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Epstein is in Trouble

I'm skeptical of it for sure, but I still think it's most likely that he simply saw suicide as the best possible outcome and took his chance. Our prison system is hilariously mismanaged so I'm not surprised they let this happen, no conspiracy needed when plain ineptitude will do.

Agreed. I think 99.9 percent of all conspiracies are garbage. Most conspiracies can be attributed more to incompetence than sinister brilliance. But this one is definitely warrants more investigation.
Agreed. I think 99.9 percent of all conspiracies are garbage. Most conspiracies can be attributed more to incompetence than sinister brilliance. But this one is definitely warrants more investigation.
Hanlon's Razor be damned! Full steam ahead!

I actually agree. The most likely scenario is that he killed himself. Which leads to the question, how was he able to? He was at very high risk of self-harm, especially given his previous attempt.
I think your understanding of pizzagate is poorly informed. The article below explains how it began and who it was trying to hurt (Clinton).



It was started by right wing conspiracy theorists with the explicit intention of hurting Clinton politically and spread by Russian troll farms on social media. I think attributing these nutjobs with the knowledge that they were actually providing cover for Epstein and the rich and powerful is giving them way too much credit and is ultimately grasping at straws.
No, I’m pretty sure you’ve got your stories mixed up. That yahoo article you linked is entirely about Seth Rich. My superficial scanning of the Wikipedia entry is mostly correct.

I’d like to link to original discussion of pizzagate but that’s a little hard now. When you search for it, it’s overtaken by news reports after reporting on the more caricatured aspects of it picked up steam. While pizzagate was meant to be damaging to Clinton inasmuch as she’s connected to Podesta, that was the issue. There was no real Clinton involvement, yet the straw man argument was that Clinton was running a prostitution ring. The fact that the discussion that became known as pizzagate was distorted to comical levels allowed the larger issue to be ignored (which included Epstein).

When I search for things that detail anything, the best one I’ve come up with is a Joe Rogan interview with Alex Jones. Now, do your best to avoid the knee-jerk reaction. I’m not suggesting you buy anything Jones is selling, but if you want an accurate view of what the whole issue was about (and not “Clinton runs child prostitution ring”), then I’d watch the video for “Joe Rogan what is pizzagate?” on YouTube. Again, I feel compelled to state that you can make whatever you want of Jones, but mischaracterizing what “pizzagate” was asking is something that kept the issue (i.e. people like Epstein) out of public view because it gets cloaked under right-wing conspiracy meant to tear down the Clintons.

ETA: my offer still stands of $50 to the first person who can produce JFC discussion of someone here actually arguing that Hillary ran a child prostitution ring from the pizza parlor.
Hanlon's Razor be damned! Full steam ahead!

I actually agree. The most likely scenario is that he killed himself. Which leads to the question, how was he able to? He was at very high risk of self-harm, especially given his previous attempt.
Very possible he killed himself. But also very convenient timing for a lot of very powerful people.


I saw this earlier today. Now, can anyone explain why he would commit suicide? With all those friends in high places, you think he might've believed he had a chance to get off, or more likely an escape was carried out by the Shadow government to protect people like Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, and others. I believe the latter. It wouldn't be the first time that a body double were used to deceive. Going all the way back to when John Brown's body was conveyed from VA after his hanging to NYS, it was done because of the fear of crowds defacing his body. It is also believed JFK's body was put in a different coffin and another body doubled during his movement from Dallas to DC, so that pre-autopsy surgery could be performed. They could've used a body from the morgue to substitute for Epstein and drugged him to make it look like he was dead while they took him from the hospital. You never know. The guy was a billionaire with friends in the highest places. I also read he worked with the CIA to destabilize currencies -- as you might know, he was a hedge-fund manager, so was involved in high financial dealings and it was through these means he made his fortune.
Interesting - the US Attorney for SDNY (Geoffrey Berman) is a Trump supporter and friend of the Kushner family

I wonder if they're reining this sicko in before he falls into the "wrong hands."

I saw this coming a month ago.

My guess is they tried to get him to plead guilty and then quietly shuffle him off to some supermax. When they figured out that wasn't going to happen they just "looked the other way"

And that's giving them the benefit of the doubt.

And of course AG Barr is all over this and will call an investigation. In 3 years we're sure to get a comprehensive 400 page report saying nothing
No, I’m pretty sure you’ve got your stories mixed up. That yahoo article you linked is entirely about Seth Rich. My superficial scanning of the Wikipedia entry is mostly correct.

I’d like to link to original discussion of pizzagate but that’s a little hard now. When you search for it, it’s overtaken by news reports after reporting on the more caricatured aspects of it picked up steam. While pizzagate was meant to be damaging to Clinton inasmuch as she’s connected to Podesta, that was the issue. There was no real Clinton involvement, yet the straw man argument was that Clinton was running a prostitution ring. The fact that the discussion that became known as pizzagate was distorted to comical levels allowed the larger issue to be ignored (which included Epstein).

When I search for things that detail anything, the best one I’ve come up with is a Joe Rogan interview with Alex Jones. Now, do your best to avoid the knee-jerk reaction. I’m not suggesting you buy anything Jones is selling, but if you want an accurate view of what the whole issue was about (and not “Clinton runs child prostitution ring”), then I’d watch the video for “Joe Rogan what is pizzagate?” on YouTube. Again, I feel compelled to state that you can make whatever you want of Jones, but mischaracterizing what “pizzagate” was asking is something that kept the issue (i.e. people like Epstein) out of public view because it gets cloaked under right-wing conspiracy meant to tear down the Clintons.

ETA: my offer still stands of $50 to the first person who can produce JFC discussion of someone here actually arguing that Hillary ran a child prostitution ring from the pizza parlor.



The article does end up with the Seth rich conspiracy but it talks about pizzagate too. Episode 2 or 3 of the podcast is specifically about Pizzagate. I think all of your questions can be answered there. It’s only an hour long podcast.
While I agree that it's best that he's dead, a lot of pedophiles just got off the hook over this.

Yes, I’m sure Epstein, as the most credible of sources, would’ve helped to have knocked down the house of cards.

Spare me. Dude’s been doing this **** for multiple decades and gotten away with it. With the likely involvement of other rich POS mind you. The likelihood that his living testimony would’ve helped to bring down people is laughable imo.
Yes, I’m sure Epstein, as the most credible of sources, would’ve helped to have knocked down the house of cards.

Spare me. Dude’s been doing this **** for multiple decades and gotten away with it. With the likely involvement of other rich POS mind you. The likelihood that his living testimony would’ve helped to bring down people is laughable imo.
It would be far from the first time a person in the middle of a crime syndicate helped bring others down. And if you are conspiratiorally minded you might see this as a warning to others who have testified, or might, to shut the **** up.

On the other hand, I think it's more likely whatever records he has kept of his activity will shed light on just who was involved and to what extent. I don't think that's going to change much whether he is alive or dead.

What this does do is allow Trump and his minions to craft elaborate conspiracy theories about how ultimately the Clintons are somehow responsible for his death. (Let's just ignore the fact that Trump's DOJ was responsible for his safekeeping)

So that's nice.
Yes, I’m sure Epstein, as the most credible of sources, would’ve helped to have knocked down the house of cards.

Spare me. Dude’s been doing this **** for multiple decades and gotten away with it. With the likely involvement of other rich POS mind you. The likelihood that his living testimony would’ve helped to bring down people is laughable imo.
If you say so. His attorneys said they were willing to name names but that's all for not now. Would these people be punished? Probably not but public perception is a game changer.
Hanlon's Razor be damned! Full steam ahead!

I actually agree. The most likely scenario is that he killed himself. Which leads to the question, how was he able to? He was at very high risk of self-harm, especially given his previous attempt.

I’m guessing a prison worker took too long of a break or was flirting with a coworker than some vast conspiracy. But that’s why these things need to be investigated.
Yes, I’m sure Epstein, as the most credible of sources, would’ve helped to have knocked down the house of cards.

Spare me. Dude’s been doing this **** for multiple decades and gotten away with it. With the likely involvement of other rich POS mind you. The likelihood that his living testimony would’ve helped to bring down people is laughable imo.

Couldn’t disagree more.

First, the victims deserved their day in court. They were robbed.

Second, The judicial system let him off before and it feels like it failed once again by not keeping him alive throughout his trial and sentencing.

Thirdly, why is it laughable to think he could’ve helped convict others?


The article does end up with the Seth rich conspiracy but it talks about pizzagate too. Episode 2 or 3 of the podcast is specifically about Pizzagate. I think all of your questions can be answered there. It’s only an hour long podcast.
Ok, well you linked me a long article that I read all of to not find anything about pizzagate. And you saying “episode 2 or 3 is specifically about pizzagate” is a little hard to go diving down into “it’s only an hour long” when episode 2 is labeled “the Russia connection” and episode 3 isn’t on there anywhere.

In any case, this whole interaction is somewhat comical. What is it you’re trying to tell me about pizzagate? I’m trying to tell you that the popular characterization of pizzagate was inaccurate and appealed to the most salacious details to create a larger caricature. I’m telling you that from being familiar with that. You’re telling me it’s something else because of your 10,000’ view that you’ve obtained through someone else’s synopsis.

You were self-admittedly broadsided a month ago by the fact that Bill Clinton rode the Lolita Express 26 times. Something you would have known had you actually knew WTF pizzagate really was. The bigger question you’re having to reconcile is why having all that wisdom and knowledge about something like pizzagate, and being in a place to educate a rube like me about it, was able to keep you in the dark on something that was out in the open — and years ago.