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Reputation Comments, positive and negative

Nothing makes me wetter than when someone leaves me a neg, but forgets to click the actual neg bubble. Thanks for the positive rep, Core4, you ****ing hack.

04-18-2014 03:53 PM Core4

Thread: Finally took the plunge and published my book

AS lame as you. Neg for calling someone pig.
"I thought you agreed to stop being an overly sensitive, whiny bitch"

I guess some people don't know when they are being blown off because they are not worth replying to in any real way.
[size/HUGE] boobs [/size];883696 said:
Raise your hand if you've been propositioned for gay sex by Verlin.

This guy, he cannot stand my rejection.

Long time lurker, I see.

Why would you reject him? Makes nonsense.