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2023 NBA Draft Megathread

Keyonte is a 6th man at this point for me, which is fine at 8-12 range.
I would bet on him becoming a decent Fultz level playmaker but always a score first type you maybe don't want running your offense especially when you already have one like that in Sexton.
I liked Keyonte more early on, not so much now. Leaning towards DA going high ceiling front court and role player 2 way back court later
Keyonte is frustrating as hell. Any time I start to really like him he seems to disappear for a stretch and makes me second guess what I'm thinking. I love his potential as a 3 level scorer though in the nba with more spacing. He has a nice compact jumper with deep nba range and the shiftiness to create space.
Drafting positions ended for me in 2013. Passing on giannis to trade up for a short guard trey burke just sucked. Never pass up good players to take a position you think you need. Draft the best player available. Even this year with 3 big 7 footers already on the team. If the best player is 7 feet tall you draft them. Me im looking for height and athletisism.
Drafting positions ended for me in 2013. Passing on giannis to trade up for a short guard trey burke just sucked. Never pass up good players to take a position you think you need. Draft the best player available. Even this year with 3 big 7 footers already on the team. If the best player is 7 feet tall you draft them. Me im looking for height and athletisism.
Unfortunately the jazz front office had Trey as their best player available. Their analytics guys had him rated as the best pg prospect since Chris Paul.
Not recently. A bunch of the projected lottery picks have been passing on the combine of late.
Most of the players who go to the combine measure. A select few dont and it has been increasing a little bit. You said most of them dont.
Balance is old school. New school is positionless bball. A bunch of tall athletic dudes who can switch every poition.
I mostly agree with you, except you do need at least one person to help set up the bigs who usually cannot create their own shot. Most of the time that is a guard unless you are named Lebron James.
Outside of the top three which prospects who would you trade our pick and the Wolves pick in order to secure?

My top 3 prospects are Victor, Scoot and Amen. I would trade up for Jarace, Cam or possibly Ausar. Otherwise, I'd take my favorite guard at ~10 and GG at ~15. That said, I'm not sure anyone's going to let the Jazz trade up.
Unfortunately the jazz front office had Trey as their best player available. Their analytics guys had him rated as the best pg prospect since Chris Paul.
It been a long time, but i thought i read or heard that they really liked giannis and had him rated very high, but corbin insisted he needed a guard and they did rank trey very high as well. I always had the impression giannis was their highestest rated prospect, but they needed a guard. Ever since that draft ive alway thought best player over need every time.
It been a long time, but i thought i read or heard that they really liked giannis and had him rated very high, but corbin insisted he needed a guard and they did rank trey very high as well. I always had the impression giannis was their highestest rated prospect, but they needed a guard. Ever since that draft ive alway thought best player over need every time.

My recollection is that the Jazz liked Kelly Olynyk in their draft range, but they heard through the grapevine that Boston was planning to trade up with Dallas to take him. Maybe they'd have taken Giannis if they stayed at $14 and Olynyk was off the board. I think the Jazz would have traded up with Minnesota regardless.
It been a long time, but i thought i read or heard that they really liked giannis and had him rated very high, but corbin insisted he needed a guard and they did rank trey very high as well. I always had the impression giannis was their highestest rated prospect, but they needed a guard. Ever since that draft ive alway thought best player over need every time.
it works in favor of stubborn stat heads who micro manage scouting departments more than it works to their disadvantage -so yeah you really need to have a solid scouting department who can convince owners to take risks like Giannis who had all the tools and the generational potential if he figured it all out. I am pretty certain DA has this under control. we aint picking for need unless that prospect is the bpa
It been a long time, but i thought i read or heard that they really liked giannis and had him rated very high, but corbin insisted he needed a guard and they did rank trey very high as well. I always had the impression giannis was their highestest rated prospect, but they needed a guard. Ever since that draft ive alway thought best player over need every time.
My information wasn't public knowledge as far as I know. I received it from someone that was in upper management with the LHM group at the time.