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The important thing is we now all have a place to air our petty grievances safe in the knowledge that the despicable poster will never read them since he has the OP on ignore. Stand up behavior all around. . .
Your justification for group based hate is using examples of hating serial killers? If you have to resort to outlandish extremes doesn't that tell you something?

Come on man...

Yes, you can hate something someone does, says or believes without hating the person. I’ve seen no evidence that is the case for this specific discussion. If it were they’d be posts defending or complimenting other aspects on occasion right?
Good post. I have been thinking about this and I have a hard time coming up with much actual hate for anyone or anything. Hate is a very strong word and concept imo, one that I personally reserve for people, acts, situations, attributes, etc. that are truly despicable. And aside from things like 9/11, the Holocaust, the acts that take human life, and the people directly responsible, I don't have a lot of hate. To me it takes a lot of my energy to hate, so why waste it where it isn't warranted, it even why engage in it when I have way better ways to use my energy. Maybe I'm taking too heavy a stance on hate but that's how I feel. I think if you levy that judgement against someone you need to be prepared for any fallout that may occur as a result, whatever that may be.

I guess there is a difference in degree for the word hate. I mean we all flippantly say "I hate that..." And really probably don't mean it on the level I'm addressing above. I think there is a qualitative difference between "I hate it when people don't use their turn signal" and "I hate that person".
No, I don't think so, although it's true enough that we run concentration camps currently for some immigrants, so those who support Trump are concentration camp supporters. However, that was completely not my point.

Were Obama supporters concentration camp supporters then too?
Were Obama supporters concentration camp supporters then too?

Obama did not make fighting immigration in this manner a central part of his platform nor his administration; there are also considerable differences in their policies regarding detainment.

Still, your point is correct to a degree. If you fully supported Obama, you also supported his camps.
Obama did not make fighting immigration in this manner a central part of his platform nor his administration; there are also considerable differences in their policies regarding detainment.

Still, your point is correct to a degree. If you fully supported Obama, you also supported his camps.

I don't agree that if you support a president or are for a president you necessarily support all of their policies. You can support someone and still disagree with certain things.
I don't agree that if you support a president or are for a president you necessarily support all of their policies. You can support someone and still disagree with certain things.

True, which is why I used "fully".

Would you agree that Trump has made immigration more of an issue than Obama did, and therefore support for Trump indicates more support for his policies on immigrants than support for Obama indicates?
If Trump's morality is the bottom line then he's even less moral.

Trump is a terrible businessman. He was handed around 500,000,000 by daddy and hasn't even kept up with inflation.

Pretty hard to get the facts here. He's done some things that certainly look successful. He's in show biz, for sure. And he does very well in that business. But honestly, I don't think you're big on "capitalism" and probably should be ignored when talking about it.

So, listening to Sonnie Johnson's program this weekend on XM 125 The Patriot, she had a guest in who has studied politics some. Now, for context, Sonnie is really hopeful for the Black Race entrepreneur class. She wants her people to just take care of themselves, and get filthy rich doing it. That's why she rejected progressivism, and has moved on, outta the ghetto, outta the drug culture, outta the gangs, outta the Dem politics.

Her guest stated that Karl Marx invented the term "Capitalist", and hung it on his book Das Kapital. Before that, in the English language, it was called "Freedom". The Right to take care of your own damn ***.

This is a thing in black America now. Recent polls indicate the Black vote will go more than 15% for Trump, because black folks like having jobs better than welfare.

you da past, man. Yo politics is done.

dammit, where is Ain't when I need to appropriate myself some classy black lingo.
Pretty hard to get the facts here. He's done some things that certainly look successful. He's in show biz, for sure. And he does very well in that business. But honestly, I don't think you're big on "capitalism" and probably should be ignored when talking about it.

So, listening to Sonnie Johnson's program this weekend on XM 125 The Patriot, she had a guest in who has studied politics some. Now, for context, Sonnie is really hopeful for the Black Race entrepreneur class. She wants her people to just take care of themselves, and get filthy rich doing it. That's why she rejected progressivism, and has moved on, outta the ghetto, outta the drug culture, outta the gangs, outta the Dem politics.

Her guest stated that Karl Marx invented the term "Capitalist", and hung it on his book Das Kapital. Before that, in the English language, it was called "Freedom". The Right to take care of your own damn ***.

This is a thing in black America now. Recent polls indicate the Black vote will go more than 15% for Trump, because black folks like having jobs better than welfare.

you da past, man. Yo politics is done.

dammit, where is Ain't when I need to appropriate myself some classy black lingo.
I'm not big on capitalism. lol

babe, go **** yourself!

You're not very big on making any sense, so you should definitely be ignored.

did I tell you to go **** yourself yet? because you should definitely go **** yourself.
I'm not big on capitalism. lol

babe, go **** yourself!

You're not very big on making any sense, so you should definitely be ignored.

did I tell you to go **** yourself yet? because you should definitely go **** yourself.
Be careful Gameface, or someone might start a whole thread about how terrible you are.
I'm not big on capitalism. lol

babe, go **** yourself!

You're not very big on making any sense, so you should definitely be ignored.

did I tell you to go **** yourself yet? because you should definitely go **** yourself.

I've always wondered why we say go **** yourself instead of go masturbate.
. . .Her guest stated that Karl Marx invented the term "Capitalist", and hung it on his book Das Kapital. Before that, in the English language, it was called "Freedom". The Right to take care of your own damn ***. . .
Not true. The guest is misinformed or lying. The term “capitalist” was used many times by many authors (see David Ricardo for just one example) for many years before Marx. My guess is that Johnson’s guest is lying because a good faith argument on the various forms of capitalism is too hard and nuanced. Laissez-faire proponents (the so-called ”freedom capitalists”) set up Marxism or socialism as straw men because laissez-faire capitalism versus a modern mixed capitalist economy is a losing argument. Mixed economies are wildly popular and have been for a hundred years, from the very beginnings of FDR’s New Deal right up to the present day.
So, listening to Sonnie Johnson's program this weekend on XM 125 The Patriot, she had a guest in who has studied politics some. Now, for context, Sonnie is really hopeful for the Black Race entrepreneur class. She wants her people to just take care of themselves, and get filthy rich doing it. That's why she rejected progressivism, and has moved on, outta the ghetto, outta the drug culture, outta the gangs, outta the Dem politics.

Her guest stated that Karl Marx invented the term "Capitalist", and hung it on his book Das Kapital. Before that, in the English language, it was called "Freedom". The Right to take care of your own damn ***.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the term capitalism was first used by novelist William Makepeace Thackeray in 1854 in The Newcomes, where he meant "having ownership of capital"
Been busy with football season...miss me? I would like to state that many on here suffer from TDS. How they can defend Obama using the IRS to go after conservatives, let the justice department agencies spy on the Trump campaign and have a insurance policy in place to remove him if he was elected is unbelievable to me. Heck they even used foreign spies from multiple countries (Australia, Italy and England) to do what ours could not do by law to entrap those associated with the Trump campaign.

Keep hating Trump...I will love to rub it in if he gets re-elected. If he doesn't get re-elected I will not post on jazzfanz for a year due to my private bet with revolutionary 9 (a Mod), who told me he thought Hillary would be a better president than Trump. Did you know they wrote Hillary's exronaration months before they interviewed her, did not tape her interview and gave her aids amnesty? They even let her aids sit in on Hillary's interview.

Tell me truly how do you hate Trump so much while ignoring the bad the democrats and main stream media do?
The important thing is we now all have a place to air our petty grievances safe in the knowledge that the despicable poster will never read them since he has the OP on ignore. Stand up behavior all around. . .

That’s on him. Not me. So save the fake righteous outrage. I’ve told him this directly before.