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2020 Presidential election

Sounds like the re-election is off to a great start!

will Bannon or Corey lewandowski take Parscale’s place? Is paul Manafort out of jail? My money is on Corey tbh
What are the odds that he doesn’t make it to the election due to death via coronavirus?
Well with his little cluster seeming to have it going around I'd say 27.782-38.914% ballpark

Wait isn’t this socialism and a handout and republicans hated socialism, right?

There's zero way this will pass with both R's and D's likely declaring it dead even before arrival. Note these are also tax credits, not refunds so not everyone would even be eligible for them.

Let's face it, McSally is chucking hail mary's right now as Kelly is likely to bounce her out in Arizona.
So when does Parscale get replaced? Seems inevitable at this point and quite honestly, I would actually agree with Trump if he decided to sack him.
So when does Parscale get replaced? Seems inevitable at this point and quite honestly, I would actually agree with Trump if he decided to sack him.

I’ve read that it’s complicated. Parscale has snookered Trump so bad that I don’t think an easy termination is possible. First, he pays for Trump’s kid’s girlfriends and wives. Second, his finances are so intertwined with the campaign’s that if Trump cans him, Parscale will leave with a good chunk of campaign change.

Parscale is showing us why Trump couldn’t even be trusted to run a casino let alone a nuclear armed country.

Anyone else find it disturbing the inflammatory rhetoric by the right in their descriptions of their enemies or political opponents? Bolton has been described as a traitor. Mueller/Comey have been described the same way plus traitors. And now “the left” is being described as “degenerate.”

This isn’t normal in functioning democracies. Especially in politics. You have to compromise in politics. You aren’t creating an environment for compromise when you’re calling your opponent “traitorous” and “degenerate.” Although, I get that it’ll score big with the most extreme on the right and on Fox News. Extremism gets clicks!

Before the Rwanda genocide, Tutsis were described as “cockroaches” and “snakes” before neighbor turned on neighbor. The first step before any genocide is dehumanizing your opponent. They are no longer a human being, but a degenerate or a pest that deserves to be killed.

I don’t necessarily predict mass genocide Here. But I don’t see democracy functioning when one side is dehumanizing another political party and the majority of citizens in the country.
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Interesting if true.
But it's not like he'll be able to hide forever. We do have 3 presidential debates coming up.

I’ll be honest... do we need a Biden and Trump debate? What is to be learned? Trump will lie and brag. What’s the point? We see him at rallies and press conferences literally everyday. How do you “win” a debate against someone who lies and exaggerates shamelessly?
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Wonder where he learned that trick from. :)

It's actually the best strategic move for him. He has no reason to have daily press conferences because all the focus and responsibility is on Trump. Biden's best bet is to hang around in the shadows and let Trump continually hang himself.

The debates are pointless, but I believe most just watch them for the theater.