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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

there is more evidence, that the dnc hacker is a well known Russian who's name is Seth rich. who got murdered by the dnc! did i say russian, ooh wait no he is american patrio

there is more evidence that he got murdered because he leaked the emails to wikileaks, because of how bernie saunders got treated! yet the democrats and media are doing a classic kansas shuffle, making you guys look at this russia thing which there i 0 evidence for. while there is mountains of evidence on seth rich
there is more evidence, that the dnc hacker is a well known Russian who's name is Seth rich. who got murdered by the dnc! did i say russian, ooh wait no he is american patrio

there is more evidence that he got murdered because he leaked the emails to wikileaks, because of how bernie saunders got treated! yet the democrats and media are doing a classic kansas shuffle, making you guys look at this russia thing which there i 0 evidence for. while there is mountains of evidence on seth rich
i know some of you hate fox.
i only watch tucker Carlson since about September last year, i stopped watching fox!
but this is fair and balanced by left wing lawyer and civil libertarian allan derschowitch who voted for clinton

Are there any actual facts ? All i've been reading for months now is "possible" "perhaps" "suspected" russian hacks blah blah blah.

Well, there are "revelations", in the form of leaks, and possibly a "Deep Throat" style source or sources from within the White House as the source of the most recent leaks. But, to answer your question, I believe it will be up to the Special Council to sort it out, and that will take time. Also, Comey is now scheduled to testify publicly to the Senate sometime after Memorial Day, assuming Mueller is fine with that. NBC News last night stated it had confirmed the Washington Post story that a current White House official, described as being close to Trump, is now considered to be a person of interest, specific to claims of collusion with the Russian effort to interfere with the 2016 election. Obviously, Americans are polarized, and I fully expect some to see all these leaks published by investigative journalists as simply "fake news", without factual basis.
there is more evidence, that the dnc hacker is a well known Russian who's name is Seth rich. who got murdered by the dnc! did i say russian, ooh wait no he is american patrio

there is more evidence that he got murdered because he leaked the emails to wikileaks, because of how bernie saunders got treated! yet the democrats and media are doing a classic kansas shuffle, making you guys look at this russia thing which there i 0 evidence for. while there is mountains of evidence on seth rich

We believe what we want to believe, brother. And find any and all means to justify it. There is, therefore, no surprise, another side to that story:


As an aside, I would much rather have that Deep Throat or throats source within the White House providing good info to good and aggressive investigative journalists, then see that info kept under wraps for the benefit of those who have demonstrated an inability to handle the truth, and an habitual tendency of crying "fake news" every time the facts prove inconvenient to them.
So this is a multi-response to the above reactions, all of which I find interesting, and fairly understandable, and representative of millions of other Americans in general.

So I confess I listen to a lot of people while I drive long drives. Among my favorites are Breitbart, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, two guys on latenight "Redeye Radio" from Texas, two guys on Sunday morings from I think New York, George Noury on Coast to Coast, and when I really want intelligence, Mark Levin or Roger Stone. David Webb, Andrew Willkow, and others. It is a great time to be alive.

I remember when Walter Cronkite was the high priest of American political religion, and the three mainstream news retailers and NPR were all you could ever listen to. I used to be employed by actual members of the local recruiting group of the Council of Foreign Relations, and some of my fairly close relatives were staunch Democrats whom I genuinely respected for good cause. One of my former wives was the personal secretary of the chairman of the local CFR and head of the Democratic Party. I myself have had good friends who were actual Marxist believers, though I did not smoke weed or use drugs or alcohol with them, they often discussed our company's drug policy. One such had a bad back that gave him a lot of pain and he had continual rows with management and got a lot of time off work.... Not that all commies are druggies or anything...it's just the idea that people have personal rights when dealing with oligarhal billionaires in the workplace. I criticized the union representation then because they were mere prostitutes for management who always somehow managed to secure less for their members than management was offering before the strike, and such.....

My wife loved Rush Limbaugh sooooo much when he finally broke the ice on free poltical speech in this country, she couldn't help herself from planting a big kiss on his pudgy cheeks. She is a staunch Republican who has held posts in county and state party organization.

I love the LaRouche culties and read all their stuff, and I even read stuff in Jazz Fanz Community when offered.

I think my critics would do a service to up their game and actually deal with the perceptions that are gaining ground in the American public mind. I mean, do more that the standard demonization, flat out ridicule, and gasps of horror, and actually deal with the information and logical belief systems presented by your opponents, even if you don't like them.

My wife likes the Coast to Coast website, as she enjoys reading up on anomalous phenomena, as do I. We actually met in the UFO section of a local bookstore, as we both have a life long interest in the subject. I don't myself visit Coast to Coast much, and for the type of stories involved, I like The Daily Grail most of all. Besides the usual off beat topics, the publisher there keeps track of "outside the box" thinking in science, especially physics. Being a Fortean by temperament, I have always enjoyed the anomalous and thinking outside the box.

Now, I'll let you know something. Two nights ago, I sat down and said "what do I truly feel about babe and his ideas? Can I put it into words that will represent my honest and heartfelt opinion? I need to do this, because I have tried so very hard to understand him, and I know I cannot keep up with the directions he goes in at times, and I want to be better able to provide a truly honest answer to his comments, and not just wing it off the top of my head. Maybe I owe it to him; I know I owe it to myself."

So, that's what I did, and I said, "well, I'm not going to post this, but it does help clarify my own thoughts re babe, and I really needed to do that, and perhaps if he replies to me next time, maybe it will be a good time to post this". So, that's what I did with my last long reply to you. It's what I wrote 2 nights ago, and is as honest and heartfelt an opinion as I could come up with. I believe in what I wrote, and it's not likely I would decide I need to dismiss it as off base. I cannot support your points of view, but if I ever gave the impression that I don't respect you, that is simply not the case. But I wanted you to know what arises in my own mind as a result of reading many of your comments, almost all related to our nation's most recent history, and the state of the world today.
I had to put Douchejazzer on my ignore list. Couldn't take it anymore.
Babe, in all honesty, I can't begin to understand your world view. It just appears that you've taken a degree of paranoia, there's that word again, and I don't mean it in the sense "people are strange when you're a stranger" paranoia that Jim Morrison captured perfectly in that song, and the tone and menace of that song, and that is often an image conjured by many, in so many words, when that word is used. But I do mean that there is an intellectual paranoia, because the world's history, and the present era, is overlain with a menacing narrative that sees dark and sinister plots behind the consensus reality, a consensus reality that is nothing but a con, a new opiate for the masses, administered by global elites, but that a new populism is going to, not try, it's going to, and here in America in the person of Trump, overturn, and somehow create a better world.

This may as well be a science fiction or fantasy fiction plot in some side bar of the Star Wars genre, with this world view being the minor narrative of Earth in that larger battle against the Darth Vader's of history. It just seems to me that the world view is more an exponent of a specie of paranoia then a genuine factual interpretation of the world today, or America specifically. I realize there is a populist tectonic shift in the West's heart and soul. But the intellectual underpinnings of that movement reveal a certain dis-ease to my eyes, and that tells me it's a symptom of something, not a solution to anything. This is a form of extremism. It's also a narrative, and I'm in learning mode these days for sure, seeing the many narratives that propel humans.

Everybody has a narrative. Everybody has a story to tell. I give you all the credit in the world for your creation, and I realize it's not your's alone, but yet it is, because I believe you infuse a degree of vision and passion that is your's alone, and that propels you to believe you really do have it figured out while others do not. I believe you do give voice to that tectonic shift I referenced, I give you all the credit for being a voice to this narrative and interpretation of history, but for myself the whole movement is a train wreck, a "going off the rails" of the Western mind and heart that I can only witness from outside it. And judge it to be a symptom of something, a dis-ease, and not rooted in Truth.

My heart says this is not rooted in Truth. But this is happening in my time and place, and this guy babe does give voice, to some degree. He's got this narrative down solid. But, then he spills the beans, and makes Trump a good thing in the making, and a fatal flaw appears. Because Trump is a distillation of an America, the ugly American to the power of ten, that America and the world could best do without. But now I'm trending into some minor facet of my narrative, and I'm still attempting to find a clarity of vision. But this is a great time to be alive. It really does seem to be a great turning, shades of Steve Bannon, yikes.

Nailed it. Well done.
For 8 years all we heard about was a baeless accusation that because president obama was black he must've been from Africa. It was some of the ugliest racism I've seen in my lifetime. Prior to that, all we heard for 8 years was that Iraq had wmds. Thousands of innocent people have paid for that mistake, with their lives. Until you mindless right wing drones apologize for those last 2 blatant lies, you have no moral grounds to accuse others for making baseless fact-free claims.

There were far more reasons that WMDs cited in the Iraq Resolution. For years we have heard the cherry-picked "facts" of both ends of the spectrum. I wonder when reality gets its chance to be heard.

The resolution cited many factors as justifying the use of military force against Iraq:[3][4]

Iraq's noncompliance with the conditions of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, including interference with U.N. weapons inspectors.
Iraq "continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability" and "actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability" posed a "threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region."
Iraq's "brutal repression of its civilian population."
Iraq's "capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people".
Iraq's hostility towards the United States as demonstrated by the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush and firing on coalition aircraft enforcing the no-fly zones following the 1991 Gulf War.
Members of al-Qaeda, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq.
Iraq's "continu[ing] to aid and harbor other international terrorist organizations," including anti-United States terrorist organizations.
Iraq paid bounty to families of suicide bombers.
The efforts by the Congress and the President to fight terrorists, and those who aided or harbored them.
The authorization by the Constitution and the Congress for the President to fight anti-United States terrorism.
The governments in Turkey, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia feared Saddam and wanted him removed from power.
Citing the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, the resolution reiterated that it should be the policy of the United States to remove the Saddam Hussein regime and promote a democratic replacement.
The resolution "supported" and "encouraged" diplomatic efforts by President George W. Bush to "strictly enforce through the U.N. Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq" and "obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion, and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq."

The resolution authorized President Bush to use the Armed Forces of the United States "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate" in order to "defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq."

When are the mindless left wing drones going to apologize for their lies? Man your blinders-on approach is more of a caricature than just about anyone else on here.
There were far more reasons that WMDs cited in the Iraq Resolution. For years we have heard the cherry-picked "facts" of both ends of the spectrum. I wonder when reality gets its chance to be heard.

When are the mindless left wing drones going to apologize for their lies? Man your blinders-on approach is more of a caricature than just about anyone else on here.

Yep. The authorization to use force was a mistake. But at that time no one in America could question the order or else they'd be depicted as "soft on terrorism." Remember how incensed right wing drones became over France and Germany? Calling French fries "freedumb" fries?

Do you remember who Hans Blix was? Here, let me educate you. If saddam really was interfering with the weapons inspectors and if they really had restarted their weapons program, why did UN weapons inspectors say this:

Since we arrived in Iraq, we have conducted more than 400 inspections covering more than 300 sites. All inspections were performed without notice, and access was almost always provided promptly. In no case have we seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance that the inspectors were coming.


In my 27 January update to the Council, I said that it seemed from our experience that Iraq had decided in principle to provide cooperation on process, most importantly prompt access to all sites and assistance to UNMOVIC in the establishment of the necessary infrastructure. This impression remains, and we note that access to sites has so far been without problems, including those that had never been declared or inspected, as well as to Presidential sites and private residences.

How much, if any, is left of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and related proscribed items and programmes? So far, UNMOVIC has not found any such weapons, only a small number of empty chemical munitions, which should have been declared and destroyed

So not only was Iraq cooperating but weapons inspectors weren't finding any evidence of a continued Iraq wmd program.


Not only that, but our very ambassador called the "yellow cake" evidence that the Bush regime relied so heavily? Remember Ambassador Wilson? Here, let me educate you. Here's how he described it:

Did the Bush administration manipulate intelligence about Saddam Hussein's weapons programs to justify an invasion of Iraq?

Based on my experience with the administration in the months leading up to the war, I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.


I wish mindless right wing drones would learn history instead of attempting to rewrite it. Squirm LG squirm. You might be able to bully a few teenage boys on Facebook with your nonsense posts. But you're dealing with the big leagues here. People who study and teach history and economics for a living easily debunk your pathetic fact free posts. It's funny how those who know the least tend to speak the most. Such a tendency is prone among those ignorant. Just look at the right's champion, Donald Trump, snow flake of the ignorant in this country. He keeps lying and when fact checkers call him out he whines. And that whining is followed with the whine from his cult following.

But go ahead, continue to whine about the mean media and how persecuted you deplorables are. Keep cryin LG. In a few months you'll be able to cry about how the mean media and mean academics forced the house to initiate impeachment proceedings.
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Yep. The authorization to use force was a mistake. But at that time no one in America could question the order or else they'd be depicted as "soft on terrorism." Remember how incensed right wing drones became over France and Germany? Calling French fries "freedumb" fries?

Do you remember who Hans Blix was? Here, let me educate you. If saddam really was interfering with the weapons inspectors and if they really had restarted their weapons program, why did UN weapons inspectors say this:


So not only was Iraq cooperating but weapons inspectors weren't finding any evidence of a continued Iraq wmd program.


Not only that, but our very ambassador called the "yellow cake" evidence that the Bush regime relied so heavily? Remember Ambassador Wilson? Here, let me educate you. Here's how he described it:


I wish mindless right wing drones would learn history instead of attempting to rewrite it. Squirm LG squirm. You might be able to bully a few teenage boys on Facebook with your nonsense posts. But you're dealing with the big leagues here. People who study and teach history and economics for a living easily debunk your pathetic fact free posts. It's funny how those who know the least tend to speak the most. Such a tendency is prone among those ignorant. Just look at the right's champion, Donald Trump, snow flake of the ignorant in this country. He keeps lying and when fact checkers call him out he whines. And that whining is followed with the whine from his cult following.

But go ahead, continue to whine about the mean media and how persecuted you deplorables are. Keep cryin LG. In a few months you'll be able to cry about how the mean media and mean academics forced the house to initiate impeachment proceedings.

blah blah blha

please own up that you got pwned twice by donald!

hahahah isis attacks donald fiddles :p he then proceeds to drop a hot sticky load on isis!

so please mr @thriller learn recent history and eat crow for that!

and i know history!
Yep. The authorization to use force was a mistake. But at that time no one in America could question the order or else they'd be depicted as "soft on terrorism." Remember how incensed right wing drones became over France and Germany? Calling French fries "freedumb" fries?

Do you remember who Hans Blix was? Here, let me educate you. If saddam really was interfering with the weapons inspectors and if they really had restarted their weapons program, why did UN weapons inspectors say this:


So not only was Iraq cooperating but weapons inspectors weren't finding any evidence of a continued Iraq wmd program.


Not only that, but our very ambassador called the "yellow cake" evidence that the Bush regime relied so heavily? Remember Ambassador Wilson? Here, let me educate you. Here's how he described it:


I wish mindless right wing drones would learn history instead of attempting to rewrite it. Squirm LG squirm. You might be able to bully a few teenage boys on Facebook with your nonsense posts. But you're dealing with the big leagues here. People who study and teach history and economics for a living easily debunk your pathetic fact free posts. It's funny how those who know the least tend to speak the most. Such a tendency is prone among those ignorant. Just look at the right's champion, Donald Trump, snow flake of the ignorant in this country. He keeps lying and when fact checkers call him out he whines. And that whining is followed with the whine from his cult following.

But go ahead, continue to whine about the mean media and how persecuted you deplorables are. Keep cryin LG. In a few months you'll be able to cry about how the mean media and mean academics forced the house to initiate impeachment proceedings.

'Nuff highlighted.
Yep. The authorization to use force was a mistake. But at that time no one in America could question the order or else they'd be depicted as "soft on terrorism." Remember how incensed right wing drones became over France and Germany? Calling French fries "freedumb" fries?

Do you remember who Hans Blix was? Here, let me educate you. If saddam really was interfering with the weapons inspectors and if they really had restarted their weapons program, why did UN weapons inspectors say this:


So not only was Iraq cooperating but weapons inspectors weren't finding any evidence of a continued Iraq wmd program.


Not only that, but our very ambassador called the "yellow cake" evidence that the Bush regime relied so heavily? Remember Ambassador Wilson? Here, let me educate you. Here's how he described it:


I wish mindless right wing drones would learn history instead of attempting to rewrite it. Squirm LG squirm. You might be able to bully a few teenage boys on Facebook with your nonsense posts. But you're dealing with the big leagues here. People who study and teach history and economics for a living easily debunk your pathetic fact free posts. It's funny how those who know the least tend to speak the most. Such a tendency is prone among those ignorant. Just look at the right's champion, Donald Trump, snow flake of the ignorant in this country. He keeps lying and when fact checkers call him out he whines. And that whining is followed with the whine from his cult following.

But go ahead, continue to whine about the mean media and how persecuted you deplorables are. Keep cryin LG. In a few months you'll be able to cry about how the mean media and mean academics forced the house to initiate impeachment proceedings.

So to go one step further, please post every post of mine defending Trump. I'll wait....

I started the thread wondering if Pence would be better or worse than Trump. Because it is a serious question. Where did I ever "whine" about anything? You are seriously the most delusional poster on JF and that is saying something.

I think you are crazy for wanting Trump impeached, not because he doesn't deserve it, but because Pence will probably be WAY WAY WAY worse for the liberal agenda, since he actually commands respect among conservatives and could get real change pushed through the legislature that could put this country back decades. But you keep spouting the DNC talking points, re-write this "history" you claim to know so much of, and keep waving that liberal flag. Foaming at the mouth is always such a convincing tactic.

I am seriously aghast that you have any impact at all on shaping the minds of the future. Such closed-mindedness, such heavy bias, such rabid frothing at the mouth about all things conservative. I have a hard time believing at times you are a real person. I have met few people with such blind hatred of their "enemies", and such blind belief in their religion.
There were far more reasons that WMDs cited in the Iraq Resolution. For years we have heard the cherry-picked "facts" of both ends of the spectrum. I wonder when reality gets its chance to be heard.

When are the mindless left wing drones going to apologize for their lies? Man your blinders-on approach is more of a caricature than just about anyone else on here.

Serious question LG, would you give your kids life for any of the reasons you cited?
So to go one step further, please post every post of mine defending Trump. I'll wait....

I started the thread wondering if Pence would be better or worse than Trump. Because it is a serious question. Where did I ever "whine" about anything? You are seriously the most delusional poster on JF and that is saying something.

I think you are crazy for wanting Trump impeached, not because he doesn't deserve it, but because Pence will probably be WAY WAY WAY worse for the liberal agenda, since he actually commands respect among conservatives and could get real change pushed through the legislature that could put this country back decades. But you keep spouting the DNC talking points, re-write this "history" you claim to know so much of, and keep waving that liberal flag. Foaming at the mouth is always such a convincing tactic.

I am seriously aghast that you have any impact at all on shaping the minds of the future. Such closed-mindedness, such heavy bias, such rabid frothing at the mouth about all things conservative. I have a hard time believing at times you are a real person. I have met few people with such blind hatred of their "enemies", and such blind belief in their religion.

Keep the personal attacks coming! When you do this rather than refute my posts with facts, it makes my victory all the more sweeter.
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I think you are crazy for wanting Trump impeached, not because he doesn't deserve it, but because Pence will probably be WAY WAY WAY worse for the liberal agenda, since he actually commands respect among conservatives and could get real change pushed through the legislature that could put this country back decades. But you keep spouting the DNC talking points, re-write this "history" you claim to know so much of, and keep waving that liberal flag. Foaming at the mouth is always such a convincing tactic.

If partisan politics was my top priority, then yes, I'd love to see trump remain a noose around the GOP's neck for 4 years. But I want what's best for the country. Pence is the superior politician to trump, for sure. But trump is such a nonsensical and dangerous figure that I want him out of the picture asap. Colluding with the Russians to subvert our democracy cannot stand. We'll take him out soon enough. Donald's fat *** mouth and twitter only speeds up the process.

Standing up for free and independent elections shouldn't be a partisan issue. The mere fact that you're attempting to make it partisan says a hell of a lot more about you than me.
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My wife likes the Coast to Coast website, as she enjoys reading up on anomalous phenomena, as do I. We actually met in the UFO section of a local bookstore, as we both have a life long interest in the subject. I don't myself visit Coast to Coast much, and for the type of stories involved, I like The Daily Grail most of all. Besides the usual off beat topics, the publisher there keeps track of "outside the box" thinking in science, especially physics. Being a Fortean by temperament, I have always enjoyed the anomalous and thinking outside the box.

Now, I'll let you know something. Two nights ago, I sat down and said "what do I truly feel about babe and his ideas? Can I put it into words that will represent my honest and heartfelt opinion? I need to do this, because I have tried so very hard to understand him, and I know I cannot keep up with the directions he goes in at times, and I want to be better able to provide a truly honest answer to his comments, and not just wing it off the top of my head. Maybe I owe it to him; I know I owe it to myself."

So, that's what I did, and I said, "well, I'm not going to post this, but it does help clarify my own thoughts re babe, and I really needed to do that, and perhaps if he replies to me next time, maybe it will be a good time to post this". So, that's what I did with my last long reply to you. It's what I wrote 2 nights ago, and is as honest and heartfelt an opinion as I could come up with. I believe in what I wrote, and it's not likely I would decide I need to dismiss it as off base. I cannot support your points of view, but if I ever gave the impression that I don't respect you, that is simply not the case. But I wanted you to know what arises in my own mind as a result of reading many of your comments, almost all related to our nation's most recent history, and the state of the world today.

Education, as most people consider it, consists of imposing an imagined reality on the world, and believing it.

Some people let teachers, professors, or other esteemed authorities provide that imagined reality for them.

I produce my own.

And don't consider them "settled science".
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OK, the absolute true notion of education consists of bringing out the best we are capable of, in terms of what may be considered "best" by various "educators", whatever that may be.

I would argue that I have been what I am since before I was born. Well, I do remember being less than two years old. People called me babe even then. After all my casting about for understanding, I ultimately have "come home" to the original.

I hated the UN when I was seven years old, I knew those weekly reader sheets were propaganda. I didn't look to the teacher for my world view, I looked out the window and studied the mountains. I did like the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Lord's Prayer. I fell in love when I was five, and have never really been out of love ever. My beautiful 4th cousin with brown eyes and jet black hair got sick and I was told "lost her voice". I went to the barn and bawled and prayed God give her voice back. In just one week that prayer was answered, and I've never doubted prayer since.

When I learned to read, about two years behind the curve, I found a set of historical biographies of famous Americans. I read them all. I knew then why America was great. It was because the other countries were not, yes. But more than that, people did not have a chance in the old countries because they had no access to resources. Americans could wander out into the forests and find a nice stream, build a cabin, and kill a bear for a nice winter robe. In Europe you had to huddle outside the castle walls and beg a little bread. People are still coming here looking for a chance to live a better life.

The only reason we have a better life is because we have more freedom. Now our "liberals" want to take all that away, and make us huddle outside guvmint offices and beg, and make all the rules they want about what we can say and do, and keep us from wandering out into the "King's Forest". The liberals might let you farm like the bigshots used to let sharecroppers wear rags and slog around in the mud and wear their fingers to the bone with no real tools to try to grow stuff, but like the land barons of all history, they want more than half of what you produce, so they can live like bigshots.

Liberals are not liberal, they lie and pretend they are good, and kind, and whatever else they need to claim. They are all about control, slavery, and themselves. When I was a child, they were called fascists, and they still are, even if they try to tell you you're a bad person to use words for what they mean.

Life is good when you can love a pretty girl, do the work you want using the stuff around you, and keep the harvest.

I want my country back.

These ideas are not populism, they are the root of every nation that ever prospered, and when ever people forgot them, they went into slavery again. This is the root notion of human rights and human liberty.

Liberals ought to get off their blind arrogant high horses and just let people live free.

Trump is not a populist, he is another liberal who is just tired of other liberal stooges getting in his way. Like a bull in a china shop, he's bound to upset the established comfortable ways of government a little.... but can do very little, really. Because once upon a time, some folks designed a government that was supposed to limit the arrogance of power.

It will take a long time to unwind the ball of yarn the liberals have tied up in knots in the name of "guvmint", but it is a job people will ultimately have to do if they are determined to live free. Just gotta let people get free enough to live without so much guvmint, and re-learn the basics of self-reliance.

It might take a lifetime, but that is just what we have, and that is just what we have to do.