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Cousins signing with Warriors

Only way to fix this is a hard cap. No exceptions. Once you reach the cap, you're done. If a team signs your guy to a deal that's $1 over, you have 3 days to make an adjustment or you lose him.

Nothing wrong with what Cousins is doing. He gets a ring, then the big payday next year. Plenty of other players are signing 1 yr deals. It's just he's signing with the Warriors. If Utah was able to do something like this our reaction would be completely different...we'd coronate Lindsey.
Cool. Now I don't have to watch the NBA at all this year once the Jazz are out of the playoffs
This is probably going to be good for the NBA over time. This is the wake up call to create a hard cap. More teams will vote for it than against it.

It should not be hard. Do a cap like they have then a luxury tax like they have. Then on top of that, $10 million past the luxury line is a hard cap. If you are over luxury, you only get $1 million contracts.

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I'm down for a NBA lockout. The players have no backbone and all play on 1 or 2 teams in huge markets. There has to be a hard cap, no max contracts, franchise tags. What's the point of playing next year now. Just give the warriors a title.

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Pretty soon all stars players on a successful team be playing part time for another successful team as well, just to make extra $$$ lol
Cousins and Green will fight and I hope Boogie teaches Green a lesson by making him bleed his own blood. I really don't condone violence, but in this case, I'd turn a blind eye in hopes for a swollen one.

Haha. I'm just kidding, but seriously I'm not.
They really need to do like hockey. When a player signs with a new team, they have to give up draft picks. It could only really work with restricted players probably, but this is ridiculous.

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Durant taking 1+1 gave Warriors room to do this.

ESPN story says Cousins had narrowed is choices to Warriors and Celtics.