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Donald is about to go through some things...

Oh ****! I ALMOST forgot about Hillary's emails. Never forget... Hillary's emails.

For the record, I would have been happy if they had held her more accountable for that, but unless there are bad intentions that they can prove they generally just shake their finger at the offender for stuff like this. Trump has said multiple times in multiple ways that his retention of classified documents was intentional, his unwillingness to return them after being asked was intentional, his refusal to cooperate was out of hostility and his own sense of entitlement.

Funny thing is that if Trump knew how to shut his stupid ****ing mouth and had he at least gone through the motions of cooperating then he most likely wouldn't have been indicted. But he can't shut his stupid ****ing mouth. He just can't.
Oh ****! I ALMOST forgot about Hillary's emails. Never forget... Hillary's emails.

For the record, I would have been happy if they had held her more accountable for that, but unless there are bad intentions that they can prove they generally just shake their finger at the offender for stuff like this. Trump has said multiple times in multiple ways that his retention of classified documents was intentional, his unwillingness to return them after being asked was intentional, his refusal to cooperate was out of hostility and his own sense of entitlement.

Funny thing is that if Trump knew how to shut his stupid ****ing mouth and had he at least gone through the motions of cooperating then he most likely wouldn't have been indicted. But he can't shut his stupid ****ing mouth. He just can't.
He wanted to prove he was above the law. I think he's reaching the Find Out stage. Finally.
Oh ****! I ALMOST forgot about Hillary's emails. Never forget... Hillary's emails.

For the record, I would have been happy if they had held her more accountable for that, but unless there are bad intentions that they can prove they generally just shake their finger at the offender for stuff like this.
They shake their finger if the offender is a Democrat. What Trump has done is almost certainly criminal. Trump should be prosecuted. What Hillary did was almost certainly criminal. Hillary was not prosecuted due to political considerations. There is now a double standard. If you think Trump should be prosecuted then Hillary should have been held more accountable. If you think Hillary should have been let off the hook for the mishandling of classified information and obstruction via BleachBit and using hammers on subpoenaed devices then Trump should receive that same treatment. It is the dissonance that is the issue. It is unfortunately clear that the FBI and DOJ have become little more than the goon squad for the DNC. If you are cheering that development then I'm thinking you are short sighted. These things have a way of coming back around. If the Republicans ever get control over the government against and root out the DNC toadies in Federal Law Enforcement to then install their own because this is now how things are done, it won't be people at conventions chanting "Lock her up!" It will actually be political opponents being locked up for whatever can be used.

This is a dark path the DNC is dragging the country down.
So delicious on so many ****ing levels

Disgruntled employee? Meh seen this. Why didn’t he talk about how Barr begged like a dog, was a horse face, etc for the job? Isn’t that usually included in these attacks? Why didn’t he make fun of Barr’s wife’s looks?

Weak and totally ineffective? LOL. He helped get Trump out of Mueller’s jam.

Trump didn’t fire him. He resigned. Why would the “left” impeach Barr in November/December of 2020? By that time donald had already lost.

Gutless pig lol

Who was the very stable genius to hire Barr? Doesn’t he bare any responsibility for such a bad hire?
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Eh, Trump's best defense is that as president all he had to do was think about it and it would be declassified. Didn't have to tell anyone. So basically since he took it home he automatically declassified it.

What a POS.
I’m pretty sure they have him on audio showing reporters classified documents and admitting that he shouldn’t show them the docs because they’re classified and that if he had been president still he could de-classify them. So basically, Trump ****ed himself. Huge surprise…

The happiest person in the world today must be Melania. Pretty soon she’ll have all that money and no strings. She won’t have to hope for a stroke anymore to take care of her problem.
They shake their finger if the offender is a Democrat. What Trump has done is almost certainly criminal. Trump should be prosecuted. What Hillary did was almost certainly criminal. Hillary was not prosecuted due to political considerations. There is now a double standard. If you think Trump should be prosecuted then Hillary should have been held more accountable.
If a person without political clout had done what Trump or Clinton (or, for that matter, Biden or Pence) had done, they would be facing trial. That does not make Clinton's transgressions the equal of Trump's.

If you think Hillary should have been let off the hook for the mishandling of classified information and obstruction via BleachBit and using hammers on subpoenaed devices then Trump should receive that same treatment.
Clinton did not order the the technician to use Bleachbit, and the phones destroyed by hammer were destroyed long before the subpeona.

It is the dissonance that is the issue.
It is the severity that is the issue. Comey called Clinton's trangressions "careless". Trump's have been deliberately obstructionist.

It is unfortunately clear that the FBI and DOJ have become little more than the goon squad for the DNC. If you are cheering that development then I'm thinking you are short sighted.
If you think that, you have no idea what the culture of the FBI is.
That does not make Clinton's transgressions the equal of Trump's.
What Hillary did with classified documents is far worse. There is no evidence Trump destroyed anything. There is also no evidence the trove was given to anyone. With Hillary's handling of classified documents, there is evidence of both. Most of what the FBI did ultimately recover came from Anthony Wiener's laptop and the intelligence community was very blunt about foreign agencies having copies of classified document owing entirely to their existence on the improper email server.

In the laws that Hillary Clinton violated, there is no intent needed. Comey invented the need for intent as a stalking horse. It was a false pretext for his politically motivated decision to not prosecute someone of Clinton's political prominence for a crime she was clearly guilty of. As we now see, it is only being both politically prominent AND a democrat that will have the DNC's FBI and DOJ looking the other way. There absolutely is a double standard now.
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They shake their finger if the offender is a Democrat. What Trump has done is almost certainly criminal. Trump should be prosecuted. What Hillary did was almost certainly criminal. Hillary was not prosecuted due to political considerations. There is now a double standard. If you think Trump should be prosecuted then Hillary should have been held more accountable. If you think Hillary should have been let off the hook for the mishandling of classified information and obstruction via BleachBit and using hammers on subpoenaed devices then Trump should receive that same treatment. It is the dissonance that is the issue. It is unfortunately clear that the FBI and DOJ have become little more than the goon squad for the DNC. If you are cheering that development then I'm thinking you are short sighted. These things have a way of coming back around. If the Republicans ever get control over the government against and root out the DNC toadies in Federal Law Enforcement to then install their own because this is now how things are done, it won't be people at conventions chanting "Lock her up!" It will actually be political opponents being locked up for whatever can be used.

This is a dark path the DNC is dragging the country down.

I bet if hillary had the track record of trump then more would have happened to her.

I had a friend who got a DUI. He did 3 days in jail and then had to pay a big fine. I had another friend who got a DUI. He spent over a year in jail. Was his sentence longer because he was a conservative and the other person was a liberal? Nope, turns out that the second friend had multiple assault convictions, disorderly conduct convictions, and a breaking and entering.

Trump has been ****ing around with the law for pretty much his whole life. He is finally finding out. About time.
I bet if hillary had the track record of trump then more would have happened to her.

I had a friend who got a DUI. He did 3 days in jail and then had to pay a big fine. I had another friend who got a DUI. He spent over a year in jail. Was his sentence longer because he was a conservative and the other person was a liberal? Nope, turns out that the second friend had multiple assault convictions, disorderly conduct convictions, and a breaking and entering.

Trump has been ****ing around with the law for pretty much his whole life. He is finally finding out. About time.
good post.

I just wanted to add that if Republican voters wanted to dump Trump today and boost another candidate, they could. Instead, they’re rallying around the felon. They don’t have to but they want to. It’s a personality cult.
What Hillary did with classified documents is far worse.
Your attempts to spin them as such are pathetic.

There is no evidence Trump destroyed anything.

There is also no evidence the trove was given to anyone.
Just testimony.

With Hillary's handling of classified documents, there is evidence of both.
Clinton may have had sensitive information hacked (unproven), but it was never given to anyone.

In the laws that Hillary Clinton violated, there is no intent needed. Comey invented the need for intent as a stalking horse.
Such need has been applied to politicians generally, such as Biden and Pence, dozens of Congresspeople over the years, generals, etc.

As we now see, it is only being both politically prominent AND a democrat that will have the DNC's FBI and DOJ looking the other way.
I was not aware Pence was a Democrat. Have you informed him?
Clinton may have had sensitive information hacked (unproven), but it was never given to anyone.
The emails containing classified materials were on Anthony Wiener's laptop. The classified material was transmitted from a server hosted by Hillary to a client in a different location. Your defense of Hillary's handling of classified materials is blatantly, provably untrue.
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I bet if hillary had the track record of trump then more would have happened to her.
Absolutely not. For proof you have to look no further than Hunter Biden. There is no one who thinks Hunter Biden is a paragon of virtue and he is being protected by the FBI and DOJ. Track record is nothing. Only the side of the political aisle matters.
The emails containing classified materials were on Anthony Wiener's laptop. The classified material was transmitted from a server hosted by Hillary to a client in a different location. Your defense of Hillary's handling of classified materials is blatantly, provably untrue.
Anthony Wiener was in Congress, and on the Energy and Commerce committee (which sometimes deals with classified information). He was married to Abedin, who worked for Clinton. Depending on the materials, either of them could have been legitimate recipients of the emails. The information was not "given" to them, it was buried in an email chain.

Absolutely not. For proof you have to look no further than Hunter Biden. There is no one who thinks Hunter Biden is a paragon of virtue and he is being protected by the FBI and DOJ.
Can you name a specific crime that is 1) under the DoJ purview, 2) within the statute of limitations, 3) there is actual evidence, and 4) is not being processed (Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for tax issues and lying on an application for a gun permit)?
Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for tax issues and lying on an application for a gun permit
Hunter Biden is not being prosecuted for anything. He is "under investigation" and has been for five years so the FBI has an excuse to answer "can't comment on acts that are under investigation" any time the lack of prosecution is brought up. Both the tax and gun issues obviously exceed the threshold for prosecution and no new evidence is coming in or is needed on either one of those issues. He's also been caught on recordings facilitating a five million dollar bribery scheme from Burisma that has implicated Joe Biden, but we all know nothing will come from that either although that too will likely be "under investigation" soon so the FBI can answer "can't comment on acts that are under investigation" as they wait out the clock on the statute of limitations.
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