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Boozer stands up for Utah

So where do you fall on teasing fat people? Some are born to be fat while others choose to be so. How about people with skin cancer? After all, it was a choice not to wear sunblock and be out in the sun too long. How about women that dress scantily and get raped. Can we make fun of them? They should have covered up.

Exactly, Marcus. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should have immunity from ridicule. What fun is that, I ax ya?
There are people who choose to be gay, Mormon, Jewish, Catholic, etc.
Who chooses to be gay? Help me out here (accepting what you are is hardly a 'choosing to be homosexual').

By the way, that was rhetorical. No one chooses to be gay.
Who chooses to be gay? Help me out here (accepting what you are is hardly a 'choosing to be homosexual').

By the way, that was rhetorical. No one chooses to be gay.

I think you'd be surprised. I've known high school aged kids that chose to be gay for various reasons. Kids that have been ostracized from social groups finding a way to fit in with someone. Kids trying to hurt their parents as deeply as possible. Kids that are simply lonely and desperately seeking someone to love them.

One girl hated her dad who was a militant Mormon and decided the best way to "get him" would to be gay. And not just pretend or go through the motions. She went out and found herself another young woman who was in desperate need of personal attention, gave her the attention she craved and they carried on a lesbian relationship for two years until they graduated. I have no idea what happened to them after that.

I also have a SIL that went through a nasty divorce and was absolutely drug through the mud by her ex-husband. She then had a couple of horrific relationships with men. She has become an avowed male hater. In her opinion males are good for nothing other than providing sperm to continue the species. Since having divorced she has had several female "roommates". Nothing has been confirmed and she has never come out but it is suspected that these roommates are more than just roommates. That being said, when a human being desires companionship and sexual closeness but has eliminated 50% of their choices because of hatred they end up with what's left over. She's made a choice.

It may not be common to chose but I don't think that it is unheard of.
The point is, the guy is stereotyping a religion and trying to make it look bad and the state, and get Boozer to as well. Do you disagree that the guy's intentions or words were in no way offensive or malicious? Yeah, I used extreme examples that were maybe a bit much.

But your original point wasn't "Hey this DJ is a jerk!". We all know this guy is a douche, it's the only thing anyone in this thread has agreed on. Your original complaint, the thing that started this hijack, was that Mormons as a group are picked on and made fun of more than other religions, which is simply false.

So where do you fall on teasing fat people? Some are born to be fat while others choose to be so. How about people with skin cancer? After all, it was a choice not to wear sunblock and be out in the sun too long. How about women that dress scantily and get raped. Can we make fun of them? They should have covered up.

Did you just compare being fat to being raped? Seriously? Being overweight and being subjected to a horrible psychological trauma don't even come close to being on the same level, and you're ignorant if you think they do.

And for the record, I'm a big fat **** and I get made fun of all the time, and I roll with it and laugh with it because life would be mighty hard if you allowed yourself to bent out of shape over every little thing a person says.

To summarize this thread:

1) The DJ is a dick.
2) Everyone gets made fun of, get over it
3) Marcus thinks being fay or fat is comparable to being raped because he's a ****ing lunatic
4) People need to grow up

At this point, we're going in circles in a thread that hasn't had a damn thing to do with basketball since the first page. Chop it up or lock it up.
But your original point wasn't "Hey this DJ is a jerk!". We all know this guy is a douche, it's the only thing anyone in this thread has agreed on. Your original complaint, the thing that started this hijack, was that Mormons as a group are picked on and made fun of more than other religions, which is simply false.

This is like the third or fourth time you have put words in my mouth and said something completely false. Dude, please read before trying to make someone look bad. Here's my first post

Another great example of how it is easy to attack the LDS religion and get away with it. hehepeepeecaca!

Yes I wrote that after I read the article. The very first thing said in the thread is this.

Miami radio host attacks Utah's culture and religion. Boozer doesn't bite...
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Did you just compare being fat to being raped? Seriously? Being overweight and being subjected to a horrible psychological trauma don't even come close to being on the same level, and you're ignorant if you think they do.

And for the record, I'm a big fat **** and I get made fun of all the time, and I roll with it and laugh with it because life would be mighty hard if you allowed yourself to bent out of shape over every little thing a person says.

To summarize this thread:

1) The DJ is a dick.
2) Everyone gets made fun of, get over it
3) Marcus thinks being fay or fat is comparable to being raped because he's a ****ing lunatic
4) People need to grow up

At this point, we're going in circles in a thread that hasn't had a damn thing to do with basketball since the first page. Chop it up or lock it up.

I wasn't making comparisons to equalize the different situations, I was simply trying to determine what your standards are for being able to make fun of people by creating a range of choices. Your original comment on the subject seemed to draw the line between situations that people choose vs. those that people don't. I simply offered some examples where people's decisions and actions contribute to their predictament and wondered what your take on them is.

From what I gather sexual orientation is out. Religion is in. Being fat is in. Being raped is out. What did we decide on skin cancer? How about being an *** for acting like an internet tough guy? Can I make fun of you or are you off limits?
I really don't think you can separate religion and homosexuality. There are people who choose to be gay, Mormon, Jewish, Catholic, etc. And there are some people who believe they have had no choice in the matter. I have friends who are LDS and honestly believe they have no choice in the matter. They have gone off, broken the standards of the Church, and felt like what they were doing was wrong and returned back to those core beliefs, much like a gay person may "try" to be straight but never feels like it is right. Both people are trying to do what they feel is right, and both parties are living ideals and standards that they feel will bring them the most happiness in life. You or I or Rosenberg have no right to mock anyone's core beliefs, whether they are religous, sexual, racial, etc. Those beliefs are what make us, and whether or not you hold the LDS beliefs out as true or completely ridiculous is up to you, but you have no right to mock me for believing them. Just like whether or not I think homosexuality is a trait you are born with or just something you do to get attention gives me any right to mock what you feel is best for you.

Good post. Instead of arguing over choice vs. genetics, let's all agree to respect the viewpoints of each other. Straight or gay. Jazz fan or Laker *beep*.

And getting back to the topic: congrats to Boozer for sidestepping the absurd questions. Based on this and his previous comments re: the female athlete with cancer, Rosenberg should never be alllowed a job in the industry again.

My respect for Carlos increased a bit. I still think the Jazz need to go in a different direction, but kudos to Carlos for having the good sense to keep his yapper shut. Sloan was his #1 ally this past season. Nice to see him repay the debt.
I don't know who to - rep and who to + rep in this thread. Too much stuff going on.

I have no problem mocking the LDS faith at all, if it isn't done half-assed, meaning the standard polyandry schtick, but maybe because I think aggressive proselytizing is incredibly insulting.
I wasn't making comparisons to equalize the different situations, I was simply trying to determine what your standards are for being able to make fun of people by creating a range of choices. Your original comment on the subject seemed to draw the line between situations that people choose vs. those that people don't. I simply offered some examples where people's decisions and actions contribute to their predictament and wondered what your take on them is.

From what I gather sexual orientation is out. Religion is in. Being fat is in. Being raped is out. What did we decide on skin cancer? How about being an *** for acting like an internet tough guy? Can I make fun of you or are you off limits?

I don't recall saying it was okay to make fun of anyone. But there is a vast difference between saying "Haha you crazy Mormon!" and "Haha, you got raped when you were 13 years old!". There's also a vast difference between making personal jokes at the expense of an individual, and making generalized statements about a large group of people. Things are not so black and white, and you know it. Every person will react differently, some will not react at all. But this entire out of control thing did not start about it being "okay" to make fun of people. It's just being painted that way by a few people that think Mormons get an unfair shake when it comes to ridiculing religions.

As far as making fun of me, I believe I already addressed that fact. Go for it. I'm a good sport.

Therefore, we should condone it. Great logic. Let's go make fun of all religions!

I do. Frequently.
Tim Hardaway quote - "You know, I hate gay people, so I let it be known," Hardaway said. "I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States."

Do Imus Quote -That's some nappy-headed hos. I'm gonna tell you that now, man, that's some—whew

Mel Gibson quote- F*****g Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.

Radio DJ - Those Mormons are crazy..

How could you campare what the first group of idiots said to the DJ? Crazy, you are getting worked up about being called crazy???

How is what Mel Gibson said any different from what the POS radio DJ said? The only reason it's different is he is on the radio and could not say what Gibson said.