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A Place for Conservatives

Also I think that some have a different view from others on the meaning of left and right in politics, I guess depending on their sources of information.
Usually it's based on your point of view to begin with. Everyone believes their beliefs are reasonable, logical, and therefore centrist, since obviously their ideas are the most balanced and reasonable. So from that point of view they see anything that doesn't fit their own view as either left or right from there. Hence the view of many on the extreme left that politics has "shifted" so that centrists are the "new right", rather than being intellectually honest and admitting that their own view have shifted extreme left and become even more immutable. We are in an age where confirmation bias is so strongly reinforced through immediate access to similar viewpoints and ability to deride dissenting opinions through the immediate feedback loop of social media, that even those who may previously have accepted other opinions as valid are becoming engulfed in the political quagmires at each end of the spectrum.
This thread is massively disappointing. Heathme, grow as a person. Learn and grow. Be better.

As far as I can tell this is your first contribution to the thread, and that's all you have to say? No liberal knowledge to impart upon me? And if you're not a liberal, no conservative information to share?

Any comments on the many articles, videos, and information I shared?
As far as I can tell this is your first contribution to the thread, and that's all you have to say? No liberal knowledge to impart upon me? And if you're not a liberal, no conservative information to share?

Any comments on the many articles, videos, and information I shared?
I have a comment for ya

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It's not that AOC says some out there stuff, its that Foxnews props her up as the leader and mouthpiece for the Dems and liberals as a whole, which she is definitely not. Her concepts and ideas strike fear into the hearts of conservatives and Foxnews is using her to stoke that fear aka SOCIALISM!

AOC is a small time freshman getting way too much press on conservative sites. Ever noticed she featured on Foxnew's homepage everyday? She's barely on "liberal media" news outlets. You're being manipulated, just so you know.
Here, here!

Or is it hear, hear!?

Whatever, I second this post.
AOC is a rookie congresswoman being used as a foil by the state propaganda outlet.

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I appreciate your respectful response. It has become rare around here.

What about the evidence that the polar ice caps are growing? https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddar...ns-of-antarctic-ice-sheet-greater-than-losses

What about the exact same weather patterns happening in the early 1900s?

Our climate is constantly changing and shifting. We have had a long period without sun spots that is affecting our weather. Our earth is billions of years old, yet scientist think they can know what happened 200+ years ago and before.

What about Al Gore's predictions that the east coast would be underwater a few years ago? Computer models are faulty at best. You do realize how rich global warming has made Al Gore right?

I definitely can respond to the one about growing polar ice caps. In fact, there was an article on Forbes about this and which was debunked. I was one of the debunkers but there were others, and the information was available which showed error in perception made by the article. Yes, there is additional ice in Antarctica, but it has to do with conditions of moisture created by the warming temperatures. However, it's a very thin layer and the ice that is relevant is the icebergs which are deep and thick ice and they are melting. Heathme, there is a lot of disinformation out there about Global Warming to benefit the profit-making industries. They want to keep polluting and spewing out fossil fuels to maintain their profits. To admit to Global Warming would mean they would have to do something about it, which would affect their bottom line. It's a simple as that.
I definitely can respond to the one about growing polar ice caps. In fact, there was an article on Forbes about this and which was debunked. I was one of the debunkers but there were others, and the information was available which showed error in perception made by the article. Yes, there is additional ice in Antarctica, but it has to do with conditions of moisture created by the warming temperatures. However, it's a very thin layer and the ice that is relevant is the icebergs which are deep and thick ice and they are melting. Heathme, there is a lot of disinformation out there about Global Warming to benefit the profit-making industries. They want to keep polluting and spewing out fossil fuels to maintain their profits. To admit to Global Warming would mean they would have to do something about it, which would affect their bottom line. It's a simple as that.

Serious question. Are you someone that believes that the Earth is gradually and very slowly warming or are you someone that believes the world is going to end in 12 years?

As you can guess, I am definitely on the side that climate computer models are very flawed and have been proven to be flawed over the past 20 to 30 years.

To me, this article is very reasonable:
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I would guess you are not a fan of Milton Friedman.

He is brilliant on the topic of capitalism and that is the reason I posted many of his videos a few pages back. I have enjoyed his books and learning much of what I know from him. I agree with his view about the history and development of capitalism. The Uncle Eric books are also excellent if you want to do some more beginning reading on the subject: http://www.bluestockingpress.com/uncle-eric-books.htm

Here is something that appears to be more up your alley:
cool personal story.

And, yeah, I'm familiar with Friedman.
Serious question. Are you someone that believes that the Earth is gradually and very slowly warming or are you someone that believes the world is going to end in 12 years?

As you can guess, I am definitely on the side that climate computer models are very flawed and have been proven to be flawed over the past 20 to 30 years.

To me, this article is very reasonable:
Reasonable but it's a pack of lies. Since when did they keep records about tornadoes during the Civil War years -- that was the clue that this was suspect. I haven't checked his claims but I guarantee most of what he is saying is pure b.s.

Sure enough, the work of the dirty, dishonest Koch brothers, the secret power behind the Trump Administration:


Heathme, just look at what the overwhelming majority of scientists are saying. It's like 97-99 percent of the world's respected scientists say that climate change is happening and made by human activity. Stop fighting with science and believing these out and out liars who only want to advance their profit-making agenda.
Reasonable but it's a pack of lies. Since when did they keep records about tornadoes during the Civil War years -- that was the clue that this was suspect. I haven't checked his claims but I guarantee most of what he is saying is pure b.s.

Sure enough, the work of the dirty, dishonest Koch brothers, the secret power behind the Trump Administration:


Heathme, just look at what the overwhelming majority of scientists are saying. It's like 97-99 percent of the world's respected scientists say that climate change is happening and made by human activity. Stop fighting with science and believing these out and out liars who only want to advance their profit-making agenda.
Can you say with absolute certainty that no one is using current prevailing climate opinion to make a profit? Are there research grants, new products, new industries, or anything else monetarily tied to it? Be careful trying to ascribe purely altruistic motivations to anything driven by humans.
Reasonable but it's a pack of lies. Since when did they keep records about tornadoes during the Civil War years -- that was the clue that this was suspect. I haven't checked his claims but I guarantee most of what he is saying is pure b.s.

Sure enough, the work of the dirty, dishonest Koch brothers, the secret power behind the Trump Administration:


Heathme, just look at what the overwhelming majority of scientists are saying. It's like 97-99 percent of the world's respected scientists say that climate change is happening and made by human activity. Stop fighting with science and believing these out and out liars who only want to advance their profit-making agenda.

Here is a view from the other side:
And vice versa I suppose

Of course, if one simply ignores everything there is to know about the Heartland Institute.

There are always two sides. I find being open minded to be the best option.

Take a really deep dive into the history of the Heartland Institute, and then get back to me. Be open minded about it.

Of course I know that won't happen, and really, that's all right. People just believe what supports their own position, and then just talk past each other. I'm no different.
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