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China had lifted Wuhan's travel restriction.
That needs to be monitored and inform us about what we can expect in similar situations in the western world. In a lot of ways China and the western world are not alike, but when it comes to highly populated areas and spread of a virus like that they are scarily similar. Now the question is how much can we trust what China has been sharing so far and how much they will share in the next weeks and months after they restart their economy? IMO there are legitimate concerns that they've under-reported their COVID-19 stats, but IMO it's probably not orders of magnitude worse than they've reported so... lets see what happens in the next several months.
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Been must’ve been asleep for 3 years if he thinks that’s gonna happen with this administration.

I haven't read a Shapiro tweet since god knows when it popped up on a Google search but you realize your post makes you look asleep and not him or no?

Doesn't Shapiro hate Trump?

Would loved to be enlightened. I don't FBI agent from Ozark about this stuff.
I keep hearing in the news that the number of Coronavirus patients will "peak" this week or in the coming weeks..

Does anyone know how they know that?

What's to stop the disease from keep going up and up as it spreads to other States?
That needs to be monitored and inform us about what we can expect in similar situations in the western world. In a lot of ways China and the western world are not alike, but when it comes to highly populated areas and spread of a virus like that they are scarily similar. Now the question is how much can we trust what China has been sharing so far and how much they will share in the next weeks and months after they restart their economy? IMO there are legitimate concerns that they've under-reported their COVID-19 stats, but IMO it's probably not orders of magnitude worse than they've reported so... lets see what happens in the next several months.
The CIA report about China recently was interesting. Basically it said not to trust the numbers from China for the reasons I've been saying. The local government really messed up in wuhan and then we're afraid to get in trouble with the central government so they under reported. Once the central government stepped in numbers got more accurate but they were also using bad models.. First they were only reporting hospitalised cases. They changed that. Then they weren't reporting asymptomatic cases, they've changed that. There numbers know seem to be pretty good. The level of detail that report seem above any other country. They are bringing a lot of attention to people who break the rules to shame them to get others to stop.

My main complaint now is that that keep talking about new cases being from international flights and people traveling internationally. But they do it in a way that implies it's foreigners bringing it here but it's not. It's almost all Chinese people returning.

The rest is China is planning to make any person from Hubei, especially Wuhan do a two week quarantine before they are allowed to move through the city. It will be interesting to see. Personally I still think better testing is the answer, but if you can't do that restricting movement and tracking cases carefully is the next best.
Lots of horror stories from my wife at her job at the DOH - they did welfare checks on 13 people who previously tested positive and 6 of them were found dead inside their homes. One of her cases went from relatively ok and quarantined to hospitalized to dead in less than 72 hours (20's - had asthma).

Two common denominators in the 40 to 60 age range, severely ill or deceased cases - diabetes (any type) and people who have been vaping for a long time.
I haven't read a Shapiro tweet since god knows when it popped up on a Google search but you realize your post makes you look asleep and not him or no?

Doesn't Shapiro hate Trump?

Would loved to be enlightened. I don't FBI agent from Ozark about this stuff.
I don't think what thriller said had anything to do with whether or not Shapiro likes Trump or not, but is more a criticism of the general ineptitude of Trump's administration. I'd also add that Trump takes a lot of cues from the Fox News echo chamber, and vice versa, and they are apparently ready to declare victory over this thing, which should give us all a little pause.
I don't think what thriller said had anything to do with whether or not Shapiro likes Trump or not, but is more a criticism of the general ineptitude of Trump's administration. I'd also add that Trump takes a lot of cues from the Fox News echo chamber, and vice versa, and they are apparently ready to declare victory over this thing, which should give us all a little pause.

I was intrigued at his 3 years comment.

Probably stopped reading then.
Weekly check-in

So we've went from 75,000,000-150,000,000 projected cases to under 20,000,000(some saying 10).

We've went from multiple millions projected dead to under 200,000(newest model suggest around 80,000)

Now it's not time to get cocky but if these new smarter, common sensical numbers (not meant to fear monger) hold, I have to give credit to most states officials first and Trump second. Sadly a very very select few Democratic states like NY, and NJ, are flooding the country with cases but outside of Cuomo I still gotta give credit to a lot of democratic guys like Newsome as he has more population but per capita had done extremely well. Never cared for the guy but I don't have agendas so I can give credit when deserved.

Party lines aside most states and PoTuS kicked *** if these projections hold. It's still one too many but much better than this 75,000,000 number carelessly floated around.

Stay safe all!
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Did you read the article? They were talking about how they were monitoring EKGs in patients and had a patient that they stopped it on. And they’re talking about hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin, which both increase QT interval (which doesn’t necessarily mean anything specific happens, just that there’s an elevated risk for other arrhythmias. Anyway, that article doesn’t say the hospital stopped it... it asks if they have had to stop the treatment in anyone and they mentioned that one case, then went on to say that the selection of patient as a candidate for that particular combination shouldn’t be someone that you anticipate a spontaneous resolution, because that would be the line they’d draw on weighing risks and benefits.
30,000+ more infected nearly 2,000 died just yesterday yet Trumpworld is insisting that we go back to work.

You often complain that nobody will engage with you in good faith. Too often I respond to your messages to expand on the discussion with a level of professional expertise, as I did in the post above this, and yet you just continue to plow along on auto-pilot. It's honestly like trying to engage with @Utah Jazz Newsfeed.
You often complain that nobody will engage with you in good faith. Too often I respond to your messages to expand on the discussion with a level of professional expertise, as I did in the post above this, and yet you just continue to plow along on auto-pilot. It's honestly like trying to engage with @Utah Jazz Newsfeed.

That’s because I can’t block you because you’re staff but I have zero interest in engaging with you. So I mostly just ignore your posts. I’ve found through experience that it’s a waste of time.

So there you have it.
A man with a cause can't be bothered with reason.....

And DumpTrump is such a fine cause.....

worldometer says 84k new cases worldwide....today...


CDC says 18000 new in the USA, up from a 4k figure a few hours ago on their site, with the addition of 150k test results.

So the death figures as tabulated include a significant number of otherwise terminally ill patients who were tested postitive for covid, even covid is not the cause of death.

And there are reports of many false positives in the testing being done, due to similarity to other viruses and cross-reaction via antigen analyses or PCR tests.

What we are getting for data is a "worst case scenario" sort of number.

We are doing well over 100k tests a day, more than 60k on people with no presenting clinical symptoms, and are discovering the 80% of people who get it without getting any symptoms they could complain about.
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annnndddd BINGO. I was right. No wonder why he’s pumping this drug so much. He’s trying to profit off the pandemic.

imagine the outrage if email woman had done this.

You are so twisted. The Trump financial connection to that drug appears to be tenuous at best. Apparently he owns a stake in an investment fund that owns a stake in one of the many companies that manufactures the drug, but the company he has a small stake in is not licenced to sell their product in the US... yet despite all that you believe that you have discovered Trump's motivation for being hopeful about this drug. You and I might easily have a greater percentage of our personal wealth involved in companies that actually manufacture the drug for American use just as a result of mutual funds we happen to be invested in, but I doubt you're interested in looking at yourself with a high powered microscope. You save that fun for looking at Trump.

The reason Trump is likely promoting this and other technologies is that hope matters. He is attempting to shine some optimism into the pandemic. Yes, it is true that we haven't had time for clinical studies. That's not really an option in this situation. There are doctors who believe that this drug has yielded positive results. There do not seem to be serious side effects with correct dosage in the many, many people (including me) who have taken this drug because of Malaria and for other reasons.
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