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Was told I would never walk again after a major car accident and a coma. That was 25 years ago and I been golfing hiking swimming playing soccer etc... for that entire time. Broke multiple vertebrae, slipped discs, Broken Neck, internal bleeding etc.... Lost a fiancé over the whole thing, but married a few years later to a much better person. God works in crazy ways.
Something Kim Jong Un does not have the ability to do.
He has the ability, but he does not have the need. If he ever did it would simultaneously be the most valuable material on the planet and have the ability to cure all major diseases.
He has the ability, but he does not have the need. If he ever did it would simultaneously be the most valuable material on the planet and have the ability to cure all major diseases.
He is so pure his body does not produce $&it. I also understand he has no butthole. Just like a Ken doll.
I ate a 36" pizza with a friend once in Logan and we won with maybe ten seconds to spare.

Life is pretty cool sometimes.
I'm starting a new knee program (knees over toes dude) to get my knee tendinitis under control.

Once gyms opened back up I was dunking again as I did a pretty good job of increasing my power/flexibility during the main part of the pandemic, but that quickly turned into bad knee soreness once I combined dunking with playing actual full-court basketball. Now it's to the point where I if play an hour of full-court, my knee is in pain for 3-5 days after. Basically my body got too powerful for ligaments and tendons now I'm focusing on strengthening those.
I'm starting a new knee program (knees over toes dude) to get my knee tendinitis under control.

Once gyms opened back up I was dunking again as I did a pretty good job of increasing my power/flexibility during the main part of the pandemic, but that quickly turned into bad knee soreness once I combined dunking with playing actual full-court basketball. Now it's to the point where I if play an hour of full-court, my knee is in pain for 3-5 days after. Basically my body got too powerful for ligaments and tendons now I'm focusing on strengthening those.
Nah, you're just getting old.