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2020 Presidential election

In all seriousness, I'm not sure somebody can win on a campaign based on reducing the debt or deficit.

It would basically be, vote for me and I'll take away/reduce certain programs/benefits/cuts, so that we can save money. People won't go for it. I like to think of it as a toothpaste bottle. Once that spending is out there, getting it reduced is almost impossible.

And this goes for both sides. Republican farmers like their handouts just as much as anybody, trust me on that. Everybody wants to reduce a program they don't use, never the ones they do.

Long story short, I don't think our deficit ever gets reduced until we're practically forced to, and it will be too late at that point. We're screwed.
In all seriousness, I'm not sure somebody can win on a campaign based on reducing the debt or deficit.

It would basically be, vote for me and I'll take away/reduce certain programs/benefits/cuts, so that we can save money. People won't go for it. I like to think of it as a toothpaste bottle. Once that spending is out there, getting it reduced is almost impossible.

And this goes for both sides. Republican farmers like their handouts just as much as anybody, trust me on that. Everybody wants to reduce a program they don't use, never the ones they do.

Long story short, I don't think our deficit ever gets reduced until we're practically forced to, and it will be too late at that point. We're screwed.

That's the problem with Democracy. We all want free stuff.
I am still trying to find the racist part of his tweet. Telling people to go fix the problems where you come from and then come back and show us how is not racist.
They come from the U.S. and are trying to fix the problems here. Not at all what Trump was saying.

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Trump tweets racist attacks on the squad.

I am still trying to find the racist part of his tweet. Telling people to go fix the problems where you come from and then come back and show us how is not racist.

Three of "The Squad" were native born Americans, so of course telling them to "go back where they came from" makes no sense in the first place.

Further, if "The Squad" were 4 white women descended from colonial American forebears, Mayflower descendants even, would Trump have included "go back where you came from" as part of his put down of them?

By telling them to "go back", he was emphasizing their non-white status, and not their country of origin, which was the United States in the case of 3 of the 4 women. Therefore, his put down was a classic example of "otherizing" them by race.

This isn't rocket science. It's not that difficult to understand what Trump was emphasizing in that tweet. If all the women were descended from Northern Europeans, no way does he tell them to "go back".
Three of "The Squad" were native born Americans, so of course telling them to "go back where they came from" makes no sense in the first place.

Further, if "The Squad" were 4 white women descended from colonial American forebears, Mayflower descendants even, would Trump have included "go back where you came from" as part of his put down of them?

By telling them to "go back", he was emphasizing their non-white status, and not their country of origin, which was the United States in the case of 3 of the 4 women. Therefore, his put down was a classic example of "otherizing" them by race.

This isn't rocket science. It's not that difficult to understand what Trump was emphasizing in that tweet. If all the women were descended from Northern Europeans, no way does he tell them to "go back".
And it's obvious. I think people who are saying they don't see the racism are either trolling or they are idiots. Often times, both.

Your post explains the obvious the the idiots and trolls best though.

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Three of "The Squad" were native born Americans, so of course telling them to "go back where they came from" makes no sense in the first place.

Further, if "The Squad" were 4 white women descended from colonial American forebears, Mayflower descendants even, would Trump have included "go back where you came from" as part of his put down of them?

By telling them to "go back", he was emphasizing their non-white status, and not their country of origin, which was the United States in the case of 3 of the 4 women. Therefore, his put down was a classic example of "otherizing" them by race.

This isn't rocket science. It's not that difficult to understand what Trump was emphasizing in that tweet. If all the women were descended from Northern Europeans, no way does he tell them to "go back".
The faux innocent "I don't see the racism" reminds me of the annoying younger sibling putting a finger in your face and repeating "I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you." Over and over
Since this article detailing behind the scene efforts to get past Trump's "otherizing" racist tweets is in the Washington Post, it may be blocked by a paywall. But this excerpt goes to the heart of the behind the scene effort by the president's team:

"By midday Monday, the Republican battle to minimize the damage was unfolding on two fronts. The first was an effort to get Trump to shift his message, without admitting a mistake. The goal, said one senior White House aide, was to “get the message back to a place where we could defend the president.”

The idea was to argue that the four congresswomen hated America and were welcome to leave for that reason. There were other lines of attack as well. Omar had been condemned earlier in the year for comments criticizing support for Israel that many Democrats considered anti-Semitic. Pressley had seemed to suggest a racial litmus test for politics, saying Democrats don’t need “any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”


This pivot away from the racist component of Trump's tweets has been his, and his advisors, strategy ever since. That criticizing the 4 women for "hating" America has nothing to do with their race. It was the crux of Stephen Miller's argument presented to Chris Wallace of Fox News last Sunday. Yet, this was just an effort to overcome the obvious racist nature of the tweets. It's simply an effort to limit the obvious conclusion that Trump was stoking racial resentments with his tweets.

Trump supporters should note that the pivot chosen by the Trump team is now: "if you don't agree with the president, you are unpatriotic. You hate America". This is pretty despicable. This is straight out of a demagogue's playbook. Read James Madison's The Federalist papers to understand why he and other founding fathers feared the rise of a demagogue in America's future.