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NFL Offseason

The dysfunctional Jets...deal was nixed and then reworked because they failed to read Tebow's contract and weren't aware he was still owed a $5M bonus.
Guess the Jets felt left out with NYG winning the SB and NYK having Linsanity. This is will be like the move Devils Advocate except instead of a lawyer he plays football and as long as Charlize Theron is in it I'll watch.
As the Dolphins bumble and stumble towards another abortion of a regular season, at least I get some comfort in the form of the mess that's unfolding for the Jets. Jet fans are going to LOVE Tony Sparano and his "2 yards and a cloud of dust" style offense. Throw in a loud mouth head coach, some Wildcat with Tim Tebow, and a media driven QB controversy every day of the week and you have a recipe for what's going to be a complete joke.
The punishment the Saints got is so ridiculous it's hard to fathom.

Honestly it is well deserved from my point of view. Good hard hits are part of football. However trying to injure someone on purpose is bullcrap. If it was my team I would expect similar punishment and be ok with it.

From what I read the Saints troubles may not be over. The league is going to review footage from games and the roster may take some heavy suspensions and fiens as well.
The punishment the Saints got is so ridiculous it's hard to fathom.
Just wait until they start leveling the punishments out to the players involved.

I don't mind the punishment for the Saints. Can't have players suing the league for not defending them then allowing this system to go unpunished. If anything this was a CYOA deal from the NFL's perspective.
The punishment the Saints got is so ridiculous it's hard to fathom.

Ummmm why?

Huge difference between playing hard and physical and placing bets to injure a player, cripple him, and earn incentives for having him carried off in a stretcher. You can't have bounties to injure and cripple other players.

Why is this such a hard concept for some folks to understand? Ah yes, cuz they've never played sports before. Since they think that sports is a full out war.

Since so many former players are suing the League. The League needed to show that this kind of nonsense isn't tolerated. They needed to show that they actually took measures to protect players and help prevent future lawsuits. NFL players know this, hence, you haven't heard criticisms of the league's suspension nor have you heard anyone coming to the Saints' aid.

Not to mention, the lame *** lying and cover up didn't help. You NEVER lie to the Comish. NEVER. I think their punishment would have been slightly less severe if they would have just come out and admitted to it. Instead, Payton tried his hardest to cover this whole thing up...

I think most folks who have played sports understand this basic concept. You play hard, you play aggressive, you play physical... Rarely (if ever) do you desire to injure the player across the court/field from you. Get a good hit on him? Absolutely. But then you line it up and do it again. You don't want to see him in a stretcher. And like hell would you ever place a bounty on anyone's head. that's a nasty criminal element that is found only as a minority.

You can be physical and nasty and not place bounties. And I don't buy that every lockerroom is doing the same BS. I think far fewer have bounties than do.
Ummmm why?

Huge difference between playing hard and physical and placing bets to injure a player, cripple him, and earn incentives for having him carried off in a stretcher. You can't have bounties to injure and cripple other players.

Why is this such a hard concept for some folks to understand? Ah yes, cuz they've never played sports before. Since they think that sports is a full out war.

Since so many former players are suing the League. The League needed to show that this kind of nonsense isn't tolerated. They needed to show that they actually took measures to protect players and help prevent future lawsuits. NFL players know this, hence, you haven't heard criticisms of the league's suspension nor have you heard anyone coming to the Saints' aid.

Not to mention, the lame *** lying and cover up didn't help. You NEVER lie to the Comish. NEVER. I think their punishment would have been slightly less severe if they would have just come out and admitted to it. Instead, Payton tried his hardest to cover this whole thing up...

I think most folks who have played sports understand this basic concept. You play hard, you play aggressive, you play physical... Rarely (if ever) do you desire to injure the player across the court/field from you. Get a good hit on him? Absolutely. But then you line it up and do it again. You don't want to see him in a stretcher. And like hell would you ever place a bounty on anyone's head. that's a nasty criminal element that is found only as a minority.

You can be physical and nasty and not place bounties. And I don't buy that every lockerroom is doing the same BS. I think far fewer have bounties than do.

Suspending Williams for life is fine. Payton? That seems really harsh to me, but whatever. I remember Haysworth getting a mere 5 games after literally stomping on a guy's head with nothing but an attempt to end the guy's career. But taking two high round draft picks from the team? That's absurd.
Honestly it is well deserved from my point of view. Good hard hits are part of football. However trying to injure someone on purpose is bullcrap. If it was my team I would expect similar punishment and be ok with it.

From what I read the Saints troubles may not be over. The league is going to review footage from games and the roster may take some heavy suspensions and fiens as well.

I would be irate. It's not the suspensions that bother me but the draft picks. That's the sort of crap that can cripple a franchise.
Suspending Williams for life is fine. Payton? That seems really harsh to me, but whatever. I remember Haysworth getting a mere 5 games after literally stomping on a guy's head with nothing but an attempt to end the guy's career. But taking two high round draft picks from the team? That's absurd.

I think what got him in so much trouble was the fact that there was an email that he got. It said something like "have him put in down for $5k for the QB". And this was after the comish had already told them to stop doing it.
I still never recall the Saints being a dirty team. We hardly got any personal fouls called against us or anything. Maybe it is just my homer goggles, but I always considered us one of the less dirty teams.
Suspending Williams for life is fine. Payton? That seems really harsh to me, but whatever. I remember Haysworth getting a mere 5 games after literally stomping on a guy's head with nothing but an attempt to end the guy's career. But taking two high round draft picks from the team? That's absurd.

Ummmmm... Why shouldn't Payton be suspended? Are you a Saints fan by the way?

Payton should have known what was going on with his franchise and upheld league rules.... He did know what was going on with his franchise but didn't uphold league rules... He actively placed bets as well (The NFL found an email of Payton asking to be put down for, "5 thousand for Aaron Roger's head.").... Then, he lied to the League and tried to cover up the whole incident....

Payton got exactly what he deserved.

I remember Haysworth getting a mere 5 games after literally stomping on a guy's head with nothing but an attempt to end the guy's career.

Cool story. But you're not comparing apples to apples here.

Huge difference between a player getting pissed and having "a moment" and coaches and players participating in bounties. A complex system with incentives dependent upon the severity of the injury. You failing to see the difference here is dishonest.

Blind siding Kurt Warner when he has no chance to make a play? Come on folks, Warner couldn't tackle a chair. Yet, this guy (Warner had a bounty on him too. Wonder how much this guy was rewarded?) felt the need to blow him up after an interception.

Um yeah, pretty simple here, HOMER GLASSES.
Ahhh this is my favorite!

Taking out a receiver's knee while he comes across the middle!

Ahhh this is my favorite!

Taking out a receiver's knee while he comes across the middle!


Funny because this was before Gregg Williams and the bounty system were in place. Saints just hate the Panthers, and especially Steve Smith.
Funny because this was before Gregg Williams and the bounty system were in place. Saints just hate the Panthers, and especially Steve Smith.

And it was a clean play?

Your claim was that they were one of the less dirty teams in the league. This shot against Smith is one of the dirtiest plays I've ever seen.

Whether or not this bounty system actually worked is subjective and impossible really to prove. But that isn't the point. In order to prevent the appearance of evil, the NFL cannot have these types of systems in place. In order to cover its own ASSetts and prevent future lawsuits, the NFL needed to send a message to the Saints (and the rest of the league) that bounties aren't tolerated. And sure, I have no doubt that Payton was punished even more for lying. You don't lie to your boss and expect the punishment to not be worse.
INTENT is what separates unfortunate from criminal. I'm not going to comment on what this does to the Saints and I don't doubt that other teams do this. But it cannot be allowed to continue. It should never have started.