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2020 Presidential election

don't think what I'm asking warrants your childish insults bit it's your go to. I'm asking how we're going to pay for all of this. Again I think it's a valid question, and I think a majority of smart American voters are asking the same.

I told you how we pay for it. Get rid of insurance premiums and increase taxes (increase taxes big time on the rich and make them actually pay them) and save money overall. Like other countries do. You couldn't understand the concept.
Then you asked me to run all the specific numbers. That is not a valid question to ask of me.

I don't have access to the info necessary to go ahead and balance billions or trillions of dollars for the countries budget. I also don't have the time. It's not my job. That is what our elected leaders are there for.

I simply explained the concept to you.

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I will explain how healthcare will be paid for in a way you can understand and also will be more likely to believe.

Mexico will pay for our healthcare

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So you hate Trump for lying but praise Warren. 2 faced imo.

Also give me numbers. How do you know it'll only cost you $300? How does that equate in paying 52,000,000,000,000 dollars? I don't think I'm asking too much. I'm just asking for hard evidence that the nation can afford 52,000,000,000,000 when we can't even pay a 23,000,000,000,000 debt that's accumulated over decades.
So you hate Trump for lying but praise Warren. 2 faced imo.

Also give me numbers. How do you know it'll only cost you $300? How does that equate in paying 52,000,000,000,000 dollars? I don't think I'm asking too much. I'm just asking for hard evidence that the nation can afford 52,000,000,000,000 when we can't even pay a 23,000,000,000,000 debt that's accumulated over decades.
I don't know the exact numbers. I don't have the data to be able to have that information. You are asking too much when you ask me to give you the numbers.
I was explaining a concept to you. (I have told you this multiple times already)

I don't hate Trump for lying to you about Mexico paying for the wall. I knew he was lying.

I hate Trump because he is a horrible piece of **** for a human being and I don't want such a horrible person to be my president. (I have already explained this multiple times as well)

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I don't know the exact numbers. I don't have the data to be able to have that information. You are asking too much when you ask me to give you the numbers.
I was explaining a concept to you. (I have told you this multiple times already)

I don't hate Trump for lying to you about Mexico paying for the wall. I knew he was lying.

I hate Trump because he is a horrible piece of **** for a human being and I don't want such a horrible person to be my president. (I have already explained this multiple times as well)

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I understand the concept and am all for it IF the numbers made sense. They don't and according to some economist we could be paying 40+% of our wages in taxes. This is trillions of dollars were talking about. Trillions.
I understand the concept and am all for it IF the numbers made sense. They don't and according to some economist we could be paying 40+% of our wages in taxes. This is trillions of dollars were talking about. Trillions.
You don't know if the numbers make sense. No one does as of right now.

It's more than just raising my taxes. It's also streamlining the whole medical industry. Make less hoops to jump through. Less administrative fees. Regulate costs of procedures. Raise the taxes on the rich by a lot like they used to be. Don't allow the rich to evade paying the taxes that they are supposed to pay. Stop spending frivolously in other areas of government. And on and on and on. There could be ways to make it work that you and I don't even know about.
It works in some other countries already. I think we are a great enough country to make it work here as well.

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I'm just glad there are people out there who are trying to think outside the box and figure out ways to improve the medical industry for us rather than simply saying "numbers don't add up, nothing can be done. Just leave it the way it is even though it sucks."

I want someone with big ideas and innovation to try to improve things.

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K crunch the numbers for me since it's so easy.

52 trillion for medical alone.
100+ billion annually for schooling
30+trillion for environmental protection.

Let's take a look. Which source do you want to use? We can start with this:

52T is over 10 years, so 5.2T/year
.1T for schools
1T for EP(30T I can't substantiate anywhere)
I'm just glad there are people out there who are trying to think outside the box and figure out ways to improve the medical industry for us rather than simply saying "numbers don't add up, nothing can be done. Just leave it the way it is even though it sucks."

I want someone with big ideas and innovation to try to improve things.

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If Warren becomes president her medicare-for-all plan will never be enacted as proposed. She and her campaign know what’s possible to pass the House and Senate and what is not. They really just want to shift the Overton Window (expand acceptable possibilities). What actually could happen is something like an expanded and strengthened Obamacare along with a very gradual reduction in age for medicare eligibility that over a generation gets us close to medicare-for-all.
Warren is not AOC.

But still. Which source for numbers do you want to use?

Be specific, or stfu.
Warren, let's stick to healthcare. I asked first, now you answer my question before we divulge into yours. Where is this money for healthcare coming from. Let's see the numbers. I think it's pretty fair for my question to be answered since I asked first.
Warren, let's stick to healthcare. I asked first, now you answer my question before we divulge into yours. Where is this money for healthcare coming from. Let's see the numbers. I think it's pretty fair for my question to be answered since I asked first.

Let's look. Let's find out where we can get it, and if we can get it.

Which source do you want to use?
Warren, let's stick to healthcare. I asked first, now you answer my question before we divulge into yours. Where is this money for healthcare coming from. Let's see the numbers. I think it's pretty fair for my question to be answered since I asked first.
If you are really this curious why don't you just look the numbers up? They are out there, you know.
If Warren becomes president her medicare-for-all plan will never be enacted as proposed. She and her campaign know what’s possible to pass the House and Senate and what is not. They really just want to shift the Overton Window (expand acceptable possibilities). What actually could happen is something like an expanded and strengthened Obamacare along with a very gradual reduction in age for medicare eligibility that over a generation gets us close to medicare-for-all.

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The news media is held in fairly low regard in our country, at this time in our history. Yet, an adversarial press has been one of our most important institutions since the beginning of our republic. An institution that has, time and again, spoken truth to power.

Trump, by elevating the "fake news" meme, and "alternative facts" is doing more to forever demonize this critical institution, a free press in a democratic society, then any one prior. This demonization is one of the most damaging things Trump has done to our democracy. And one of the most irresponsible things. This damage will long outlive Trump.

Remember, truth is among the first casualties of fascism, or, as Timothy Snyder puts it "Post Truth is pre-fascism". A Post Truth era is an era in which a free press speaking truth to power is rendered meaningless.

This is a disgusting video but it doesn't appear to be factual. Are you saying that Trump is behind it?
And if Republicans are the majority they will just #resist the plan regardless. Democrats will reap what they sow. You really thing Republicans are going to work along side the very people who are trying to impeach an elected president?