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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

Yet by permitting Donald to remain, what will happen to the government of our country? What kind of precedence are we setting by allowing Donald to remain? Should we just get rid of all checks and balances? Merge the 3 into a one branch dictatorship that can legislate, judge, and enforce all laws and fire/imprison anyone who stands in its way.

Donald is the antithesis to democratic rule. He needs to go and Russia's interference be punished.

lol donald has way much support than you think.

so far only evidence against donald of wrong doing has been grab em by the ****
he has been extremely vetted by everyone and worst evidence found so far is a tape saying grab em by the ****

he has way much support. twitter is manually removing trending hashtags from the trending list. mas shadow banning conservatives and trump supporters! you fail to see that the other side is just as big as your side!

even thought the election has been won

Can you imagine what those big city liberal riots would have done had Obama been impeached? This country would still be on fire!

i remember the anti Obama riots the tea party had, the stuff they put on fire, and the shops they looted

ooh wait those are left wing riots against democratically chosen trump!
That's actually a nice post, babe. It tells me more about who you are, what your background is, what made you believe what you believe, etc.

The problem is I don't know if you're still stuck in the past a bit too much? Has the world not evolved? Europe (and the world) is not what it's used to be - it has evolved too. I don't know if words like 'old countries' or 'King's forest' applies anymore. If anything it's the big corporations we need to worry about - aren't they the ones having the most power to affect politics and such? Aren't they the ones dictating our choices without us thinking that they are?

You want to fall in love with the 'pretty girl' - well you can still do that, can't you? You want to 'keep your harvest' - and yet you enjoy the roads, and the security of the police and the courts, and the school system the government provides - I mean you can't have it both ways.

even if I consider Solomon a statist and an "elitist" to the bone.... Solomon did make the case, and his example proves it as well....

"There is nothing new under the sun: The thing which has been is the thing which shall be." For all our self-important swagger and sauce, we are not much different from other times in history.

You exemplify the case. You deny the reality of "The King's Forest" even while the royal consort Prince Phillip heads the WWF and leads the UN-sanctioned push to retire much of planet earth as "wilderness" or "protected areas". There is no pretext imaginable that is not pressed to the cause, from ancient campsites through endangered species all the way to Military Bombing Ranges..... If anything can justify removing humans from the landscape there be no need to question the cause.

The United States started its "King's Forest" in the late nineteenth century by employing the King's forester direct from the British colonial India.... Our BLM was created on the advice of an English-educated intellectual "explorer" named John Wesley Powell who first recommended that the arid West was unsuitable for homesteading, a patent lie. The issue was the economic size of "homesteads". Ranchers in the West need several thousand acres in the worst cases, but they were perfectly able to manage on an appropriate scale, even with only well water.

Sure a lot of intellectual hogwash fills the gutters around our universities with all the know-nothing profs claiming some better vision for the world, but when in the long run it means reducing the populace to serfs, it's a bogus "reality".

If any real expert has a better way to do things, he doesn't need a government agency to manage things. All he needs is a printing press or a radio talk show or TV spot. If he makes any sense, a lot of people will listen.

I've heard the reasoning a thousand times, and it just isn't true. People can always do better with what is in their own hands than any government manager can do. A person on the ground, so to speak, sees things better than a bureaucrat lounging behind a desk in a dark room.

You also suffer from being fundamentally deceived by those "corporations" you're willing to decry, but not willing to scrutinize. Our corporate interests are pretty subtle manipulators, what with all the cash distributed in the elections and congressional lobbyist roosts. Pretty sure it works the same in Kiwiland.

It is those interests that actually promote most conservation types of groups/NGOs, and government regulations. At least the really big ones, the ones with cartel scope and power. They use guvmint bureaucracy to make competition give up. Sometimes they out-right own the agencies, like our FDA with their revolving-door agency/corporate personnel, or the EPA which sits on little mining upstarts and swill the spiked punch at posh summits with the likes of Rio Tinto execs.

I could tell you personally about a billionaire who paid off some BLM folks to file a billion dollar lawsuit against him while he took a company through bankruptcy, shedding hundreds of millions of dollars in legal obligations due his creditors. With that lawsuit hanging over him, he let his company go up for auction to satisfy his creditors, and when no one bid anything, he had his other company make an offer for a pittance. Less than a penny on the dollar. And when the deal was done, and the dust settled, the BLM withdrew its lawsuit and the billionaire walked off with everything. The creditors could hardly pay their lawyers with what they got.

Our big government, and the UN is wholly-owned and operated for such "elites". And that is why any fool who thinks saving the owls is more important than the lumber industry is just silly stupid. The lumber companies own huge forests outright in Minnesota and Georgia and thereabouts. The little lumber companies are the ones who harvest the Western public forests in some manner under government regulation. Every little tree-hugger protesting cutting down a tree in the Redwoods of California is a stooge for Weyherhauser and Georgia Pacific.
All he does is help shut down the competition and support high lumber prices.

The Rockefellers from John D. Rockefeller have been masters of this racket. Government influence is a very lucrative art for the biggest players. That's why they want a world government with no elected representatives, yo.
Liberals are not liberal, they lie and pretend they are good, and kind, and whatever else they need to claim. They are all about control, slavery, and themselves. When I was a child, they were called fascists, and they still are, even if they try to tell you you're a bad person to use words for what they mean.

they where not only fascist, but nationalsozialismus aka nazis'. communist who killed millions of people. the soviet union had to spread psoters around that is wrong to eat your kids.
so whenever they can they just say ooh those governments where right wing! which is not true, mouslini hitler, mao zedong, stalin lenin all the evil governments where left wing. the not "true socialism" saying. they control the media, so they either tun it into ooh that was extreme right wing. or in the case of communism they downplay the death toll and horrors of it. after all it's pok to walk around campus with a hammer and sicle banner but not a swastika banner, while those thing are one and the same and one could argue that the hammer and sicle bought more death destruction and misery than the Nazi's at least the nazi did not have to make posters because parents where eating their own children because of extreme hunger

the number 1 cause of dead is democide, death by governemnt.
ofcourse the regular liberals don't know better. so i don't blame the individual liberals, after all they are well meaning. just uneducated and naive about the death toll of the liberal ideology!

otherwise we should just start a war against them! and drive them out but most of em are well intended!

and people call, people like babe and me crazy for not falling for mass government and main stream media indoctrination aka education
The special prosecutor is not just looking at obstruction of justice and collusion with Russia during the election but possible financial crimes by close associates of Trump.

"While there has been a loud public debate in recent days over the question of whether the president might have attempted to obstruct justice in his private dealings with Comey, whom Trump fired last week, people familiar with the matter said investigators on the case are more focused on Russian influence operations and possible financial crimes."


Shady business deals between Trump campaign officials and sketchy Russian oligarchs will occupy investigators for years to come. This is where crimes may have been committed and prosecutions most likely will occur, not necessarily by Trump himself, but by those very close to his campaign.
also even though this investigation will find nothing! it will take years, and liberals will be impatient and only make the divide grow stronger
Just a note: for the Thrillers/OLs/Reds who kindly wish to pin some kind of lame phoney label on "babe": shadow boxing would be a good exercise. good practice for dissing anyone who is STILL thinking.

I guess the glory of becoming an ardent activists for any cause could be understandable in some cases, but Liberals actually have adopted the philosophy that "The ends justifies the means" for pushing whatever agenda. The immediate consequence of this attitude is obvious inconsistency in the message. You just have to switch lies strategically too often, and people just wonder what's what.

Then, when people actually voice their factual observations about your issues, you're left with nothing but the trusty dismissive rhetorical stand-bys: mocking, contempt, shaming, "other-izing" or exclusion, and ad-hoc psychoanalysis. Basing your case on strategic lies will eventually erode public acceptance of your cause. Basing your case on dismissive slurs doesn't make friends or build respect with anyone but the bottom-feeder dimwits who gleefully crow at mere insults.

Save your psycho-analysis and judgmental decrees for the JFC bartender. He'll understand.

It is heart-warming to me to see the massive public rejection going on against the US radicalized pseudo-Marxist Corporate-Hack Left. Yah, college kids get indoctrinated by their stupid profs, and then go get jobs somewhere, even in the cartel Corporate system, and within about five years start voting the Lib Bums Out. Same thing with Mexican and other slave-wagers// imported servants supplied by virtual open borders. Five years of changing the sheets at Radison, or running the cards in some casino, and a person just gets nauseous with the hype on TV mainstream media.

Just keep pumping away on Trump the Chump being subverted by the Russians when in fact the Russians have always supported Democrats from FDR on... and not talking about how under our UN cooperative agreements, our military is obligated to disclose to all security council members.... Russia included.... our military moves before the fact.... and gee whiz .... still talking about world governance being the better way and all... people really are not all so stupid. When the whole picture doesn't make sense, the Big Lie stops working, yo.

The conservatives have the biggest elitists on the run, hiding from the press and giving out cover-stories for little meet-ups. Can't let people know what they're doing anymore. Years ago, they could advertise their shin-digs as "high-level" or "expert" meetings. Now they create made-up media diversions to displace attention.

i posted the video of this earlier in the thread

Sorry. I think I saw it but didn't link it to this thread specifically. You give me good stuff to go look at, and I follow a bunch of other links from there, and forget where I started, but the point remains....

The Sanders/Obama/Hillary ideologically extreme wing of the Dem party, is taking the DNC out of earth orbit. Yes, they have the corporate media run by their financial backers, and the deep-state ideological crusader wacko bureaucrats(including many educational "professionals" from Big Bird to college profs, helping to make out the loss to Trump as such a horrible event. So they believe they've got the numbers to go all-out to sack him, but it is making a lot of moderate dems think twice, for sure.

It's fundamentally anti-American, a sort of attempted coup by "leadership", which is actually running out to their discredit. They lose two or three for every new supporter with this kind of behavior.

I think the purpose might be more like the military "scorched earth" method to slow down an advancing foe with superior strength. But when the locals start reacting against such obstruction because it's hurting or annoying them, and you're losing the public's support overall..... the decision to double down on the method is actually outright insanity.
The special prosecutor is not just looking at obstruction of justice and collusion with Russia during the election but possible financial crimes by close associates of Trump.

"While there has been a loud public debate in recent days over the question of whether the president might have attempted to obstruct justice in his private dealings with Comey, whom Trump fired last week, people familiar with the matter said investigators on the case are more focused on Russian influence operations and possible financial crimes."


Shady business deals between Trump campaign officials and sketchy Russian oligarchs will occupy investigators for years to come. This is where crimes may have been committed and prosecutions most likely will occur, not necessarily by Trump himself, but by those very close to his campaign.

I can't believe anyone is serious about this while ignoring Hillary's dealing with those Russian oligarchs. It looks too partisan and actually is too obviously a sort of partisan witch-hunt.

Can't believe your serious about speculative "conspiratorial" issues while still mindlessly denying the objective facts about how the UN is run.
I can't believe anyone is serious about this while ignoring Hillary's dealing with those Russian oligarchs. It looks too partisan and actually is too obviously a sort of partisan witch-hunt.

Can't believe your serious about speculative "conspiratorial" issues while still mindlessly denying the objective facts about how the UN is run.
You have me confused with someone else. I’ve never ignored Hillary’s corruption. I preferred her to Trump in 2016 reluctantly and only because he is much, much worse. I’ve even pointed a number of times to Christopher Hitchens' famous appellation of Bill Clinton (that he will tell the truth only when there is nothing left to lie about) by saying it could apply equally to Hillary.
The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

NRC’s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will
remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

The timing of most of the donations does not match

Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Of the remaining individuals connected with Uranium One who donated to the Clinton Foundation, only one was found to have contributed during the same time frame that the deal was taking place, according to The New York Times — Ian Telfer, the company’s chairman:

His donations through the Fernwood Foundation included $1 million reported in 2009, the year his company appealed to the American Embassy to help it keep its mines in Kazakhstan; $250,000 in 2010, the year the Russians sought majority control; as well as $600,000 in 2011 and $500,000 in 2012. Mr. Telfer said that his donations had nothing to do with his business dealings, and that he had never discussed Uranium One with Mr. or Mrs. Clinton. He said he had given the money because he wanted to support Mr. Giustra’s charitable endeavors with Mr. Clinton. “Frank and I have been friends and business partners for almost 20 years,” he said.
The timing of Telfer’s donations might be questionable if there was reason to believe that Hillary Clinton was instrumental in the approval of the deal with Russia, but all the evidence points to the contrary — that Clinton did not play a pivotal role, and, in fact, may not have played any role at all.


babe, can you stop saying stupid **** reasonable people know is false.

You have me confused with someone else. I’ve never ignored Hillary’s corruption. I preferred her to Trump in 2016 reluctantly and only because he is much, much worse. I’ve even pointed a number of times to Christopher Hitchens' famous appellation of Bill Clinton (that he will tell the truth only when there is nothing left to lie about) by saying it could apply equally to Hillary.

how is he much worse!!! the worst dirt they found on him was grabbing by the ****** comment!
they meida vetted him with extreme prejudice for months!

while sweeping every bad thing Hillary did under the rug
In not a fan of the deaths that have occurred as a result of the war. I'm just trying to keep this slightly intellectually honest. WMDs are what everyone says war the catalyst but in reality the primary catalyst was the violation of the case fire and failure to comply with UN sanctions and requests. But WMD and "Bush lied people died" is far more catchy and effective for the liberal agenda than "our Intel was flawed and we made a mistake". The last thing anyone wants is intelligent discourse. It's far less effective in getting people pissed off and pissed off people are far easier to control. Just look at thriller? So deeply indoctrinated that he has basically lost his sense of self. He is fully won over. The propaganda has done its job.
Violation of cease fire?

It was oil. That's it

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using JazzFanz mobile app
anyways the media been crying wolf for over a year.

7.5 more years of the orange cheetoh called donald trump

2 genders, 2 scoops of ice cream and 2 terms

Just a note: for the Thrillers/OLs/Reds who kindly wish to pin some kind of lame phoney label on "babe": shadow boxing would be a good exercise. good practice for dissing anyone who is STILL thinking.

Just a note: Despite your inflated opinion of your own brilliance, you actually told me all I'll ever really need to know, in terms of ever taking you seriously at all is concerned(as in never) when you actually recommended the writings of Helga Zepp-Larouche, she of the Satanic climate change swindle.
[MENTION=970]babe[/MENTION], I was mistaken in thinking providing you with a different perspective on how you come across would actually help you. I see I was wasting my time entirely. That'll teach me. I never wanted to diss you at all, really, since there but for the grace of God go I. But, in your case, you're simply too wrapped up in yourself, and fervently enamoured with your own high opinion of yourself, for mere mortals to reach. It's not a good look for anyone. Yet, apparently it simply escapes you. Babble on, but bear in mind, you are very much on the wrong side of history.
[MENTION=970]babe[/MENTION], I was mistaken in thinking providing you with a different perspective on how you come across would actually help you. I see I was wasting my time entirely. That'll teach me. I never wanted to diss you at all, really, since there but for the grace of God go I. But, in your case, you're simply too wrapped up in yourself, and fervently enamoured with your own high opinion of yourself, for mere mortals to reach. It's not a good look for anyone. Yet, apparently it simply escapes you. Babble on, but bear in mind, you are very much on the wrong side of history.

yah, man. Anyone who is wrapped up in the ideology of a deterministic historical evolution that inexorably will move mankind and all life toward a better day should be the one to tell others what they should think.

how wrapped up in your conviction of historical vindication are you, really? Hillary loses an election and it's time for a Revolution. History failed the test, so you must perfect it.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky put a little cameo philosophical tale in one of this books about the Spanish Inquisition. He often ventured into the theme of ideological activists hell-bent on some cause or another. In "The Grand Inquisitor" he exposes the mindset of folks who think they must suppress human liberty for any cause. In the story, it seems, Christ failed somehow, and it became necessary to perfect His Truth by killing objectionable folks. I think, literally, this is the philosophical territory liberal activists today are in, what with talk of incarcerating climate change deniers and others with political incorrectness of some sort.
i wonder how many of you changed ideology! since changing ideology is hard to do!


I ALSO WAS A PUNK *** LIBERAL OR SO I Thought! but in my mind i was always a libertarian
yah, man. Anyone who is wrapped up in the ideology of a deterministic historical evolution that inexorably will move mankind and all life toward a better day should be the one to tell others what they should think.

how wrapped up in your conviction of historical vindication are you, really? Hillary loses an election and it's time for a Revolution. History failed the test, so you must perfect it.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky put a little cameo philosophical tale in one of this books about the Spanish Inquisition. He often ventured into the theme of ideological activists hell-bent on some cause or another. In "The Grand Inquisitor" he exposes the mindset of folks who think they must suppress human liberty for any cause. In the story, it seems, Christ failed somehow, and it became necessary to perfect His Truth by killing objectionable folks. I think, literally, this is the philosophical territory liberal activists today are in, what with talk of incarcerating climate change deniers and others with political incorrectness of some sort.

You like to slay your listeners with strings of facts put together in alien ways. Yet, when one really see what you deliver in total, it's empty of any meaning at all. It seeks to overwhelm with factoids, all united in the purpose of portraying a malevolent narrative in a manner that most will respond to with a resounding and immediate "huh??" And you count on that to somehow escape discovery. Whose going to bother putting together a sane, but deeply involved, narrative to counter bulls**t? Who wants to chit chat with a fanatic, when you come right down to it?

Embedded, and showing itself with some frequency, an intellectual arrogance, a smugness, and probably not a little trollish smile at times. A "nobody is more brilliant then me" bleeds through. You even mock IQ's, revealing your own self involvement in the process. And what do you deliver to compensate for this boorishness? Nothing. An exceedingly ugly narrative, food only for those who want, need, to infuse their understanding of the time and place in which they live with paranoid delusions. Conspiracies everywhere. Such an ugly and truthless narrative. Dis-ease. Bogus. Fake. Empty. Wild eyed fanatical. Best delivered on a street corner soapbox, "the end is nigh!" sign in hand, wild eyed while people pick up their pace. Have fun.