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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Some correction is in order. The photo is obscene, given the circumstances, but the boy's deceased father apparently was a Trump supporter, and the Uncle, the family, wanted this photo to be taken.

Good acknowledgement. He's still grinning and giving a thumbs up like "hey your parents got murdered (partly because of my rhetoric) but this all makes up for it because I'm so great and I spent some of my time taking this picture with you."
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Are you serious?! This tweet, that @colton posted, shows a photo taken after the child was brought back to the hospital. Brought back so the Trump's could get this photo op?! What the hell is there to grin about in this photo?! What the hell is wrong with this man? Somebody bring the kid back, I'm in a ****eating grinning mood today!

The President is at the hospital? He wants to see us, too? Wow. We'll be right there.

They say it was their idea to go back.

Well, anyways, if you read history, or the Bible, you won't find very many bigshots that didn't do a lot of bad along with sometimes a lot more good. People with historical perspective and realistic understanding of the human condition might have some second thoughts before criticizing.

Looks like Trump is going to have Google run a social score on people applying to buy guns from now on. Great. That should fix everything.
Colton's beef about Trump's workers is a bit off. I don't know, and I hardly care. If we're going to look at Trump on that issue, I'm pretty sure almost everyone in the news for politics is guilty as well. At least Trump is starting to send the signals....
Good acknowledgement. He's still grinning and giving a thumbs up like "hey your parents got murdered (partly because of my rhetoric) but this all makes up for it because I'm so great and I spent some of my time taking this picture with you."

I don't take Trump seriously for his manners or his photo=ops. I don't think his showmanship goes more than skin deep. What I see on balance is someone who does care.... even about his critics.
Why not raid the owners of this plant instead? Seems to me like that’d be far more effective. Undocumented immigrants wouldn’t be here working if employers didn’t hire them.

This this this. A thousand times this.

Anyone serious about fixing immigration would simply start arresting illegal Americans who hire the illegal immigrants. The problem would be solved overnight. The fact that Trump and his mindless minions never talk about it is all the evidence you need to tell you it is about culture and racism and not about solving the disastrous immigration system.

Of course no dem is going to propose this since they are spineless and have too many rich donors who would get locked up.
I don't take Trump seriously for his manners or his photo=ops. I don't think his showmanship goes more than skin deep. What I see on balance is someone who does care.... even about his critics.

He needs love and attention because he is very insecure. Bush and Obama had many critics, many of which were harsh and unfair, and they generally handled them as adults with poise and dignity. Trump is a thin skinned eighth grader starved to be popular and is torn apart by every sleight.
Colton's beef about Trump's workers is a bit off. I don't know, and I hardly care. If we're going to look at Trump on that issue, I'm pretty sure almost everyone in the news for politics is guilty as well. At least Trump is starting to send the signals....
Send the signals?
Like follow what I say not what I do. True.

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I don't take Trump seriously for his manners or his photo=ops. I don't think his showmanship goes more than skin deep. What I see on balance is someone who does care.... even about his critics.
What you see lol
They don't call you blind babe for nothing!

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
What you see lol
They don't call you blind babe for nothing!

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

who is "they" and why should I care. ignorant people are a dime a dozen.

sil above looks like the 8th grader to me. No American President has been treated like the dumptrumpsters waging a real war to block or remove him from office., and Obama used his power to silence his critics, even news organizations were actually threatened. And he was nothing like Hillary, who has used her office as Senator and as Secretary of State.

Pretty much this thread is a power point to demonstrate what most Americans are really getting very very sick of.

People who continually work every possible angle, every possible line of attack, who are generally more guilty of the crimes they accuse Trump of, and the lack of humanity they accuse Trump of, than anyone.

Hey, why don't you go to Russia or China and try to out their Prez.

Xi actually has camps for people he doesn't want on the streets. Putin won't let his opponents even enter the election. Xi and Putin are Hillary's friends more than Trump ever could be. They actually did collude with her, and other globalist officeholders in our government, and are set to do it bigtime this coming election, to defeat Trump. Trump just isn't their kind of politician.

Trump is more interested in Americans than any of the whole Establishment set.
who is "they" and why should I care. ignorant people are a dime a one
sil above looks like the 8th grader to me. No American President has been treated likethe rump trumpsters waging a reality war to block or remove him from office., and Obama used his power to silence his critics, even news organizations were actually threatened. And he was nothing like Hillary, who has used her office as Senator and as Secretary of State.

Pretty much this thread is a power point to demonstrate what most Americans are really getting very very sick of.

People who continually work every possible angle, every possible line of attack, who are generally more guilty of the crimes they accuse Trump of, and the lack of humanity they accuse Trump of, than anyone.

Hey, why don't you go to Russia or China and try to out their Prez.

Xi my actually has camps for people he doesn't want on the streets. Putinp won't let his opponents even enter their election. Xi and Putin are Hillary's friends more than Trump ever could be. They actually did collude with her, and other globalist officeholders in our government, and are set to do it bigtime this coming election, to defeat Trump. Trump just isn't their kind of politician.

Trump is more interested in Americans than any of the whole Establishment set.

If you don’t like it here why don’t you go to Russia or China?
No American President has been treated like the dumptrumpsters waging a real war to block or remove him from office., and Obama used his power to silence his critics, even news organizations were actually threatened. And he was nothing like Hillary, who has used her office as Senator and as Secretary of State.

Pretty much this thread is a power point to demonstrate what most Americans are really getting very very sick of.

People who continually work every possible angle, every possible line of attack, who are generally more guilty of the crimes they accuse Trump of, and the lack of humanity they accuse Trump of

The persecution force is strong with you, young Luke. It is always someone else’s fault.
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I wouldn't like it in Russia or China any more than I like here. Siberia is cold, I like hot. China stinks and you can't see the buildings on the next block, and the Moslem minority wouldn't like me either.

I like to be free.

Sil, nobody in their right mind would imagine Bill and Hillary or Obama did not work the Russians, Putin even, smiling and winking, in the grand spirit of the brave new world. However, Putin did accuse "The West" of local interference in affairs in Ukraine, and the Ukraine guv offered Trump proof of Russian activities. Dunno, Putin was Huntsman's friend too, but still ran his plant outta business. Russia got a lot of US uranium from the deal Hillary approved after taking a ton of cash from the Russkies.

China regularly does "business" with the US political insiders. Hunter Biden got a sweet deal, so did Elaine Chou(Trumps cabinet honcho). In China you can't expect to do any business without some kind of sweetheart deal for the commies honchos. Dunno if Trump will dance to their music or not.

but yeah.... I'll try to look past your comments.

My dad died at the ripe old age of 93, and his ashes have been sprinkled over the deserts around Las Vegas. Your Dad probably isn't as old as me, but I could only feel sorry for him.
My dad died at the ripe old age of 93, and his ashes have been sprinkled over the deserts around Las Vegas. Your Dad probably isn't as old as me, but I could only feel sorry for him.

Yeah, I got hit by the luck truck when it comes to my family. And I appreciate your sympathetic words for my Dad.

The guy's my hero, he is strong and gentle and he and I would both do anything for our family. He's proud of all his kids, grandkids and great grandkids. He's been happily married for 60 years and by any measure leads a very happy and fulfilled life.

I shared your note with him and we had a good laugh (sorry, but it was kinda at your expense). He asked me to be nicer to you because eveyone has issues we don't understand, and said that this discussion can't be that much fun for me, shooting fish in a barrel. So I'll take his words of wisdom and stand down.

Have a nice day.
Yeah, I got hit by the luck truck when it comes to my family. And I appreciate your sympathetic words for my Dad.

The guy's my hero, he is strong and gentle and he and I would both do anything for our family. He's proud of all his kids, grandkids and great grandkids. He's been happily married for 60 years and by any measure leads a very happy and fulfilled life.

I shared your note with him and we had a good laugh (sorry, but it was kinda at your expense). He asked me to be nicer to you because eveyone has issues we don't understand, and said that this discussion can't be that much fun for me, shooting fish in a barrel. So I'll take his words of wisdom and stand down.

Have a nice day.

some racist-sorts believe character is inherited, along with manners.

I think socialist have bad character because they choose to believe certain things which are not true, which justify political causes and such.

You and your dad, and a lot people, have no one to blame for what you are beyond your own choices in life.

I can't imagine what it's like to believe we should let socialists run the world.
Yeah, I got hit by the luck truck when it comes to my family. And I appreciate your sympathetic words for my Dad.

The guy's my hero, he is strong and gentle and he and I would both do anything for our family. He's proud of all his kids, grandkids and great grandkids. He's been happily married for 60 years and by any measure leads a very happy and fulfilled life.

I shared your note with him and we had a good laugh (sorry, but it was kinda at your expense). He asked me to be nicer to you because eveyone has issues we don't understand, and said that this discussion can't be that much fun for me, shooting fish in a barrel. So I'll take his words of wisdom and stand down.

Have a nice day.

being married for sixty years would, I guess, make him at least 74.... so you're at least 30, maybe 59. A child of your times, I suppose. If I had a kid who was 59 and still coming to me because someone on the webz said something, I'd tell him to go get a job.

Maturity means different things to different folks. To each his own.

But I don't care what you or your dad thinks, or anyone else in this site, really. I mean, if there were something worth considering I'd appreciate it.

But the fact is, this is the webz, and lots of people make up all kinds of stuff. So, whatever, I don't care.

This thread is about the worst display I've ever seen of people who have lost their bearings. It stinks, it really stinks bad.
You and your dad, and a lot people, have no one to blame for what you are beyond your own choices in life.

You make it hard to be nice when you make so much stuff up about which you know nothing.

My family is very successful and happy, including dear old Dad. Dad is a retired school teacher who bought and held a bunch of of Merck, Microsoft and Apple stocks back in the 1980s and 1990s. He's a happy dude whose only worry is my Mom's recovery from hip replacement surgery -- and she's doing great! he has no one to blame for nothing.

I'm a capitalist and an Officer in a chemical technology company. Donald has lined my pockets nicely with tax cuts and deregulation. My daughter is a gymnast and my son a lacrosse player, both great students, and both apples in their Daddy's eye. My only worry is surviving their puberty, but so far so good. I have no one to blame for nothing.

So please try to back up your claim that I blame someone for something in my life, good luck, please post your null results.
being married for sixty years would, I guess, make him at least 74.... so you're at least 30, maybe 59. A child of your times, I suppose. If I had a kid who was 59 and still coming to me because someone on the webz said something, I'd tell him to go get a job.

You make a lot of assumptions and I'm surprised that you are not occasionally correct. I've heard that even blind squirrels sometimes find nuts.

I call my Dad every week or two and talk about lots of things in each other's lives. I'm grateful for him, his advise, his support, and as he gets older, he needs some of that from me as well. It's a pretty cool relationship and one that I am grateful for. Although you have fantasized yourself in a starring role, nay, the actual REASON for the call, your role was that of a court jester, and I thank you for the comic relief.

And I have a great job, but thank you for your concern.

Keep trying, there is a nut for you out there somewhere!

But the fact is, this is the webz, and lots of people make up all kinds of stuff.

Thank you for again illustrating this point
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