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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

It’s just unbelievable that the federal government can’t pause / close the border till we can get more resources and put a plan together to fix the biggest issue right now.

It is unbelievable, as in I don't believe it and no one should believe it. The laws are there. The current situation is entirely purposeful. The Biden Administration could close the border today by simply telling law enforcement to start enforcing the law.

If you can't see the suffering, it doesn't exist.

"This is emperors new clothes stuff" Bob Costas gets it.
We already knew though that Joe was crooked, that he broke the law, and that he is above the law. We also already knew that he was brain dead so what now? Do they let Americans or even Democrats choose who the party should run? Nah, switch him out at the convention with whomever they want- that way there's no primaries, no debates, and most importantly no democracy taking place.

I'm not excited about what the war machine will be doing this year with an openly lame duck brain dead president that nobody likes or approves of.
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"This is emperors new clothes stuff" Bob Costas gets it.
It wasn't just Bob Costas. Hillary Clinton is saying Biden's age is an issue.

A poll from IPSOS a few days ago reported that 86% of voters think Biden is too old to be President.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Absent evidence, this is faith, not knowledge.
per the report-

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods. FBI agents recovered these materials from the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home."

You'd think anyone cheering on the trump trials would understand that - insufficient evidence for conviction and to suggest going to trial is not the same thing as "no evidence" dummy. Especially when we are talking about a jury finding a brain dead geriatric guilty of these crimes.
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It is strange to me that Bidens handlers that have been using the hide'n biden strategy for years suddenly hung him out to dry. The same guy that has detailed instructions on where to sit and whom to call on suddenly was out there taking questions from the media? Now I'm in position where I need to feel sorry for the president of the united states? Not because he has a difficult job and needs to make difficult decisions but because of elder abuse.

"This is emperors new clothes stuff" Bob Costas gets it.
We already knew though that Joe was crooked, that he broke the law, and that he is above the law. We also already knew that he was brain dead so what now? Do they let Americans or even Democrats choose who the party should run? Nah, switch him out at the convention with whomever they want- that way there's no primaries, no debates, and most importantly no democracy taking place.

I'm not excited about what the war machine will be doing this year with an openly lame duck brain dead president that nobody likes or approves of.
You worried about the war machine?
Then you better not vote for Trump. That dude encourages Russia to invade other countries.

I'm am shocked (not really) that you hadn't posted about trump openly encouraging war.
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You worried about the war machine?
Then you better not vote for Trump. That dude encourages Russia to invade other countries.

I'm am shocked (not really) that you hadn't posted about trump openly encouraging war.
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Your waiting on my take of trump... because I post about trump incessantly? I know we have a corrupt brain dead geriatric in the white house but whatabouts.... dur
Your waiting on my take of trump... because I post about trump incessantly? I know we have a corrupt brain dead geriatric in the white house but whatabouts.... dur
Exactly. I knew you were just pretending

I wasn't waiting on your take of trump. Just your take on a presidential candidate encouraging war.

But you don't really care about war obviously.
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Exactly. I knew you were just pretending

I wasn't waiting on your take of trump. Just your take on a presidential candidate encouraging war.

But you don't really care about war obviously.
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You don't know anything, and I suppose that's why you're still a blue maga democrat. Must have been a very bad day for you finding out your beloved president and leader is brain dead. Maybe you don't know yet, the media keeps you idiots fixated on trump.
The reality is there are not peace candidates unfortunately, I'm hopeful that RFK jr can make sense of the conflict in Israel. He does seem to understand the conflict in Ukraine and he did seem to be a peace candidate up until Israel. I am still willing to at least consider supporting the most peaceful president in my lifetime though if something else doesn't change before the election.
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You don't know anything, and I suppose that's why you're still a blue maga democrat. Must have been a very bad day for you finding out your beloved president and leader is brain dead. Maybe you don't know yet, the media keeps you idiots fixated on trump.
The reality is there are not peace candidates unfortunately, I'm hopeful that RFK jr can make sense of the conflict in Israel. He does seem to understand the conflict in Ukraine and he did seem to be a peace candidate up until Israel. I am still willing to at least consider supporting the most peaceful president in my lifetime though if something else doesn't change before the election.

The most peaceful president who encouraged war? That's not peaceful.

See if there happens to be peace during a 4 year period that doesn't mean that the US president during that time wanted that peace or caused it. Coincidences actually do happen.

I knew there would be no criticism from you when it comes to your leader. You just pretend to be anti war.

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per the report-

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods. FBI agents recovered these materials from the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home."

You'd think anyone cheering on the trump trials would understand that - insufficient evidence for conviction and to suggest going to trial is not the same thing as "no evidence" dummy. Especially when we are talking about a jury finding a brain dead geriatric guilty of these crimes.

That's the summary. The actual report says it doesn't know who packed Biden's boxes. There is no evidence..
Also, it wasn't all peace under trump anyway.

Since Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 — and his administration tightened its squeeze on Iran's economy with punishing economic sanctions — Iran has attacked U.S. military assets in Iraq with increasing aggressiveness and frequency.

Iran has launched more than a dozen separate rocket attacks on bases housing Americans since October. The U.S. military blamed Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi militia that is part of the Popular Mobilization Forces but is backed by Iran. U.S. military and intelligence officials say the group takes direction from Iran, specifically the Quds Force.

A U.S. military official in Iraq said the rockets Iran has launched at U.S. forces have become more sophisticated over time.

Most attacks in October and November used 107mm rockets, which have a shorter range and less explosive power. But an attack on Ain al Asad air base in Anbar Province on Dec. 3 included 122mm rockets, with more firepower and the ability to be fired from a greater distance. They are generally launched from more sophisticated improvised rail systems, leading the U.S. military to believe the attackers were receiving new equipment and training from Iran.

The largest attack was on Dec. 27, when Kataib Hezbollah launched more than 30 rockets at an Iraqi base in Kirkuk, killing a U.S. contractor and wounding four U.S. service members.

After the attack, the United States launched airstrikes against five Kataib Hezbollah locations, three in Iraq and two in Syria, targeting ammunition and weapon supplies, as well as command and control sites.

Trump signed off on the operation to kill Soleimani after Iranian-backed militia members responded to the U.S. strikes by storming the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad.

Iran responded to the assassination of Soleimani by striking bases housing U.S. forces in Iraq.

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That's the summary. The actual report says it doesn't know who packed Biden's boxes. There is no evidence..
Uh… it’s not a hypothesis it’s a summary. It’s not a guess of what might be in the report. It’s a summary of the report lol. Do you know what a summary is?