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Tough Day To Be In Law Enforcement

America gasps for air: the virus and the cops and the masks and the anxiety all have the same result.


It’s pure coincidence that America feels like it is dying this summer because nobody can breathe. It’s a powerful metaphor though, and one that bears some parsing: Cities are literally on fire and nobody can breathe, people of color are being strangled by white police officers and their last words— captured on camera—are “I can’t breathe.” A pandemic has taken over 100,000 lives and the death, the disease, and the attempt at prevention keep us from breathing fully.

To be dying of a lack of air is a powerful symbol; it’s a metaphor for scarcity, for insufficiency. It’s a marker for ways in which the “richest country in the world,” the “most powerful nation in the world,” and the “leader of the western world” somehow finds itself gasping. Fighting for what should be plentiful.
What problem do you even have with what I've said? If you're talk morals about staying on the porch that's not what I'm referring to.
I have a problem with your binaries. And with the fact that you think YOUR simple moral code should be champion of this moment. A better look for you would be a listening pose.
It’s my face man
I didn’t do nothing serious man
please I can’t breathe
please man
please somebody
please man
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
man can’t breathe my face
just get up
I can’t breathe
please (inaudible)
I can’t breath ****
I will
I can’t move
I can’t
my knee
my nuts
I’m through
I’m through
I’m claustrophobic
my stomach hurt
my neck hurts
everything hurts
some water or something
I can’t breath officer
don’t kill me
they gon kill me man
come on man
I cannot breathe
I cannot breathe
they gon kill me
they gon kill me
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
please sir
please I can’t breathe”
-George Floyd
And in today's news, more rioting, looting, fires and street fights.

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Smith explained the attack in an emotionally charged video -- saying, "One of these motherfu**king white boys didn't know where he was going and broke my f**king window in my truck."

Smith says the incident was NOT fueled by race or hatred -- it was simply revenge for messing with his truck.

Lol. It's not much of a leap to suggest that this was at least a little racially motivated.
Watched the rest of that, @fishonjazz. Amazing.

I’m curious what you took issue with. The only two things I would but they’re not a remotely big deal to me given the circumstances, are his shirt and his use of the word “plot” repeatedly. I feel like there’s a naturally nefarious connotation to the word. Again, I’m being super nit picky about that **** though and in general would love to see this guy run for office rather than the clowns we have.
Those are two of the things that I took issue with a little bit as well. Again, I like the fact that I didn't think it was perfect. He was being genuine sincere and honest. Usually when you are genuine sincere and honest you aren't going to try to appease to everyone and be perfect and not offend anyone. I don't like that he used the N word. I would prefer if that word went extinct but he said what he said in a context that he felt was the right thing to say at that time.
I don't hold these things against him even if they rub me a bit wrong
I mean that was one of the best speeches I ever heard and brought to tears. I was moved. I would vote for him.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I have a problem with your binaries. And with the fact that you think YOUR simple moral code should be champion of this moment. A better look for you would be a listening pose.
Can you be more specific and not use verbal gymnastics, please?
America gasps for air: the virus and the cops and the masks and the anxiety all have the same result.


It’s pure coincidence that America feels like it is dying this summer because nobody can breathe. It’s a powerful metaphor though, and one that bears some parsing: Cities are literally on fire and nobody can breathe, people of color are being strangled by white police officers and their last words— captured on camera—are “I can’t breathe.” A pandemic has taken over 100,000 lives and the death, the disease, and the attempt at prevention keep us from breathing fully.

To be dying of a lack of air is a powerful symbol; it’s a metaphor for scarcity, for insufficiency. It’s a marker for ways in which the “richest country in the world,” the “most powerful nation in the world,” and the “leader of the western world” somehow finds itself gasping. Fighting for what should be plentiful.
Is this suppose to be powerful? This is some mental masturbation if I've I ever seen it.

This is so disturbing. Seems like many cases of vandalism in these protests are caused by White supremacists.
No it's not and you know it. ANTIFA is behind most of the violence and fires and you know it, but you go and try to find something to pin it on the WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMPERS!!! I'm not surprised in the least coming from the board scum sucking sycophant. All you spread is hate and derision is this community because you somehow think its the right thing to do in your deluded pea head. Quit spreading your hateful ******** you weasel.
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Those are two of the things that I took issue with a little bit as well. Again, I like the fact that I didn't think it was perfect. He was being genuine sincere and honest. Usually when you are genuine sincere and honest you aren't going to try to appease to everyone and be perfect and not offend anyone. I don't like that he used the N word. I would prefer if that word went extinct but he said what he said in a context that he felt was the right thing to say at that time.
I don't hold these things against him even if they rub me a bit wrong
I mean that was one of the best speeches I ever heard and brought to tears. I was moved. I would vote for him.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

I found his use of the n word enhanced how powerful his message was. Personally.
No it's not and you know it. ANTIFA is behind most of the violence and fires and you know it, but you go and try to find something to pin it on the WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMPERS!!! I'm not surprised in the least coming from the board scum sucking sycophant. All you spread is hate and derision is this community because you somehow think its the right thing to do in your deluded pea head. Quit spreading your hateful ******** you weasel.

All those fat, balding, middle-aged white supremacists have disguised themselves as young 20s kids with long hair, skateboards, and skinny jeans and looking exactly like everything and everyone happening in Portland for the past 4 years. It’s an impressive feat, but when you’re backed by the Russians it makes all the sense in the world.
I just want to bump this again.
The first time I watched it I literally had tears coming down my cheeks. I'm a emotional baby who cries watching sad movies or tv shows though so it's not that surprising (I get it from my mom.)

Today I showed this video to my wife. She never cries during movies and is much stronger than me emotionally. I had tears in my eyes again(of course) but noticed in my peripheral vision that my wife was wiping her face with hand and I looked at her and to my surprise she had tears running down her face too.

The speech wasn't perfect. He said some things I didn't like. But it wasn't about his words as much as HOW he said them. His tone of sincerity, vulnerability, and honestly shines through. I love that he said multiple times that he doesn't have the answers. That he is mad as hell. That he doesn't want to be there etc.

Just such a great speech. The fact that it wasn't perfect and he wasn't reading from something, it all came from the heart, was wonderful.

I would love to see more of the leading politicians speak in this manner. Even if I don't like what they are saying, at least I can respect their words anyway if they are being sincere and honest and trying their best to be understanding and compassionate. Be vulnerable. Admit that you don't have the answers and that you make mistakes. Be human for God's sake.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I’ve watched this a lot. I got emotional reading your post about watching it. I am also a huge baby, obviously.

I suppose on a somewhat related note: my family has a weekly Zoom call. My family is traditionally conservative (although sensible) Mormon and lives in Syracuse, all factors that I think are relevant. One of my sisters expressed her shock at the scale of racism in America and wanted to have a discussion about it. The long story short is that we had a conversation about privilege and recognizing unconscious bias that I never thought we’d have and I cried so much telling them how proud I am to have them for my family. It was an unreasonable amount of crying and now I feel like a crazy person because I probably am.