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I’m back!!!

Covid was rough but this week I returned to good(ish) health and work. Still cannot taste or smell anything.

it’s not a ****ing joke either. When I’m at my laptop I’ll write more because I know reading other people’s stories about covid are helpful.

Nearly 3,000 Americans died today from covid. We’ll blow past 300,000 deaths by mid December. I’m sure there are those who stubbornly insist that the experts were wrong and will continue to downplay it. “It’s just the flu.”
Ummm no. And I had H1N1 before. No no, covid is a ****ing different beast than the flu or cold.
I’m back!!!

Covid was rough but this week I returned to good(ish) health and work. Still cannot taste or smell anything.
How strong is the "cannot taste or smell anything"? For example, when you inhale eucalypt spray - then you do not sense the specific smell? Or when going to toilet or eating surströmming :) ? What happens when you try to taste some very spicy food? Did you had a chance to do chest x-ray or even MRI to verify the shape of lungs and other important organs?
I’m back!!!

Covid was rough but this week I returned to good(ish) health and work. Still cannot taste or smell anything.

it’s not a ****ing joke either. When I’m at my laptop I’ll write more because I know reading other people’s stories about covid are helpful.

Nearly 3,000 Americans died today from covid. We’ll blow past 300,000 deaths by mid December. I’m sure there are those who stubbornly insist that the experts were wrong and will continue to downplay it. “It’s just the flu.”
Ummm no. And I had H1N1 before. No no, covid is a ****ing different beast than the flu or cold.
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I was beginning to wonder, knowing you had tested positive, and was going to ask if anyone had heard from you. Here’s hoping you avoid any long term issues.
A girl I've known since I was two and who is very good friends with my wife and my sister got COVID. She has MS. Her husband and son also got COVID and her husband has been in the hospital for more than a week now and was intubated in the last couple days. Today the DR told my friend that her husband might not live. He's in his early 40s and had no significant underlying condition. She's doing pretty well as far as her COVID symptoms have gone.

My friend's husband got COVID because his brother or cousin has to have supervised visitation and he is the designated supervisor. He found out the kid had COVID and didn't think much of it and didn't get tested. Then his kid started showing symptoms so they got their kid tested and he was positive so then they got tested as well and were positive.

My friend said they were joking about how it was nothing because they didn't have major symptoms right away. Then my friend's father in law called her and told her that she needed to get her husband to the hospital because he was incoherent on the phone (he was in a different room). He was cognitively "off" for about a week. He called his wife at 3am on his third day in the hospital telling her that he had been there for 15 days and that they hadn't given him any water in 5 days and that she needed to come pick him up. He kept acting erratic like that and wanting to leave the hospital. Finally his mental issues cleared up but shortly after that his COVID symptoms got a lot more serious.

I don't think they were taking COVID seriously even after they got it. A day after the husband went to the hospital my wife was talking to our friend and her friend mentioned that her sons girlfriend was over at their house! Like WTF?!? Our friend has been working from home and hasn't told her employer that she has COVID, yesterday they had a ****ing holiday party, it was mostly contactless, but not entirely, and my friend went and interacted with other people there. I want to smack some damn sense into her.
Rudy Giuliani has tested positive.

".@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!" Trump tweeted.
".@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!" Trump tweeted.
Trump is an idiot.
Rudy too

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So this is kind of funny and sad. In China and older guy was found positive. So they started contact tracing and testing in Chengdu. They found his granddaughter has it. Here is the map of her bar hopping for the weekend, haha. Sadly her personal information and pictures got released online. She is getting a lot of shame from people, which is dumb.
All those bars are now shut down and that whole area will get tested. But unless theres a big outbreak it will open back in a few days.
My wife had a case yesterday - tested positive twice, completely asymptomatic - 92 years old.

Dude is pissed off as hell he has to stay home for 10 days, lol.

Crazy times.

You may be surprised to learn that of the trio of long-awaited coronavirus vaccines, the most promising, Moderna’s mRNA-1273, which reported a 94.5 percent efficacy rate on November 16, had been designed by January 13. This was just two days after the genetic sequence had been made public in an act of scientific and humanitarian generosity that resulted in China’s Yong-Zhen Zhang’s being temporarily forced out of his lab. In Massachusetts, the Moderna vaccine design took all of one weekend. It was completed before China had even acknowledged that the disease could be transmitted from human to human, more than a week before the first confirmed coronavirus case in the United States. By the time the first American death was announced a month later, the vaccine had already been manufactured and shipped to the National Institutes of Health for the beginning of its Phase I clinical trial. This is — as the country and the world are rightly celebrating — the fastest timeline of development in the history of vaccines. It also means that for the entire span of the pandemic in this country, which has already killed more than 250,000 Americans, we had the tools we needed to prevent it .