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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Who the hell cares? Someone left their nose candy in the White House. It’s not like someone got into the White House with an AR15. This is a nothingburger story along the same lines as Obama’s tan suit. The fact that this is getting far more attention from our media than Trump releasing Obama’s address so one of his “very fine people” could attempt to assassinate him just goes to show how biased the media is towards republicans.
Well, I certainly have no problem understanding why this story is getting some run. It’s the White House. Of course the media will run with it. It’s tailor made for headlines.
Well, I certainly have no problem understanding why this story is getting some run. It’s the White House. Of course the media will run with it. It’s tailor made for headlines.
The former president who has a history of this sort of thing, released his predecessor’s address so one of his nutcakes could try assassinating him. And the media gives us crickets. I guess we’ve all grown numb to his nastiness. The Overton window for our media has shifted so far to the right, much to the benefit of the fascists so eager to take over.
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View: https://twitter.com/dkthomp/status/1677308976126361607?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

This is great! He definitely wasn’t my first choice but who can argue with the results? And I get that he might not personally be responsible for 100 percent of these gains but he certainly deserves some credit, right? I’m definitely not tired from all of this winning! Although, I may need to buy a new wallet! If this is a recession, I hope it continues!

If this trend continues, I just don’t see for the life of me why anyone would want to return to the vile vomit that lost millions of jobs in 2020 while he told people to stick flashlights up their butts. Especially since he’s going to be embattled in countless court cases over the next few years.
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If this trend continues, I just don’t see for the life of me why anyone would want to return to the vile vomit that lost millions of jobs in 2020 while he told people to stick flashlights up their butts.
While I agree with you that no one should want to vote for Trump, I honestly can't think of what he (or the government generally) could have done to change the economy in 2020 for the better.
As has been stated before, this has very little to do with the president realistically. Although they always take credit. Part of this is a result of the rebound after the declines during COVID, and the wage growth aspect is more than a little bit a result of many states upping their minimum wages, as well as wage competition due to lower unemployment. And in the end a lot this is driven by a factor that will really begin to haunt America in the coming decades, which is the fact that we save and invest on a personal level at a lower rate than the majority of the top 20 developed nations, and our aging population is the worst-prepared for retirement of any developed nation as we have a ridiculously insufficient social safety net, which other nations have covered much more effectively than us. We better be ready to absorb the aging work force and the resultant likely drop-off in productivity as we push people to work longer and longer since fewer and fewer can afford any kind of retirement. Even my parents, who had planned as well as you could on a middle-class income, both worked nearly into their 80's. This is all window-dressing for debts we are incurring to be paid later by everyone in our society in ways we are neither anticipating nor planning for.

I am glad to see the wage gap lessening, although it took heavy government regulation at the state level and a pandemic to do it. Cannot see that being repeated so likely it is a market correction that will drop flat again and begin to widen as we have already seen. We need better mechanisms to tie wages to corporate profits in order to keep things balanced going forward. COLAs should be in the neighborhood of 1.5X the rate of inflation, not 1/2 of it, and should be mandatory at the very least. Or it should be a minimum of 1/2 of average corporate revenue growth for a given industry. Are you contributing to a 20% average revenue growth in your company for their industry? Then you should be entitled to a 10% raise at a minimum. Something like that has to be initiated to keep wages in line with corporate profit growth and inflation. I am NOT saying THIS is the solution, so if anyone wants to debate these EXACT points, feel free, but you are debating with yourself. I am just spit-balling, and stating again that something LIKE this needs to happen if we want sustainable wages that provide for a living for the majority of Americans AND some kind of future for retirement as we live longer and longer as a species.

To take that a step further, speaking as a nihilist who believes we are merely a cancer, growing uncontrollably on the planet and needlessly destroying life to sustain our own, maybe we need to stop with the medical advancements to extend our lifespans when the added years are never as productive, nor of a similar quality, as the years before. Once we reach a point we can keep someone alive for an extra 15 years, but at a nearly unlivable quality of life, what have we really accomplished other than further diluting our resources and burdening the younger generations to care for us as we age to points where we can no longer care or provide for ourselves, and then live that way for added decades. Maybe Logan's Run wasn't that far off in their logic.
If you think this would be the very first time there has been cocaine in the White House, you are absolutely deluded.
Since its happened so many times in the past, I'm sure it will be easy for you to pull the last time it was found in The White House.

Stupidest administration in the history of the U.S.
Since its happened so many times in the past, I'm sure it will be easy for you to pull the last time it was found in The White House.

Stupidest administration in the history of the U.S.
The President and his son were at Camp David when this happened.
Yeah, they dropped that grabage on Friday before they headed out. We know The White House is full of cameras, if they dont find who dropped it, we know its the Bidens.
We now it will be somebody highly connected, and that certainly includes the Bidens. Hunter is a drug addict, so it's possible. However, it's a heavily traveled area and open to tourists. If the bag appears after a group of people walk by, it might be hard to pick one of them out.
We now it will be somebody highly connected, and that certainly includes the Bidens. Hunter is a drug addict, so it's possible. However, it's a heavily traveled area and open to tourists. If the bag appears after a group of people walk by, it might be hard to pick one of them out.
Are you dumb? There are two entrance's into the White House, and magnetometers every 10 yards. Aint nobody but the Protectorate's bringing that **** in.
The former president who has a history of this sort of thing, released his predecessor’s address so one of his nutcakes could try assassinating him. And the media gives us crickets. I guess we’ve all grown numb to his nastiness. The Overton window for our media has shifted so far to the right, much to the benefit of the fascists so eager to take over.

Yes, I know. It’s ridiculous! As far as the absurdity of our current situation, we have the guy who stole state secrets running for president again, and that’s OK. The guy who attempted to prevent a peaceful transfer of power, and steal the 2020 election, is running for president again, and that’s OK. He can somehow do that. And it’s OK. JMO, but way too much “both sides” bs from our press, once known as the watchdog of democracy. Watchdogs don’t make “both sides” the priority. The truth of the matter should be the priority. Like this member of the press made his priority almost 70 years ago, bringing the Red Bait scare to a halt. Sometimes the press, as watchdog, needs to take sides. Needs to fight for our democracy. Needs to point out who the enemies of our democracy are, and not play wishy washy both sides-ism.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEvEmkMNYHY&pp=ygUZZWR3YXJkIHIuIG11cnJvdyBtY2NhcnRoeQ%3D%3D
Does it sound to anyone else like he's trying to challenge me to a fight?

View attachment 14848
A few of you guys did this to me when I offered to buy you guys lunch and actually talk face to face in peace. Guys like Gameface actually wants me dead and to put me in jail because he thinks I'm a murderer. @Red says this is honest debate when you guys do it. Funny how you liked that post and you are fine with violence and death.

Don't try to act like you are any different.
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