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Donald is about to go through some things...

Anthony Wiener was in Congress, and on the Energy and Commerce committee (which sometimes deals with classified information). He was married to Abedin, who worked for Clinton. Depending on the materials, either of them could have been legitimate recipients of the emails.
It wasn't random emails addressed to Anthony Wiener that were on his laptop. It was a copy of the server. Any email sent to the addresses being handled by the server had a copy sent off to that laptop. The only reason it is a partial record of Hillary's server is because Abedin got a new laptop that the technicians wiped once the existence of the illegal server became known.

Anthony Weiner also was not in Congress. He had resigned in 2011 but the emails were found in 2017 and the trove covered dates well beyond his tenure in Congress. Hillary was responsible for the distribution of tens of thousands of government documents, many of which were marked as classified. James Comey confirmed as much.
Such need has been applied to politicians generally, such as Biden and Pence, dozens of Congresspeople over the years, generals, etc.
It has been applied almost exclusively to Democrats. The only exception you could think of was Pence and he was only discovered 5 minutes ago. The FBI and DOJ are only letting Pence off so they can say this treatment covers both sides. Pence is only a token inclusion because it was becoming difficult to explain why Hunter Biden, Hillary, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan , and now apparently Joe Biden have all been given special treatment in clearly criminal actions and that they're all on the political left.
Hillary, Pence, etc gave the docs back. Trump didn’t. That’s one of the big differences.
False! Hillary very famously used BleachBit to destroy the material. The FBI found the material due to a complete fluke of investigating Anthony Wiener for something unrelated. Hillary did NOT give the docs back.
Maybe it's that I used to work with kids, but I thought the logic of "I shouldn't get punished for this because someone else somewhere at some point in time didn't get punished for the same thing" stopped being invoked once we all turned 12.
No. In fact it is the core tenet of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution which guarantees equal protection under the law. Violations of that equal protection is referred to as "selective prosecution" and it absolutely is grounds for dismissal.
Maybe it's that I used to work with kids, but I thought the logic of "I shouldn't get punished for this because someone else somewhere at some point in time didn't get punished for the same thing" stopped being invoked once we all turned 12.
what makes you think these people have the intellectual level or maturity beyond that of a 12 year old? If they’re still supporting Trump at this time, they’re either woefully ignorant, dumb as rocks, or just a crappy person. I’d include ridiculously immature under crappy person.
Are all you people even remotely aware of how unprincipled you are and how you ALL so blatantly interpret things to suit your political views ?? No wonder your country is such a divided mess.

So when does the next civil war start ???
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Are all you people even remotely aware of how unprincipled you are and how you ALL so blatantly interpret things to suit your political views ?? No wonder your country is such a divided mess.

So when does the next civil war start ???
LOL. aren’t you the guy who said nonsense like how vaccines cause Covid? Yeah, check back with us when we want to hear from the dumbass peanut gallery. Or better yet, stick a flashlight up your ***. It’ll probably increase your IQ.
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Let’s not lose sight of this

Perhaps former Attorney General William Barr—not a man I am given to quoting approvingly—said it best:

I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were ... and I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts … If even half of it is true, then he’s toast.
Is Barr a liberal?
The classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods.
This is bad.
Between January 2021 and August 2022, The Mar-a-Lago Club hosted more than 150 social events, including weddings, movie premieres, and fundraisers that together drew tens of thousands of guests.
This is really bad.
But perhaps Trump misunderstood or didn’t realize what he had, and he wanted to cooperate with the government to get the papers back where they belong? Unfortunately, one of Trump’s own lawyers made sure to memorialize Trump’s comments on that issue—because lawyers, despite the Stringer Bell Rule, know when to protect themselves by taking notes:

Well what if we, what happens if we just don’t respond at all or don’t play ball with them?
Wouldn’t it be better if we just told them we don’t have anything here? Well look isn’t it better if there are no documents?
In one of the more widely publicized moments described in the indictment, Trump was apparently recorded, during a meeting with a writer working on a book (who was accompanied by his publisher) and two of Trump’s staff, saying that he had a U.S. war plan against a foreign nation (read: Iran) in his hand. He is recorded as admitting both that the document is classified and that he no longer has the power to declassify it.
This is really really really bad.

If you’re still defending this ****, it’s because of your partisan blinders.
No. In fact it is the core tenet of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution which guarantees equal protection under the law. Violations of that equal protection is referred to as "selective prosecution" and it absolutely is grounds for dismissal.

So when you get a speeding ticket, you figure you don't have to pay it until they catch everyone who has ever sped because of the 14th amendment?
So when you get a speeding ticket, you figure you don't have to pay it until they catch everyone who has ever sped because of the 14th amendment?
Not at all, but when law enforcement gathers evidentiary proof of a law being broken but only prosecute some while letting others go unprosecuted, that is called selective prosecution and it is grounds for dismissal. Maybe don't get your legal advice from 12 year olds.
Not at all, but when law enforcement gathers evidentiary proof of a law being broken but only prosecute some while letting others go unprosecuted, that is called selective prosecution and it is grounds for dismissal. Maybe don't get your legal advice from 12 year olds.

Law enforcement always choose whom to charge and whom not to charge. Usually based on likelihood of conviction and public interest. You're acting like Trump is the first person to ever be charged with a crime. Or Hilary the first person ever to not be.
Law enforcement always choose whom to charge and whom not to charge. Usually based on likelihood of conviction and public interest. You're acting like Trump is the first person to ever be charged with a crime. Or Hilary the first person ever to not be.
I believe that law enforcement is a frighteningly powerful apparatus. It becomes downright terrifying when it appears that it is being used not to enforce laws but to enforce ideology, that the laws are only the pretext being used to prosecute political enemies. Trump should be prosecuted for his mishandling of classified information and his obstruction during the investigation of his handling of classified information. Hillary should be prosecuted for her mishandling of classified information and her obstruction during the investigation of her handling of classified information. Consistent application. Equal protection.

We no longer have that. The DOJ is putting their thumb on the scale when deciding who should be prosecuted. It is no longer about likelihood of conviction and public interest. There is now a clear political bias. There is simply no other way to explain Hunter Biden. Prosecution of Hunter Biden would be a slam dunk and he is not a public servant. The law enforcement of the United States government is not prosecuting Hunter Biden because he is politically protected and above the law. So is Hillary. There is no one on the political right that you can say that same thing about.
LOL. aren’t you the guy who said nonsense like how vaccines cause Covid? Yeah, check back with us when we want to hear from the dumbass peanut gallery. Or better yet, stick a flashlight up your ***. It’ll probably increase your IQ.

vaccines cause Covid ?? lololololol Please show me exactly where i said that. Reading and comprehension really aren't your thing are they dumbo. You're the posterboy for all that is wrong with American "academia"

Please show me where i said anything like that Now

No ?? Didn't think so, Sit your ignorant dementia ridden moronic dumb *** down. I've never seen anyone like you on any internet board who is so happy to blatantly and happily display their ignorance. You ****ing dumb ****
Hunter Biden is not being prosecuted for anything. He is "under investigation" and has been for five years so the FBI has an excuse to answer "can't comment on acts that are under investigation" any time the lack of prosecution is brought up. Both the tax and gun issues obviously exceed the threshold for prosecution and no new evidence is coming in or is needed on either one of those issues. He's also been caught on recordings facilitating a five million dollar bribery scheme from Burisma that has implicated Joe Biden, but we all know nothing will come from that either although that too will likely be "under investigation" soon so the FBI can answer "can't comment on acts that are under investigation" as they wait out the clock on the statute of limitations.
Wealthy people have complicated tax forms, and Biden has said he's paid all his back taxes that were being investigated. Your atatement of FBI intent is projection on your part.

Cases against wealthy white men are notoriously difficult to win, and if the DoJ rushed the prosecution and Biden got off, you would be claiming that the prosecution rigged the result.

I await evidence that the $5 million was for bribery.

It wasn't random emails addressed to Anthony Wiener that were on his laptop. It was a copy of the server. Any email sent to the addresses being handled by the server had a copy sent off to that laptop. The only reason it is a partial record of Hillary's server is because Abedin got a new laptop that the technicians wiped once the existence of the illegal server became known.

Anthony Weiner also was not in Congress. He had resigned in 2011 but the emails were found in 2017 and the trove covered dates well beyond his tenure in Congress. Hillary was responsible for the distribution of tens of thousands of government documents, many of which were marked as classified. James Comey confirmed as much.
It was not a copy of the server. It was the emails that Abedin received, that were forwarded to an account that the laptop accessed. Perhaps Clintion copied Abedin on every email Clinton received, but even then, emails sent by other accounts would not have necessarily gone to Abedin. A "copy of the server" would be a back-up of the server, a mirror of it, or something like that, which a laptop would not be able to handle.

Yes, Clinton forwarded the emails to Abedin, which then forwarded them to Weiner's laptop. It was in the tens of thousands. Clinton did not put the documents on Weiner's laptop.

It has been applied almost exclusively to Democrats. The only exception you could think of was Pence and he was only discovered 5 minutes ago.
The Pence documents were discovered shortly after the Biden documents.

It has never been news before, because no other FPOTUS has ever failed to return documents upon request. Do you really think that none of Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, nor Obama walked out with documents they should not have had? What happened is the documents were returned on request, and every other FPOTUS cooperated with NARA. Trump has been the exception.

The FBI and DOJ are only letting Pence off so they can say this treatment covers both sides.
Trump is the exception. Name any other FPOTUS or FVPOTUS, of either party, that has been prosecuted for having such documents.

BTW, Christopher Wray is a Republican. His predecessor, Comey, was a Republican for almost all his term (went independent shortly before he resigned). Comey's predecessor, Mueller, is a Republican. Mueller's predecessor, Louis Freeh, is a Republican. William S. Sessions, William H. Webster, Clarence M. Kelly, J. Edgar Hoover, all Republicans. There has never been a Democrat in charge of the FBI. Your fever dream that somehow the FBI is anti-Republican is purest horse hockey.