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2020 Presidential election

Biden is the frontrunner for D’s? That’s a terrifying thought.
No kidding. He's got the backing of the Dem establishment and of course the name recognition and Obama "glow" from being VP.

Good to keep in mind that at this point roughly half of the primary voters are still undecided, there could easily be a big swing toward another candidate.
I'd have a hard time voting for Biden in a Biden vs Trump election. I think I'd probably do it, but I'd do it with my nose plugged. In Utah, since it wouldn't matter, good chance I'd just go ahead and vote "none of the above" as I have done before, like I did with Obama vs Romney.

Gameyface is warming up to Trump. I can feel it.
“The Democrats are becoming the warmongering party” is something that out of a population of 7.5 billion, only you have said. Like it’s pretty laughable to accuse Democrats, a party attacked nonstop for being pacifists and weak on foreign policy since Truman, to suddenly becoming the “warmongering” party.

What evidence do you have to support this?

Is warren suddenly pro war? Sanders? Harris? Biden was part of an admin that was attacked nonstop for being too pacifist (remember republicans mocking him for not going to war against Assad?).

Who are The hawk candidates of the DNC?

The Democrats are the war mongering party. You can take your head out the sand anytime.










Yesterday, Breitbart had an hour or more program on Maryann Williamson, as they are going down the list discussing all the dem candidates. The guest expert was a guy from Eagle Forum. Someone wo knows for sure. While noting that she raised her hand for freebies for illegals and such, at citizen/taxpayer expense, they nevertheless noted some positive things.

I never knew word one until then.... they said she wrote a book "Return to Love" and has been an Oprah frequent guest, is touted as something of New Age guru, who has run a charity for Aids patients for twenty plus years. serving like a million meals to housebound or quarantined folks.

They said she has literally her own lane in the race, with no competition, and a pretty sure 15% who would view her positively. Bound to survive the next two debates until the field is narrowed to six or so, and that she'll be pushing 10% then. A lot of people everywhere are willing to turn out for her.

They said she could be the Dem Trump..... the contender who wows the ordinary folks by being well-behaved..... uhhhmmm..... never mind. But at least the one who speaks the lingo of the ordinary folks.

Some conservative fill-ins on XM125 have brought in quotes to make jokes about.....much like major media made jokes about Trump.
I'd have a hard time voting for Biden in a Biden vs Trump election. I think I'd probably do it, but I'd do it with my nose plugged. In Utah, since it wouldn't matter, good chance I'd just go ahead and vote "none of the above" as I have done before, like I did with Obama vs Romney.

Biden is a bitter pill. I've been thinking Hillary might ride into the Convention on her broom and sweep the whole shebang. Old dreams never die, they just drift off into mumbletown. Biden has had too much common cause with the Chinese and other world wonks, and he is senile to boot.

Here is Biden confused about a Trump comment where Trump noted that while the main protests over the statue had good people on both sides, there was no room for the racists or supremacists.

I'd add, there is reason to question whether the few "White Supremacists" or racists were genuine humans with their own views, or merely paid hacks bought right along with Antifa hacks to instigate civil disturbance and media psy-op propaganda.

I mean, really. Where do these violent creeps come from. I've never seen anything like them in real life.

Of course, I'm a softie. I imagine there might be some hapless humans who have heartfelt beliefs like antifa or White Supremacists. I just don't think they know how to do psy-op stunts for the media, like orgtanized and paid workers can. I mean, clearly, not all cylinders firing in the right sequence to believe some things.

So here is Steve Cortez.

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Biden is a bitter pill. I've been thinking Hillary might ride into the Convention on her broom and sweep the whole shebang. Old dreams never die, they just drift off into mumbletown. Biden has had too much common cause with the Chinese and other world wonks, and he is senile to boot.
I've heard other clueless people speculate that as well.
I've heard other clueless people speculate that as well.

Probably. A lot of dems still cling to their nostalgic glory days of yore. I mean, I didn't make that up outta thin air. I read it into all the grief when Hillary lost. She's the Dream of Socialism personified, I'd say....... lol.
Oh no!

Biden! A decent human being who’s a pretty decent politician! So scary! What would we ever do?

He’s not my first choice. But let’s not act like his opponent is FDR or Lincoln.

1. Is Biden a terrible human waste garbage dump, like trump?

2. Does Biden encourage foreign government to intervene in our elections on his behalf?

3. Will Biden spend all his time trash talking on twitter instead of managing the executive?

Those are my standards, that’s how low they’ve become. He’s definitely qualified.

I personally agree with warren far more on politics. I still think she’ll get the nomination. However, I hope Democrats understand that absolutely nothing she or Sanders are proposing will happen as long as McConnell is the Senate majority leader and the filibuster is still intact.

If Biden is the nominee and you want to get rid of trump then he’s your best chance. Biden will be at worst, a decent and unremarkable one term president. At least he’ll rid us of agent orange and we can finally begin to rebuild the federal government. The last two republican presidents were trump and Bush II. Does anyone honestly think Biden will suck nearly as much as they?
No kidding. He's got the backing of the Dem establishment and of course the name recognition and Obama "glow" from being VP.

Good to keep in mind that at this point roughly half of the primary voters are still undecided, there could easily be a big swing toward another candidate.

I think the Dems are looking for a viable alternative to Biden. He's a walking gaffe and throwback to the Democratic Party that Trump defeated. And although Biden is a senior statesman, he just isn't a very strong, compelling candidate. A Trump v. Biden run-off would be a repeat of Trump attacking everything that happened under the Obama administration.

Bernie Sanders has a base of fervent supporters, but I don't think it would be enough to win a general election. He hasn't yet come across as being strong on the economy and foreign policy, and his angry, ornery personality gets old pretty fast.

Elizabeth Warren is an alternative, but her policies are just pretty far left to win the centrists and independent voters unless they're fully united about defeating Trump. And here's the thing, Sanders and Warren are actually very similar politically. I think they're already getting in each other's way and probably cannibalizing some support for one another. At a certain point, one of them is going to have to bow out and get out of the way of the other, but my feeling is that this won't happen until late in the game.
Probably. A lot of dems still cling to their nostalgic glory days of yore. I mean, I didn't make that up outta thin air. I read it into all the grief when Hillary lost. She's the Dream of Socialism personified, I'd say....... lol.
I don't think there are many "dems" at all that want Hillary anywhere near this race.

I don't think she was ever really loved as a candidate, but she was seen (with A LOT of help from the DNC) as the easy front-runner and potential first woman POTUS as a nice little bonus.

I think if the DNC had just let the chips fall where they may Bernie would have won the primary and gone on to easily beat Trump.

People were not upset because Hillary lost, they were upset because a disgusting, low-intelligence, egotistical, self-proclaimed ***** grabber, incompetent blow-hard jackass had just been elected.
Oh no!

Biden! A decent human being who’s a pretty decent politician! So scary! What would we ever do?

He’s not my first choice. But let’s not act like his opponent is FDR or Lincoln.

1. Is Biden a terrible human waste garbage dump, like trump?

2. Does Biden encourage foreign government to intervene in our elections on his behalf?

3. Will Biden spend all his time trash talking on twitter instead of managing the executive?

Those are my standards, that’s how low they’ve become. He’s definitely qualified.

I personally agree with warren far more on politics. I still think she’ll get the nomination. However, I hope Democrats understand that absolutely nothing she or Sanders are proposing will happen as long as McConnell is the Senate majority leader and the filibuster is still intact.

If Biden is the nominee and you want to get rid of trump then he’s your best chance. Biden will be at worst, a decent and unremarkable one term president. At least he’ll rid us of agent orange and we can finally begin to rebuild the federal government. The last two republican presidents were trump and Bush II. Does anyone honestly think Biden will suck nearly as much as they?

Biden has a son, Hunter. Hunter came along on an official visit to China, and hob-nobbed with the Honchos, and came home with a billion-dollar investment in a business he knew nothing about. I mean, the Chinese don't throw their money away, except in Casinos and massage resorts. They got something for their investment. I'd call that directly being bought by a foreign state. No mere meddling. Outright sell out.
Answers in bold.

1. Is Biden a terrible human waste garbage dump, like trump?
That language is contemptuous and exaggerated, but the answer is that, while Biden more outwardly tactful, he is a politician, like Trump.

2. Does Biden encourage foreign government to intervene in our elections on his behalf?
The Democrats already have MSNBC, CNN and the Washington Post trying to intervene on their behalf.

3. Will Biden spend all his time trash talking on twitter instead of managing the executive?
No. He probably doesn't use Twitter, and he's a minimally confrontational politician.

If Biden is the nominee and you want to get rid of trump then he’s your best chance.
Right now, I would give Biden 7:2 odds to beat Trump in a general election, but that's just my opinion. Dems need a strong, compelling candidate to challenge Trump, let alone defeat him.
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