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Chad ford: Blazers and Jazz.

Mo Williams as a 3rd guard? On the Jazz? I'd argue he may be better than our current starter? Am I taking crazy pills?

Probably be a better fit with the Al Jefferson still on the team and we play the same offense as last year. I think Harris is a better fit (and the better overall player) if Al is off the team, or the offense is changed to a higher tempo.
Mo Williams as a 3rd guard? On the Jazz? I'd argue he may be better than our current starter? Am I taking crazy pills?

Williams is not as good as Harris. Unfortunately for Mo he does not represent the assist machine this group needs. Mo suffers from the same problem Harris does. He doesn't make his teammates tremendously better.

Utah needs a real Point.
Williams is definitely a better scorer and shooter than Harris -- Harris is a better point guard as Williams is more of a shooting guard.
Williams is not as good as Harris. Unfortunately for Mo he does not represent the assist machine this group needs. Mo suffers from the same problem Harris does. He doesn't make his teammates tremendously better.

Utah needs a real Point.

Personally I think it's sixes. But that's my opinion. (is it anyone else's pet peeve when things like that are stated as fact?)
I'm sure he can play, but there's a difference between being a good player and being our Franchise PG. He better be the latter if we're going to unload Millsap for him.

Draft picks are always a gamble, but assuming we don't extend Millsap, keeping him and hoping to re-sign him is also a gamble. I wouldn't say I'm sold on Lillard, but considering the circumstances of where this team is right now, I might prefer gambling on someone like Lillard.
Draft picks are always a gamble, but assuming we don't extend Millsap, keeping him and hoping to re-sign him is also a gamble. I wouldn't say I'm sold on Lillard, but considering the circumstances of where this team is right now, I think I'd prefer to gamble on Lillard.

Exactly, and I'll have to catch you on the rep flip side. The first draft pick that comes with a iron clad guarantee might be one of the most valuable asset ever, right?
I don't want to post a new thread about it, but it looks like Dallas would like to move Lamar Odom to the Clippers, who would then move Mo Williams to a third team. The Jazz might be able to get Williams with their trade exception. Williams makes $8.5M next year, which is the last year of his deal. It's a bit expensive, but could help tide us over another year if need be.


Make Dallas give the Jazz their #17 (must be announced after the pick by Stern as they've traded their 2013 away already), this year's 2nd rounder from LAL, a couple additional 2nd rounders, and whatever other asset KOC can pry away.

Dallas can acquire D-Will this year if they clear enough salary (Odom and Carter's $3mm is enough). If not they have to wait until next summer and risk losing out on him. D-Will would take a max deal this year over risking injury without a long term deal. Dallas will be willing to lose other pieces if it means landing Williams. This is an great opportunity to fleece the Mavericks. Too bad they have nothing else to offer.
i never thought mo williams was very smart, personally. not like IQ test smart, cuz who gives a damn about that... i mean basketball smart. when he was with the jazz he made frequent comments that showed he didn't even really understand the offense.
Nerd - sorry to go off topic, but what do you think about MKG? Am I crazy thinking he is over-rated?
Nerd - sorry to go off topic, but what do you think about MKG? Am I crazy thinking he is over-rated?

first thing i should confess is that i watch very little college basketball until conference tournaments and the big dance, and even then it's limited. i'm just too damn busy during the basketball season to follow college basketball with any real fervor. so most of my opinions are based on reading others' analysis, watching highlight/scouting videos, and looking at how similar players have transitioned to the league to get an idea of how things could go right/wrong for a particular player.

that said, i like MKG on spec. more than anything, i like that he's a top defender and a leader. his athleticism is great, but the fact that he knows how to use his athleticism to do things that win ball games concerns me more than exactly how high he can jump and what his release looks like.
first thing i should confess is that i watch very little college basketball until conference tournaments and the big dance, and even then it's limited. i'm just too damn busy during the basketball season to follow college basketball with any real fervor. so most of my opinions are based on reading others' analysis, watching highlight/scouting videos, and looking at how similar players have transitioned to the league to get an idea of how things could go right/wrong for a particular player.

that said, i like MKG on spec. more than anything, i like that he's a top defender and a leader. his athleticism is great, but the fact that he knows how to use his athleticism to do things that win ball games concerns me more than exactly how high he can jump and what his release looks like.

I still think you are David Locke and this only adds more fuel to the fire.
you can think that...

Hey trust me, even if I'm right, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. I actually like Locke and would love to think people in the Jazz organization care about what the fans are thinking enough to come on message boards.
well i'm not him. sorry.

i, too, like locke in broad terms. he's quirky and i often think he errs on the side of being a company man. but most of his flaws i can excuse on the grounds of him being a passionate guy whose passion manifests itself in a lot of extra work and analysis. i don't always agree with his analysis, but most teams' broadcasters don't do all that extra stuff like the posts and tweets and video analyses, etc.
I still think you are David Locke and this only adds more fuel to the fire.

He's actually the son of my 9th grade Spanish teacher who, incidently, is not the father of David Locke.
Oh and he upped my grade from an F to a D+ or C-, undeservedly so.