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2020 Presidential election

You don't think Democrats should be governed? I think they should follow the same laws as everyone else.

Or, did you meant Democratic governance?
Pretty sure he means governance by Democrats.

Thanks for the mention nice to know I am not forgotten. Don't worry I will be back strong during the slow part of the year when there is no Dallas Cowboy football or Jazz basketball. By the way don't you think it is cute that when Biden lies they pass it off as it just Joe being Joe, and how they had to cut down his appearances because he did not know what state he was in. LOL

Senility is a real thing guis. Be safe out there.
Anyone see Joe Biden on Stephen Colbert last night? He may have done well enough to stave off the accusation that he has early onset dementia, at least for the time being. However, he sure comes across as old, tired and lacking much conviction. He keeps repeating his hollow talking point about restoring the soul of the nation, which he expounds upon, when pressed, by citing racial tension in America. I don't think he's really winning over many Democrats, who seem to be more impassioned about at least 3 other candidates. The DNC-approved polls (the ones that are keeping Tulsi Gabbard off the debate stage this month), still assert that he's leading the field. He appeals most to voters over the age of 50.

I think his chance of winning the nomination is 50% at best, and this is only because the other leading candidates are too far on the left. Meanwhile, Andrew Yang makes so much sense when he talks that people can't figure out if he's really in politics or not.

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Anyone see Joe Biden on Stephen Colbert last night? He may have done well enough to stave off the accusation that he has early onset dementia, at least for the time being. However, he sure comes across as old, tired and lacking much conviction. He keeps repeating his hollow talking point about restoring the soul of the nation, which he expounds upon, when pressed, by citing racial tension in America. I don't think he's really winning over many Democrats, who seem to be more impassioned about at least 3 other candidates. The DNC-approved polls (the ones that are keeping Tulsi Gabbard off the debate stage this month), still assert that he's leading the field. He appeals most to voters over the age of 50.

I think his chance of winning the nomination is 50% at best, and this is only because the other leading candidates are too far on the left. Meanwhile, Andrew Yang makes so much sense when he talks that people can't figure out if he's really in politics or not.

Biden is so washed. He’s been coming across as more and more phony for at least 5 years now.
Anyone see Joe Biden on Stephen Colbert last night? He may have done well enough to stave off the accusation that he has early onset dementia, at least for the time being. However, he sure comes across as old, tired and lacking much conviction. He keeps repeating his hollow talking point about restoring the soul of the nation, which he expounds upon, when pressed, by citing racial tension in America. I don't think he's really winning over many Democrats, who seem to be more impassioned about at least 3 other candidates. The DNC-approved polls (the ones that are keeping Tulsi Gabbard off the debate stage this month), still assert that he's leading the field. He appeals most to voters over the age of 50.

I think his chance of winning the nomination is 50% at best, and this is only because the other leading candidates are too far on the left. Meanwhile, Andrew Yang makes so much sense when he talks that people can't figure out if he's really in politics or not.

I really dont want to vote for biden. I mean i will if its him or trump but im hoping that i will have better choices from both parties.


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Knowing his post history at all how can you not see this is what he meant.

Condescending @One Brow makes me smile.

Did you know the effort to change the adjective from "Democratic" to "Democrat"started as an attempt to disassociate the party from democratic ideals? So, part condescending, part anger.
Did you know the effort to change the adjective from "Democratic" to "Democrat"started as an attempt to disassociate the party from democratic ideals? So, part condescending, part anger.

I get that but it’s not anything to have even “part” anger over lol

You do you though. It’s usually enjoyable.
I really dont want to vote for biden. I mean i will if its him or trump but im hoping that i will have better choices from both parties.


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To add to this, once Trump is gone I will most likely go back to not voting (EC means my vote doesn't count anyway) and not giving a **** about politics.

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And if Trump is the Republican candidate then the Republicans are screwed as well.

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I agree with both here. Nothing about Joe Biden is particularly appealing. He's kind of an embarrassing, mediocre specimen when compared to what the standard of the office should be. Of course, Donald Trump is much much worse than that. He's spectacularly embarrassing and a trash human being. His very intelligence is rightfully and heavily questioned.

I'd vastly prefer an election system that would never result in a choice between seriously meh and trash. We need more choices.
Four states are planning to cancel Republican primaries, which all but blocks challengers to Trump for the 2020 nomination.
Four states are planning to cancel Republican primaries, which all but blocks challengers to Trump for the 2020 nomination.
Sounds about right. I'm sure those on the right who were oh so concerned about the DNC favoring Hillary last go around are up in arms over this...
Sounds about right. I'm sure those on the right who were oh so concerned about the DNC favoring Hillary last go around are up in arms over this...

It's the Democrats who are (or were) up in arms about rigging the nomination for Hillary. Also, she wasn't an incumbent president, so it's not quite the same. Trump is clearly the lead horse for the Republican party though. He's their battering ram.