has become the new buzzword to shut your political opponent down

after racist, sexist, bigot, nationalsozialismus, homophobe among other sdont work anymore!
they see legally russia works

For 8 years all we heard about was a baeless accusation that because president obama was black he must've been from Africa. It was some of the ugliest racism I've seen in my lifetime. Prior to that, all we heard for 8 years was that Iraq had wmds. Thousands of innocent people have paid for that mistake, with their lives. Until you mindless right wing drones apologize for those last 2 blatant lies, you have no moral grounds to accuse others for making baseless fact-free claims.
For 8 years all we heard about was a baeless accusation that because president obama was black he must've been from Africa. It was some of the ugliest racism I've seen in my lifetime. Prior to that, all we heard for 8 years was that Iraq had wmds. Thousands of innocent people have paid for that mistake, with their lives. Until you mindless right wing drones apologize for those last 2 blatant lies, you have no moral grounds to accuse others for making baseless fact-free claims.

omg racism!

well i'm a loud and proud racist!

yelling racism to the opponents doesn't work anymore bro!

call me a russian!