It happened. I'm sure you're ashamed and wish it hadn't. But it did.
Ok, pal. thx.
Pretty proud of MY nurses. As I am my physicians. I can build anything out there, but if they don't adopt it well, it's not going anywhere.
I'm pretty proud of saying MY nurses. There's not a thing I'm ashamed of for saying that, nor is there anything wrong with it.
What didn't happen, was 'I claimed to be at the center of "fawning nurses" and "doctors in awe"'. You fictitiously re-imagined my words as me sitting on a mountain top dictating how medicine works, or that I'm soul and principle owner of another group of people that work at my organization. That is never what I thought.
But it is, I am certain, exactly how you imagined it. YOU imagined it wrong, because you can't comprehend being a part of something. You don't understand taking any amount of ownership of anything. You don't fathom the concept of how to build, and contribute to something larger than yourself and your surroundings. You hear a player in the NBA talk about their team mates all the time. How that player makes them better, how X as a ball distributor makes someone else better, or how a player did a ton of pre-hab before surgery to make their team better.
The fact that this is a thing for you illustrates perfectly that you don't understand the nuances of teamwork. Why you will never understand it, is a different story entirely, and I'm well past caring enough to speculate.
This conversation is over. Go play in the street.