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Thread for responding to transphobic comments

You didn't address my post at all. That's why you're worthless to have a discussion with. This conversation was with my 15 year old... 6 years ago. Tick Tick Tick indeed.
I addressed your post and showed that you were lying or misinformed yet you ran away and threw a temper tantrum because you had absolutely no ground to stand on. Let's not be a hypocrite here.
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You didn't address my post at all. That's why you're worthless to have a discussion with. This conversation was with my 15 year old... 6 years ago. Tick Tick Tick indeed.
I’ll be more direct so that you don’t miss the point.

You tell your kid that you love them no matter what. You’ll always be there for them. Go to the doctors and pick the least impactful course that you can. You are a decent human being who made a similar compassionate decision in that moment that most of us would have had we been in your shoes.

However, in my admittedly uninformed opinion, I don’t think most parents would have been in your shoes. In my admittedly uninformed opinion, I think you played a big role in manifesting these events into existence even if unintentionally. Beyond the lack of actively providing formative structure mentioned earlier, statements like the following I find disturbing:
If the person driving treatment options is anyone other than the transgender person then that is wrong and potentially criminal.
We were talking about ”a child, let's say 14 years old”. Should playing with loaded handguns be solely at the discretion of the 14-year old? How about fentanyl use? The total abdication of any parental responsibility in the way you view life-threatening decisions involving a child I find to be unsettling.

You also seem fond of explanations for the explosion in gender-nonconforming statistics that you have no control over. People were always this way but society has kept it repressed. Etc.

But I don’t know you, don’t know your situation. My opinion is admittedly uninformed. In the course of the six years since the events of your brave post, I hope your kid has become a happy and thriving adult. You said you were happy with the path you chose to raise your child, and that is what matters.
I already did... I provided actual quotes from the lawsuit.
The lawsuit is meaningless in determining what really happened. Lawyers write in all kinds of things. You have zero evidence that the doctors were not relaying the words of Cole to her parents.

Why did you blatantly lie?
I didn't, and I stand by my conclusion. I am amused by your faith in what lawyer put into a complaint in a lawsuit.

Where did this happen? Where is this testimony?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpZJxMpG0N8

Her testimony runs from 00:50 to 2:30. I thought it was the Ohio legislature, but this is California. Note the use of the passive voice at 1:10 and again at 2:00 when referring to her parents being threatened with suicide.

Finland's top transgender treatment expert
According to who? The Daily Mail?

slams spread of 'disinformation' on children with gender confusion - and says 'four out of five' kids who question their gender grow out of it
Not everyone who 'questions their gender' will transition.

That is EXACTLY what I've been saying this entire time. It's wrong to mutilate and give kids drugs that will eventually castrate them.
Which of these drugs will castrate them? Not puberty blockers, nor Lupron.
The lawsuit is meaningless in determining what really happened. Lawyers write in all kinds of things. You have zero evidence that the doctors were not relaying the words of Cole to her parents.

I didn't, and I stand by my conclusion. I am amused by your faith in what lawyer put into a complaint in a lawsuit.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpZJxMpG0N8

Her testimony runs from 00:50 to 2:30. I thought it was the Ohio legislature, but this is California. Note the use of the passive voice at 1:10 and again at 2:00 when referring to her parents being threatened with suicide.

According to who? The Daily Mail?

Not everyone who 'questions their gender' will transition.

Which of these drugs will castrate them? Not puberty blockers, nor Lupron.

What a lying coward. You are a pathological liar. You flat out lied about Chloe. Now where in the testimony did she say that she would commit suicide? The threat was from the doctors not her. The doctor made the threat.
That's the lady who, at 15, repeatedly threatened suicide unless her parents and doctors agreed to her demands. Does she think she would be better off dead?
Where quote the actual post you pathological liar. This never happened. You lied. Where she did she "demand" anything or suicide? She's saying the doctors made the threat to her parents not her. I'm flabbergasted at how insanely stupid you are. It's even in the lawsuit that you willingly looked past that the DOCTORS were the ones who said this not her.
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That's the lady who, at 15, repeatedly threatened suicide unless her parents and doctors agreed to her demands. Does she think she would be better off dead?
What a terrible terrible human you have to be to lie about this. I bolded the part that your child like brain cannot comprehend so you just lie.

"The gender clinic presented my parents with the classic false dichotomy: Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” Cole said.

^^^Funny how your pathological lying *** said the same thing.

"My parents were told that the options were transition or suicide. They complied because they were not offered any other treatment solution for my distress my distraught parents wanted me alive SO THEY LISTENED TO MY DOCTORS"

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You flat out lied about Chloe.
I offered a video that said exactly what I said.

Now where in the testimony did she say that she would commit suicide?
I did not claim she said that.

This never happened.
I disagree, based on her testimony.

It's even in the lawsuit ...
You believe the lawyers. OK.

"My parents were told that the options were transition or suicide.
Not, 'the doctors told my parents'. My parents were told. Thank you for confirming I was telling the truth.
I offered a video that said exactly what I said.

I did not claim she said that.

I disagree, based on her testimony.

You believe the lawyers. OK.

Not, 'the doctors told my parents'. My parents were told. Thank you for confirming I was telling the truth.
Pathological liar
That's the lady who, at 15, repeatedly threatened suicide unless her parents and doctors agreed to her demands. Does she think she would be better off dead?
-Not, 'the doctors told my parents'. My parents were told. Thank you for confirming I was telling the truth.

"My parents were told that the options were transition or suicide. They complied because they were not offered any other treatment solution for my distress my distraught parents wanted me alive SO THEY LISTENED TO MY DOCTORS"
Pathological liar

-Not, 'the doctors told my parents'. My parents were told. Thank you for confirming I was telling the truth.

"My parents were told that the options were transition or suicide. They complied because they were not offered any other treatment solution for my distress my distraught parents wanted me alive SO THEY LISTENED TO MY DOCTORS"
Again, thank you for confirming I was telling the truth.
Again, thank you for confirming I was telling the truth.
Where did she threaten suicide like you said? Where? The doctors said this. I quoted it, now you do it.

That's the lady who, at 15, repeatedly threatened suicide unless her parents and doctors agreed to her demands.

Where? Where did she "threatened suicide unless her parents and doctors agreed to her demands."

Quote it you pathological liar. Where did she say that she threatened suicide or else?"

"My parents were told that the options were transition or suicide. They complied because they were not offered any other treatment solution for my distress my distraught parents wanted me alive SO THEY LISTENED TO MY DOCTORS"
"She claimed doctors told Cole’s parents at the time that she may commit suicide without gender-altering care. She also accuses the hospital of concealing less invasive treatments, such as weekly psychotherapy."

You literally are the only moron who took it this way. There's plenty more. I don't think NBCBay area would lie. We all know what she meant besides the pathological liar.
Everyone see's it but the pathological liar.

Cole told CNA in September that her parents “were scared and desperate for answers” when she first told them she was a boy and that their decision to sign off on transitioning her was “forced under extreme duress.”

The suit alleges that Cole’s doctors “coerced” her and her parents into medically transitioning her by telling them she was at a high risk of suicide if she did not.

“Defendants falsely informed Chloe and her parents that Chloe’s gender dysphoria would not resolve unless Chloe socially and medically transitioned to appear more like a male,” the suit reads.

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Here's a tweet by her literally saying it was the doctors.... Read the one on the right you pathological liar. Her own tweet saying that it was the "defendents" ie the doctors who "falsefully claimed" what One Mole lied about.

View: https://twitter.com/ChoooCole/status/1590885309881143297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1590885309881143297%7Ctwgr%5E868a72df43c262b6c7e61cee19e16db4819312c7%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.christianpost.com%2Fnews%2Fdetransitioner-to-sue-mutilators-who-butchered-her-body.html
I appreciate @One Brow for keeping jazzyfresh distracted and occupied ranting and raving on jazzfanz. I think the world is a better and safer place with jazzyfresh distracted and doing his ranting and raving harmlessly on jazzfanz. Thanks One Brow.
Even prominent trans groups agree that you guys are wrong to mutilate kids. This is a fantastic read for anyone who actually cares about kids. Lol who am i kidding "care for kids" you sick f* want to mutilate and castrate them... Yet I'm the bad guy.

The letter highlights the concern that teenagers, especially adolescent girls, may be influenced to adopt transgender identities through their peer groups and social media. The letter points to other suspected forms of “social contagion,” including the recent surge of adolescent girls developing tics with no known biological cause that experts have attributed to watching TikTok videos of influencers who claim to have Tourette’s syndrome.

“Our healthcare system is failing these young people, as well as people with gender dysphoria, by robbing us of evidence-based information about what our condition is,” the press release states.

“What we are given instead of an evidence-based explanation for gender dysphoria is a postmodernist philosophy that attempts to deny biological realities,” the press release continues. “This is a political maneuver that is at odds with clinical care.”

Gender dysphoria was always understood to be a psychiatric condition until recent years when transgender activists have pushed for a more “inclusive” definition that ceases to categorize it as a mental illness in order to “reduce stigma.” They have also pushed for little to no “gatekeeping” of medical transition treatments and lobbied to have therapy that doesn’t affirm their chosen “gender identity” banned in 20

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I have read that anywhere from 35-55% of trans have been sexually abused too. That's very telling and makes sense after listening to guys like fish want to mutilate 10 year olds and literally brag about it. Yet I'm the bad guy here.

Statistics documenting transgender people's experience of sexual violence indicate shockingly high levels of sexual abuse and assault. One in two transgender individuals are sexually abused or assaulted at some point in their lives.1 Some reports estimate that transgender survivors may experience rates of sexual assault up to 66 percent, often coupled with physical assaults or abuse.2 This indicates that the majority of transgender individuals are living with the aftermath of trauma and the fear of possible repeat victimization.

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Really, you should stop there, and get informed first.
That isn’t up to me. It isn’t my story. Gameface can share if he wants to, and I’ll listen intently, but I’m not going to push him if he’s not comfortable. He shared what he did, contrasted that with an alternate scenario he thought could have happened, and asked for an opinion…
I'm going to ask you this. If you had a child, let's say 14 years old...
…I gave an opinion on the limited information Gameface wanted to share while making clear the opinion was based on not enough information. We can see in the variance in both the generational and regional transgender statistics that there is obviously a social component. The strongest influence to a young child is, or should be, the parents.

I shared the way I handle that responsibility with my own kid. I’m the opposite of a bulldozer parent in that I continually put progressively more difficult obstacles in his way and teach him how to overcome them. Accomplish and repeat, accomplish and repeat. If my kid comes to me with a desire to change his hair, clothes, name, pronouns, etc., I’d say something along the lines of “Great. Let’s do it but you still have to accomplish ‘X’”. I do not believe you ever strive for happiness or fulfillment, ever. I believe that to be a fool’s path that leads to an unhealthy place. I think true happiness and fulfillment come as a consequence of accomplishing a thing, of picking up the heaviest burden you can manage and carrying it successfully. I think you are what you do. Active engagement in teaching my kid how to rack up accomplishments is my method for raising my kid into a happy and fulfilled young adult.

If you want to press Gameface for information beyond what he’s felt comfortable in sharing then you do you. I’ll admit that math tutoring of the type I mentioned in how to handle the run-up to college application is your side-hustle and your opinion on how Gameface handled that time versus how your other clients handled preparing their teenagers would carry more weight than anything I would say. If Gameface wants to provide details involving alcohol use, or what Mrs. Gameface was doing, or how well his now adult kid is fairing, and asks for an opinion, then I’ll give an opinion. Absent that, I’m not going to pry. He’s looked at how he’s handled the mantle of responsibility that is parenthood and he’s happy with the path he chose. That is good enough for me.