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Donald is about to go through some things...

What I don't get is what Trump was doing with these documents anyway? My assumption is that presidents generally aren't directly involved in the nitty-gritty of diplomacy, foreign policy, nuclear capabilities(they have a cabinet and advisors for a reason), so I have a very hard time believing that a semi-literate Trump was sitting on the toilet going through hoards of intelligence reports.
I assume comrade Trump does what daddy Putin tells him to do.
What I don't get is what Trump was doing with these documents anyway? My assumption is that presidents generally aren't directly involved in the nitty-gritty of diplomacy, foreign policy, nuclear capabilities(they have a cabinet and advisors for a reason), so I have a very hard time believing that a semi-literate Trump was sitting on the toilet going through hoards of intelligence reports.
Occam’s razor:

Trump is an incredibly selfish and vain man. He suffers from a malignant narcissistic personality disorder created by neglect from his parents growing up. He only sees material things and everything is a transaction to him. Therefore, he kept a bunch of top documents that he’d personally never read with the hopes of keeping them as trophies and perhaps even using them as leverage/benefit financially from.

The emphasis being that he kept these documents as trophies. I think it was obvious 5 mins into his presidency that mostly Trump was never interested in actually doing the work of a president. He was merely interested in the attention, financial and legal benefits, and praise. He saw these documents as trophies to flaunt and show people, including reporters doing stories about him. Annnnddd as it turns out, that was really really stupid.

Of all of Trump’s super powers, his inability to think beyond his immediate need for gratification and attention is his greatest. My son has more discipline than Trump. And he’s 5 months old! Sees boobs? He wants to grab them. He sees a black person? He’s going to say something racist. He sees a crowd, he wants to be the center of attention. He sees a rich or powerful person? He’s sucking up to them. He hears a reporter questioning him, he gets defensive. He sees rules? He wants to break them. Just zero discipline.

As long as Little Donnie gets his praise and attention, that’s all that matters. Deep down inside, he’s still just a scared 3 year old that desperately wants the praise from his parents. I think that’s one of the major reasons why so many of his followers are disturbed and broken people.
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Pretty damning stuff: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/e...ar&cvid=023cf611806d4fffaa94e97d140d8499&ei=8

A secretary identified in the indictment as “Trump Employee 2” told prosecutors that Trump himself had been packing and looking through boxes, contrary to assertions from his own lawyers. A young political aide, referred to as “the PAC representative” in the indictment, told prosecutors that Trump showed him a classified map about a military operation in a foreign country and told him to stand back because it was a secret document.

And Trump’s valet was indicted alongside him, after prosecutors obtained the aide’s text messages and accused him of lying about moving boxes at Trump’s request.

Trump never spoke to prosecutors in the case, but his actions, idiosyncrasies and thoughts were relayed in documents and text messages provided by staffers. Many accounts were provided reluctantly under subpoena, people familiar with those exchanges have said. Other aides’ phones were seized, giving prosecutors access to texts, photos and more.

Security video footage also was taken from Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida home and private club, showing the movements of boxes after prosecutors sent a subpoena demanding the return of documents marked classified.

Phone records detailed calls between Trump and his valet that coincided with boxes being moved.

Evan Corcoran, a lawyer brought onto Trump’s staff in 2022, is the person described as “Attorney 1” in the indictment, according to a person familiar with the situation. Corcoran, a Maryland lawyer, was a former U.S. attorney who represented Trump ally Stephen K. Bannon in the past and was introduced to Trump by Trump’s longtime aide and legal adviser Boris Epshteyn.

Corcoran fought vigorously against testifying in court, citing attorney-client privilege, but was compelled by a judge, who said prosecutors were entitled to Corcoran’s notes and recollections about conversations with Trump because the exchanges may have taken place in furtherance of a criminal act — in this case, withholding documents and deceiving the government.

His testimony rattled Trump.

Through his own lawyer, Corcoran declined to comment.

On the day Trump’s attorneys returned documents to the Justice Department in response to the grand jury subpoena, Trump told Corcoran to search through the material in a folder and indicated that he should remove any problematic documents before handing the folder over, the indictment alleges.

Corcoran provided a detailed summary of Trump’s comments that indicate he was looking to avoid returning documents. In Corcoran’s telling, Trump was determined to keep the boxes even though he knew he had received a grand jury subpoena.

“I really don’t want anybody looking through my boxes, I really don’t, I don’t want you looking through my boxes,” he said, according to Corcoran.

He allegedly also said: “Well, what if we, what happens if we just don’t respond at all or don’t play ball with them?” and “Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything there?”

Michael provided text messages and photos to federal investigators, the indictment shows, and kept close tabs on Trump’s packing of boxes himself — contrary to the claims made by some of his lawyers.

“Box answer will be wrenched out of him by tomorrow,” Michael said in a text message to Alex Cannon, a Trump lawyer trying to get him to return materials to the Archives. Cannon is referred to in the indictment as a “Trump Representative,” according to a person familiar with the situation. He declined to comment.

At another time, Michael updates another Trump aide on the former president’s efforts to sort through boxes and is said in the indictment to help Trump valet Walt Nauta move boxes. Her text messages appear frequently throughout the indictment, often in exchanges with Nauta.

Nauta was charged alongside Trump, but Michael was not, and people familiar with the matter have said she cooperated with the Justice Department. Nauta, on the other hand, is accused of lying during the investigation.

As Trump tried to avoid complying with a May 11, 2022, subpoena that required him to produce all documents with classification markings that were in his possession, Nauta was the person he relied on to help conceal the boxes he wanted to keep, the indictment alleges.

In the time between the issuing of the subpoena and Trump’s attorney’s review of boxes in the storage room on June 2, 2022, to find documents being sought, Nauta moved approximately 64 boxes to Trump’s residence at Trump’s request, according to the indictment.

The indictment shows the valet’s movements — along with phone calls he received from Trump.

On the afternoon of May 22, 2022, it says, Nauta entered the storage room and emerged 34 minutes later carrying one of Trump’s boxes. On May 24, 2022, “between 5:30 p.m. and 5:38 p.m., Nauta removed three boxes from the Storage Room” at Trump’s direction, the indictment reads.

A few days passed, and on May 30, 2022, after a 30-second phone call with Trump, Nauta removed 50 boxes from the storage room, according to the indictment. Later that day, a member of Trump’s family texted Nauta that the person had seen that he put boxes in Trump’s room.

“I think he wanted to pick from them,” Nauta wrote to the “Trump family member” in a text message obtained by prosecutors. The indictment does not identify the family member, but it would be a woman who has access to Trump’s private quarters at Mar-a-Lago.

“He told me to put them in the room and he was going to talk to you about them,” Nauta writes, after the “family member” says there will not be room for the boxes to go on the plane to Trump’s home in Bedminster, N.J., because the aircraft will be “full with luggage.”

A recording mentioned in the indictment describes a different meeting at Bedminster during which the former president talks about knowing a document related to Iran is classified. “See as president I could have declassified it,” he says to an unidentified staffer.

“Now I can’t you know,” he says.

“Now we have a problem,” the unknown staffer says.

“Isn’t that interesting?” Trump responds.
Fantastic news!

View: https://twitter.com/politico/status/1667669388076494850?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

Clarence is very old and overweight and will probably be replaced in the next 4 years either through retirement or Darwin. So that’ll be another justice for Biden. If Democrats can retain the Senate enough to blow the filibuster and regain the House, we might finally see some good legislation for gun control, student debt, and improving the social safety net!

I’m definitely not tired from all of this winning!

Donald the Loser!
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Fantastic news!

View: https://twitter.com/politico/status/1667669388076494850?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

Clarence is very old and overweight and will probably be replaced in the next 4 years either through retirement or Darwin. So that’ll be another justice for Biden. If Democrats can retain the Senate enough to blow the filibuster and regain the House, we might finally see some good legislation for gun control, student debt, and improving the social safety net!

I’m definitely not tired from all of this winning!

Donald the Loser!

Can a guy in prison be elected president? That would be a hell of a historical feat.
Can a guy in prison be elected president? That would be a hell of a historical feat.
Pretty sure we’re about to find out. I think republicans are going to show us the “rally around the felon” effect with these indictments. And maybe, TBH, that’s what they need? They need to completely buy into this pile of crap, lose bigly in 24, and maybe finally that’ll convince leadership to drop Trump and Trumpism?

It certainly would be nice to make politics boring again. So tired of making it reality tv.
Pretty sure we’re about to find out. I think republicans are going to show us the “rally around the felon” effect with these indictments. And maybe, TBH, that’s what they need? They need to completely buy into this pile of crap, lose bigly in 24, and maybe finally that’ll convince leadership to drop Trump and Trumpism?
The problem is trumpism is rooted in centuries of institutionalized racism and white privilege, and it represents those who rely on this, even if they don't know it, slowly losing their power as things equal out like we've never seen before. Trumpism was just a rallying cry that came at the right time, and we see that the more they even just "hint" at white supremacy, the stronger their base supports them. So the symbol might change, but we will feel the extinction burst of these long-held biases for years if not decades until it equalizes, if it ever does. Frankly this might lead to some kind of civil war, even if it's fought in the form of protests and counter-protests that turn violent and in increased mass shootings and even neighborhood shootings like the guy that was on a jog who got shot for being in the wrong neighborhood. The point is, the people that Trump energized won't go away just because Trump does. They will use him as a martyr and their next leader will be even more blatant to tie into that energy. It has always been there, bubbling just barely beneath the surface, and it was contained as long as there were outlets, like segregation and redlining. Now that these things are being stripped away, it's starting to erupt. A social Kilauea. And if it pops for real it could be devastating. And Trump was really just the tip of the iceberg.
The problem is trumpism is rooted in centuries of institutionalized racism and white privilege, and it represents those who rely on this, even if they don't know it, slowly losing their power as things equal out like we've never seen before. Trumpism was just a rallying cry that came at the right time, and we see that the more they even just "hint" at white supremacy, the stronger their base supports them. So the symbol might change, but we will feel the extinction burst of these long-held biases for years if not decades until it equalizes, if it ever does. Frankly this might lead to some kind of civil war, even if it's fought in the form of protests and counter-protests that turn violent and in increased mass shootings and even neighborhood shootings like the guy that was on a jog who got shot for being in the wrong neighborhood. The point is, the people that Trump energized won't go away just because Trump does. They will use him as a martyr and their next leader will be even more blatant to tie into that energy. It has always been there, bubbling just barely beneath the surface, and it was contained as long as there were outlets, like segregation and redlining. Now that these things are being stripped away, it's starting to erupt. A social Kilauea. And if it pops for real it could be devastating. And Trump was really just the tip of the iceberg.
Good post.

I do think the GOP or a conservative Party will need to emerge that isn’t completely based on establishing/maintaining white Christian hierarchy. And if they dont? Normal people can keep that party out of power. We failed in 2016. But we’ve done a pretty good job since. Even the 2022 midterms became a red trickle instead of what should’ve been a red tsunami.

TBH, I also have strong doubts about whether we get out of this with a multicultural democracy. I think we’re already seeing a soft civil war. I think we have a lot of rich and powerful white people who like the current hierarchy. They benefit by convincing others that blacks and immigrants are causing problems for the working class rather than they. It’s much easier to control the “proles” when they’re attacking each other. And there are a lot of bored middle class people who see their purpose in life being bully of LGBTs and banning books. It’s “fun” to act your worst and wave that “**** Biden” flag at your neighbor who has a gay son. It’s relieving to blow off civility. It’s easier to bully school boards, scream at doctors, and spit on cashiers rather than act like a rational adult. Social media helps people think this behavior is normal and it helps these apes organize and find each other. Just like we see with “Moms of Liberty” and other MAGA groups.
Yeah social media is definitely the accelerant in this dumpster fire, like thermite. It's a social disinhibitor, making people believe that acting like a **** is socially acceptable and what used to be confined to ****** message boards is now just how we treat each other thanks to the cancerous sites like Facebook and Instagram and worst of all, Twitter.
Yeah social media is definitely the accelerant in this dumpster fire, like thermite. It's a social disinhibitor, making people believe that acting like a **** is socially acceptable and what used to be confined to ****** message boards is now just how we treat each other thanks to the cancerous sites like Facebook and Instagram and worst of all, Twitter.
People used to have to get drunk to give their self an excuse to say horrible **** to other people, now they just need a twitter account.
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People used to have to get drunk to give their self an excuse to say horrible **** to other people, now they just need a twitter account.
And now your crazy *** uncle isn’t just ranting at Thanksgiving. He’s leading large groups of like minded “patriots” sharing Trump Rambo memes and planning protests as local school boards on social media. I went to high school with this nut job
****ing nuts. So many grown *** adults acting their worst.
What I don't get is what Trump was doing with these documents anyway? My assumption is that presidents generally aren't directly involved in the nitty-gritty of diplomacy, foreign policy, nuclear capabilities(they have a cabinet and advisors for a reason), so I have a very hard time believing that a semi-literate Trump was sitting on the toilet going through hoards of intelligence reports.
Yep, that’s my question. Why did he need all those docs on nuclear matters, and military capabilities of the US and others? What the hell is going on? What, if anything, was he planning to do with those docs and the information in those docs? What was/is Donald Trump up to?
“The federal criminal case against Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents will be overseen, at least initially, by Judge Aileen Cannon, according to the New York Times. This is excellent news for Trump and exceedingly bad news for special counsel Jack Smith. Cannon’s total lack of principle, combined with her evident incapacity to experience shame, renders her a uniquely favorable jurist for the former president. Indeed, if she maintains her grasp on this case, it is nearly impossible to envision Smith securing a conviction in her courtroom.”

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Yep, that’s my question. Why did he need all those docs on nuclear matters, and military capabilities of the US and others? What the hell is going on? What, if anything, was he planning to do with those docs and the information in those docs? What was/is Donald Trump up to?
Well you know the old saying, it's better have classified documents and not need them than to need classified documents and not have them.
“The federal criminal case against Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents will be overseen, at least initially, by Judge Aileen Cannon, according to the New York Times. This is excellent news for Trump and exceedingly bad news for special counsel Jack Smith. Cannon’s total lack of principle, combined with her evident incapacity to experience shame, renders her a uniquely favorable jurist for the former president. Indeed, if she maintains her grasp on this case, it is nearly impossible to envision Smith securing a conviction in her courtroom.”

Doesn't a jury decide on his guilt rather than a judge?