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Donald is about to go through some things...

It isn't about Trump. It is about the corruption and weaponization of the DOJ. If the Republicans were doing this I would be every bit as vocal in opposition to it.
Nah, then your opinion would simply change. You are currently being vocal about something you have no proof of. DOJ prosecuting trump for crimes isn't evidence of the DOJ being weaponized.
The DOJ going after Trump is not weaponization, they are doing what they're supposed to do.
Yes it is, and no it isn't. The DOJ is supposed to investigate crimes, gather evidence, and prosecute the party the evidence shows committed the crime. You are 100% on point when you characterized this as "the DOJ going after Trump". It is a corruption of the system for the system to go after anyone, for the focus to be on the person to find something in the legal code they can use. to prosecute.

The Democrats will not be in control of the DOJ forever. The Republicans are not better human beings. If the Democrat controlled DOJ is open about establishing a precedent of secret plea deals hidden in diversion agreements to garner immunity to their friends while hand-picking judges to preside over whatever political operatives could come up with to imprison their political opponents then the Republicans will play be those rules too. That is a very dark path.
One way to detoxify interpersonal relationships is to apologize for unintentional hurt caused. You have not done this. It leads me to think the hurt was intentional.
Apologies are never accepted. I did clarify my remarks multiple times and it made no difference. I got banned. I deserved it. I'm going to do my best going forward to stay out of personally directed comments.
Yes it is, and no it isn't. The DOJ is supposed to investigate crimes, gather evidence, and prosecute the party the evidence shows committed the crime. You are 100% on point when you characterized this as "the DOJ going after Trump". It is a corruption of the system for the system to go after anyone, for the focus to be on the person to find something in the legal code they can use. to prosecute.

The Democrats will not be in control of the DOJ forever. The Republicans are not better human beings. If the Democrat controlled DOJ is open about establishing a precedent of secret plea deals hidden in diversion agreements to garner immunity to their friends while hand-picking judges to preside over whatever political operatives could come up with to imprison their political opponents then the Republicans will play be those rules too. That is a very dark path.

Was the DOJ going after participants in the Jan 6 riots weaponization?
Was the DOJ going after participants in the Jan 6 riots weaponization?
Not at all. That was their job. They did their job. I do think many defendant's rights to a speedy trial were violated, but on the whole I have no quarrel with the prosecutions of those criminals and believe it to have been a far better way to handle it than to have had the military come in to start putting down protesters using lethal force.

Futhermore, I've gone on record believing that Trump should be prosecuted.

Not all parts of the DOJ are corrupt, but the parts that use political oppo research as the foundation for investigation, hide plea agreements, drag feet in filing charges until the statute of limitation expires, and utilize outside-to-box legal theory to prosecute political opponents are things I take issue with.
Yes it is, and no it isn't. The DOJ is supposed to investigate crimes, gather evidence, and prosecute the party the evidence shows committed the crime. You are 100% on point when you characterized this as "the DOJ going after Trump". It is a corruption of the system for the system to go after anyone, for the focus to be on the person to find something in the legal code they can use. to prosecute.

The Democrats will not be in control of the DOJ forever. The Republicans are not better human beings. If the Democrat controlled DOJ is open about establishing a precedent of secret plea deals hidden in diversion agreements to garner immunity to their friends while hand-picking judges to preside over whatever political operatives could come up with to imprison their political opponents then the Republicans will play be those rules too. That is a very dark path.
Wait, if you know about these secret plea deals hidden in diversion agreements then how exactly are they secret?

Im still gonna need some proof of this weaponization of the DOJ. Like you do have a recording of merrick garland on a phone call with a judge where he questions how much the judge hates trump and how bad the judge wants to send trump to prison and the judge response not being an adequate amount of hate for trump and merrick garland saying that the judge will not get a chance to try this case due to a lack of hate for trump or something? Provide me with that "perfect" phone call and I will quickly jump to your side on this. Basically everything you have provided so far is hearsay or circumstantial at best. Mostly its just your biased opinion.
Wait, if you know about these secret plea deals hidden in diversion agreements then how exactly are they secret?
Because the judge in the case caught the unusual language, which she believed was unconstitutional, and directly asked the prosecution on the record what they were doing. The prosecution immediately retreated from the secret deal at which point Hunter Biden's lawyers said they were ripping up the deal to help the prosecutors to not be publicly embarrassed. If not for that judge, no one would have known how they did it, only that Hunter Biden would have escaped with probation for a set of crimes that would land anyone else in prison for decades and gained almost total immunity for any crime that may have been committed in that period of time.

Basically everything you have provided so far is hearsay or circumstantial at best. Mostly its just your biased opinion.
My opinion, and the judges, and much of the media biased left, right, and center.

But you are in good company wanting to see the evidence. This bit of corruption was so obvious that now oversight committees are preparing to send out subpoenas.

It was immediately after the Hunter Biden plea deal fell apart that Trump's new charges along with Hunter Biden's former coworker being named as the judge to oversee Trump's prosecution happened. It is a game of DOJ corruption to misdirect from other DOJ corruption.
I do not see the relevance of this.
At the risk of getting banned again, I do not equate your situation to the situation of those who are not you. I do think a parent's job is to imbue life skills into their kids. I am doing my best to do that with my own kid and I recognize that you have done that as well. I do think you have done a good job as a parent. While I never said that you had engaged in the types of behaviors that were the subject of the film being discussed, I can see how my words could have been interpreted in a way that could imply as such. For that, I apologize to you for any hurt that caused.
Because the judge in the case caught the unusual language, which she believed was unconstitutional, and directly asked the prosecution on the record what they were doing. The prosecution immediately retreated from the secret deal at which point Hunter Biden's lawyers said they were ripping up the deal to help the prosecutors to not be publicly embarrassed. If not for that judge, no one would have known how they did it, only that Hunter Biden would have escaped with probation for a set of crimes that would land anyone else in prison for decades and gained almost total immunity for any crime that may have been committed in that period of time.

My opinion, and the judges, and much of the media biased left, right, and center.

But you are in good company wanting to see the evidence. This bit of corruption was so obvious that now oversight committees are preparing to send out subpoenas.

It was immediately after the Hunter Biden plea deal fell apart that Trump's new charges along with Hunter Biden's former coworker being named as the judge to oversee Trump's prosecution happened. It is a game of DOJ corruption to misdirect from other DOJ corruption.
Ya this is of course how you see it. I listened to a legal expert on ksl 1160 radio who said that the hunter plea deal would have been accepted if not for political bias. That a plea deal like the one he had set up is typical. What was atypical was the fact that the judge didn't accept the plea deal. Because the justice system is being weaponized against kids of prominent democrats of course. Thats the only explanation.
I listened to a legal expert on ksl 1160 radio who said that the hunter plea deal would have been accepted if not for political bias.
You were listening to a democrat shill. The deal wasn't rejected. Hunter Biden's legal team withdrew from it. Do you honestly believe Hunter Biden's own lawyers are politically biased against Hunter?
You were listening to a democrat shill. The deal wasn't rejected. Hunter Biden's legal team withdrew from it. Do you honestly believe Hunter Biden's own lawyers are politically biased against Hunter?
Nope the judge rejected the plea deal. The person I was listening to is part of MAGA. The DOJ is rigged against democrats.
From the New York Post after googling: Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-Mo.) signed the letter, which cites the reaction of US District Judge Maryellen Noreika, who rejected the agreement last week.

US district judge maryellen noreika rejected the agreement last week.
Obviously since the judge didn't accept the plea deal, the justice system is weaponized against liberals. Duh.
Nope the judge rejected the plea deal.
That is wrong. At least listen to your own sources. The judge did not reject the plea deal.

You posted this video which I am going to cue to the 20 second mark which puts the judges quote on the screen that she could not accept or reject the plea agreement. What the judge did was stay the proceedings until the prosecution and defense could reach a deal.

The prosecution and defense have to reach a deal because Hunter Biden's lawyers withdrew from the old agreement.

That prompted Chris Clark, an attorney for Biden, to say: "As far as I'm concerned, the plea agreement is null and void" -- stirring the courtroom into audible gasps.

It is technically correct to say the judge did not accept the deal, because there was no deal to accept, but it is false to say the judge rejected the deal because she did not. Biden's lawyer Chris Clark rejected the deal which forced the judge to stay proceedings until the two sides were in agreement on a new deal.
That is wrong. At least listen to your own sources. The judge did not reject the plea deal.

You posted this video which I am going to cue to the 20 second mark which puts the judges quote on the screen that she could not accept or reject the plea agreement. What the judge did was stay the proceedings until the prosecution and defense could reach a deal.

The prosecution and defense have to reach a deal because Hunter Biden's lawyers withdrew from the old agreement.

It is technically correct to say the judge did not accept the deal, because there was no deal to accept, but it is false to say the judge rejected the deal because she did not. Biden's lawyer Chris Clark rejected the deal which forced the judge to stay proceedings until the two sides were in agreement on a new deal.

You will have to take it up with google and all the media outlets saying things like

Defense attorney explains why judge refused Hunter Biden's plea deal​


Judge refuses to accept Hunter Biden’s plea deal​


US District Judge Maryellen Noreika, who rejected the agreement last week.

The justice system is simply rigged against democrats. That is all there is to it.