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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Who are these people that think Joe Biden is the answer to Donald Trump? I hate(love) politics. :(

Who doesn’t think that a 100 year old chair with 3 broken legs wouldn’t be an improvement Trump?

I’m not the biggest Biden guy. But 2020 isn’t the time to become nitpicky about ideologies or policy. The whole point is eliminating the existential threat whose corrupt smell you can sense from across the country.

Biden could win the nomination and his acceptance speech could consist of: “Thank you. Vote for me because I’m not Trump.” And that would suffice for most voters.

Literally ANY of the Democratic candidates would be an improvement over Trump. Trump is awful.
I was being tongue in cheek, but I think he clearly has the most name recognition out of any other candidate having been VP for eight years, tends to go a long way in early polling.

Name recognition.

And suburban white voters.

Biden strikes a nice balance of being Obama’s VP for 8 years and being attractive to suburban white voters.

However, he’s old, he makes gaffes, his 40 year record in the senate isn’t perfect (especially regarding race), and his ideology might be too moderate for those on the liberal side to get excited over.

I hope those on the far left (Bernie bros) would put ideology aside if Biden becomes the nominee and still vote for the party to take out trump. Likewise, if Bernie or Warren end up being the nominee, I’d hope the more moderate democrats still rally behind the nominee to take out trump.

I think the Democrats can work out policy differences along the way. Besides, it’s not like the potus will get anything done anyway as long as Mitch controls the senate. Could you imagine Mitch voting for Bernie’s Medicare for all?

right now the focus should be on trump.
Just did a little research. The unemployment rate hasn’t been this low since 1953. That is amazing.
Who doesn’t think that a 100 year old chair with 3 broken legs wouldn’t be an improvement Trump?

I’m not the biggest Biden guy. But 2020 isn’t the time to become nitpicky about ideologies or policy. The whole point is eliminating the existential threat whose corrupt smell you can sense from across the country.

Biden could win the nomination and his acceptance speech could consist of: “Thank you. Vote for me because I’m not Trump.” And that would suffice for most voters.

Literally ANY of the Democratic candidates would be an improvement over Trump. Trump is awful.

But that’s the thing, it should always be about ideology. Funny how you like to focus on racial issues but would be willing to vote for a guy who has a questionable past in this matter.

And here's a bullet-point summary of his first 10 tweets in the thread, a nice recap of why I despise Trump and wholeheartedly want him to be impeached.

  • racism
  • sex crimes
  • concentration camps
  • corruption
  • traitor
  • obstruction of justice
  • attacks on rule of law
  • assault on freedom of the press
  • pathological lying
  • unfitness for office
  • incompetence
  • attacks on our most important allies and alliances
  • systematic destruction of our environment
  • violation of international treaties and agreements
  • embrace of our enemies
  • defense of murdering dictators
  • serial undermining of our national security
  • nepotism
  • attacks on our federal law enforcement and intelligence communities
  • fiscal recklessness
  • degradation of the office and of public discourse in America
  • support of Nazis and white supremacists
  • the dead in Puerto Rico and the at the border
  • turning the US government into a criminal conspiracy to empower and enrich the president and his supporters
  • weaponization of politics in America to attack the weak

Trump shouldn’t be the only one on this list, fwiw. I suppose he’s the focal point because he’s currently in office.
You people need a hobby..

Which of the bulletted items in post #3 don't you care about? The "treason" one could be a matter of debate, perhaps, but I believe all of the other ones are proven, or very nearly so, and a matter of public record.

  • racism
  • sex crimes
  • concentration camps
  • corruption
  • traitor
  • obstruction of justice
  • attacks on rule of law
  • assault on freedom of the press
  • pathological lying
  • unfitness for office
  • incompetence
  • attacks on our most important allies and alliances
  • systematic destruction of our environment
  • violation of international treaties and agreements
  • embrace of our enemies
  • defense of murdering dictators
  • serial undermining of our national security
  • nepotism
  • attacks on our federal law enforcement and intelligence communities
  • fiscal recklessness
  • degradation of the office and of public discourse in America
  • support of Nazis and white supremacists
  • the dead in Puerto Rico and the at the border
  • turning the US government into a criminal conspiracy to empower and enrich the president and his supporters
  • weaponization of politics in America to attack the weak
Imagine 4 more years of this after Trump gets re-elected. I think some of you will lose your minds.
I mean, the threads topic is specifically about why Trump should be impeached.


Maybe I read his post incorrectly but Why would we have a thread about impeaching other people? Do they feel like a justice needs to be impeached? Do they think a member of congress can be impeached? I really didn’t understand his comment or why he even commented.

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Harassment Based on National Origin

    • Ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities. Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, "Go back to where you came from, " whether made by supervisors or by co-workers.

I think it is time to take down the all around nice guy. Just saying.
Imagine 4 more years of this after Trump gets re-elected. I think some of you will lose your minds.
Which of the bulletted items in post #3 don't you care about? The "treason" one could be a matter of debate, perhaps, but I believe all of the other ones are proven, or very nearly so, and a matter of public record.

  • racism
  • sex crimes
  • concentration camps
  • corruption
  • traitor
  • obstruction of justice
  • attacks on rule of law
  • assault on freedom of the press
  • pathological lying
  • unfitness for office
  • incompetence
  • attacks on our most important allies and alliances
  • systematic destruction of our environment
  • violation of international treaties and agreements
  • embrace of our enemies
  • defense of murdering dictators
  • serial undermining of our national security
  • nepotism
  • attacks on our federal law enforcement and intelligence communities
  • fiscal recklessness
  • degradation of the office and of public discourse in America
  • support of Nazis and white supremacists
  • the dead in Puerto Rico and the at the border
  • turning the US government into a criminal conspiracy to empower and enrich the president and his supporters
  • weaponization of politics in America to attack the weak
Best t-shirts in the world:


I had a dream, "that millions of Americans would put on these t-shirts and march in solidarity by the White House chanting and immortalizing the words on these t-shirts, assuring the world that we will not allow an immoral dictator to take away the power of the American people. **** Trump! **** Trump! **** Trump!

And I had a dream that Eenie-Meenie wore a t-shirt saying I love the squad = anti-American.