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The 2011 NBA Draft Lottery Thread, May 17th, 8:30 EST

It's too bad that the Miller's didn't send their retarded son to the draft for good luck... Maybe then that would've been #1, #2 at least because that Gilbert kid did look pretty retarded. Big shoes for Greg to fill.

And last year they make a big deal about Washington's representative and they win #1?

The Jazz should learn and stop sending KOC - he is NOT a feel good story!
It's too bad that the Miller's didn't send their retarded son to the draft for good luck... Maybe then that would've been #1, #2 at least because that Gilbert kid did look pretty retarded. Big shoes for Greg to fill.

And last year they make a big deal about Washington's representative and they win #1?

The Jazz should learn and stop sending KOC - he is NOT a feel good story!

Dude, he has cancer.Don't be a dick.
It's too bad that the Miller's didn't send their retarded son to the draft for good luck... Maybe then that would've been #1, #2 at least because that Gilbert kid did look pretty retarded. Big shoes for Greg to fill.

And last year they make a big deal about Washington's representative and they win #1?

The Jazz should learn and stop sending KOC - he is NOT a feel good story!

Red repped.
Kahn (Minnesota GM) thinks the lotto is fishy

"This league has a habit, and I am just going to say habit, of producing some pretty incredible story lines. Last year it was Abe Pollin's widow and this year it was a 14-year-old boy ... We were done. I told Kevin(KOC): 'We're toast.' This is not happening for us and I was right."
I also see it highly unlikely we end up with the #2. Soooo, #3 will be Kanter and he's a beast and I'll be ecstatic.
If reason holds out, I agree. But I've already heard rumor that Minny might move their 2nd pick. #3, #12, Bell, rights to Tomic. Get it done.
Serious question here. Can someone tell me what scouts are saying is the biggest difference between Irving and Knight? From the limited amount I have watched them play, they look very similar to me...
Irving is a more consistent shooter and more skilled floor-general type with a complete game. Knight is bigger, slightly more explosive, a better slasher, but didn't always make good decisions. Personally, I think Knight could end up being the bigger impact player, but Irving is the better PG right now.
Irving is a more consistent shooter and more skilled floor-general type with a complete game. Knight is bigger, slightly more explosive, a better slasher, but didn't always make good decisions. Personally, I think Knight could end up being the bigger impact player, but Irving is the better PG right now.

Thanks. Obviously we take the BPA, but it seems to me like this year the top 5 is relatively fluid, so in that case I think we need to make a consideration for filling a need. Personally, I think our biggest need is a 2 guard (wish Barnes would have stayed in the draft) but it seems none of the top 5 talent are 2 guards, so then it comes down to do we need a big (Kanter) a wing 3 (Williams) or a point guard (Knight).

Hopefully, we can get some good video of these guys before the draft, so far I haven't seen any of them play nearly enough to make any intelligent comments.
Question for people: Who do you think would win a game of 2-on-2--Enes Kanter/Josh Selby or Brandon Knight/Dontatas Montiejunas ?
Serious question here. Can someone tell me what scouts are saying is the biggest difference between Irving and Knight? From the limited amount I have watched them play, they look very similar to me...

Irving is a much better passer and sees the floor much better. Makes fewer mistakes and better decisions in general. They probably have similar strokes, but Irving takes better shots and has been for more efficient because of it. Irving's feel for and knowledge of the game is uncanny for a freshman. Knight is the youngest player in the draft, though, and has potential to be better than Irving if his purported drive and general attitude are true. Knight has the better body.

Taking Irving is a no-brainer anywhere in the top-3. Taking Knight at 3 or 4 is a swing-for-the-fences move.
Who do people think would win this game of 2-on-2-- Derrick Williams/Donatas Montiejunas or Enes Kanter/Chris Singleton ?
The goal of this is to point out possible draft strategies.... If the Jazz pick Brandon Knight or Derrick Williams with their first pick, they can still likely get a skilled big (Montiejunas) with their later pick. If they pick Kanter with their first pick, they can get an athletic wing or guard with their later pick. So it depends on their priorities. If the Jazz like Montiejunas, then picking Katner isn't a forgone conclusion. If the Jazz like Selby or Jimmer, then picking Knight isn't a priority.
Did Vesely impress anyone else with his athleticism and dunks? Jesus the guy was sick. So sick I'd wantt to see him in the all-star game right away. Is he however the lazy Euro with a suspect motor?
Question for people: Who do you think would win a game of 2-on-2--Enes Kanter/Josh Selby or Brandon Knight/Dontatas Montiejunas ?

kanter and selby. kanter would post up and overpower lady montibargi all the time. is like shaq playing against a girl. :)

Is this just me, or is Oden flipping the world off twice?