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Bin Laden is dead

I'm with you Trout for the most part just not to the extreme that you are but that is why I hadn't really posted much either.
I'm never happy when another human dies but I am happy he has paid for his crimes. When I saw the crowds gathering I felt initial goodwill that as a country people still had a sense of pride but then realized people would be celebrating for different reasons.
IMO I'm okay with people doing it for national pride, justice well pretty much anything along those lines I just don't believe in public celebration of someones death. Although I really did enjoy that Mark Twain quote.

I'm also not saying people can't and shouldn't do what they feel is okay, that is there right and our country is founded on those rights, kind of like you were trying to elude to (Trout) but maybe a bit more harshly is that those things (pic's, celebrating) can be construed or perceived differently.
I agree.

All of you are jackasses for cheering his death.

I wish we never would have cheered. In fact, I wish we all would have cried for bringing to justice a man who has slaughtered thousands of innocents. We should have given him a medal or something.

Actually, I wish we wouldn't have killed him. We should have just given him billions and let him have at it.

While we're at it, lets donate a few aircraft carriers to Kim Jong d-bag. Lets throw in a few nukes for Gadafhi.

You know, we don't wanna ruffle the feathers of any of the punkasses of the world!

Are you people even American?

Lets also see if the NBA can give away Dwight Howard and Russel Westbrook to the Heat, just because we don't wanna irritate anyone.

Seriously?! You people are making me sick.

The dude was a mass murderer. Our forces just took out the #1 terrorist in the world. Even fellow Muslims are celebrating this victory.

Every American should be celebrating in one form or another the victory won by the United States of America. If not, you should be deported to Afghanistan and live there, unpatriotic ungrateful garbage!

Radicals will always be radicals. There will be terrorists using whatever excuse they can to bash us no matter what. You can find these nutjobs in trouts basement just like you can find them in Pakistan.

the important part is, we just wiped out the #1 face of terror and dumped his sorry carcass in the ocean.

Make no mistake, last night was a huge victory in the war in terror. And some terrorists may find motivation in our celebrations. But most people in the world are relieved... And most people thinking about joining terrorist organization will now think twice before joining/starting one up. The US has proven to be able to infiltrate and destroy even the most protected and secretive men in the world.
It's sad how some of you hate America.

No matter what America does, it's wrong.

Yes, death is usually kinda a sad thing. But the death of the #1 terrorist so that billions can be safe is well worth it.

I dare some of you to tell victims of 9/11 and of those who are serving in our armed forces that they shouldn't celebrate. That they should feel bad for Osama Bin laden.

I dare you to do it Trout. Lets see if you have the courage to backup your stuff.
I've actually been thinking about that a lot lately. Because I also think those people in DC and New York are a disgrace, just like I think the people that attended the Royal Wedding are a disgrace, just like I think the people that gather to celebrate election victories are a disgrace. I really couldn't come up with anything government related that I thought was worth celebrating on the streets like that. I'm pro activism, not government group ****. This is the reason these people think they are gods.
It's sad how some of you hate America.

No matter what America does, it's wrong.

Yes, death is usually kinda a sad thing. But the death of the #1 terrorist so that billions can be safe is well worth it.

I dare some of you to tell victims of 9/11 and of those who are serving in our armed forces that they shouldn't celebrate. That they should feel bad for Osama Bin laden.

I dare you to do it Trout. Lets see if you have the courage to backup your stuff.

You're either with us, or against us, right OGat?

Your stupidity knows no bounds, and wow, I'm not even sure how to/if I want to respond to your idiocy. For funsies though, I'd really love it if you'd show us all where I said anything about, "Feeling bad for Osama Bin Laden", or "Anything America does is wrong." I'll wait. Still waiting...

Bummer, better luck next time, *** face.

As far as me, 'telling victims of 9/11 and our armed forces not to celebrate', I think I'll pass on that action. Do you know why? Because I actually do value peoples freedoms and rights. It doesn't matter if I think they are wrong for it, I won't tell them not to celebrate, rally, etc.. But you just keep on spouting your, "We're UMERICANS, fear our Iron Fist!" drivel and keep perpetuating the, "Man, Americans are ****ing stupid." agenda. You're doing wonders for the country that you so adamantly defend.

p.s. please don't ever have children.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Deep down, I'm glad he's dead. I think he deserved it. I hope he's rotting in the depths of whatever Hell he believed in. I just don't like the way that Americans are flaunting it. At the end of the day, it's just another human being that was murdered, which doesn't seem like a celebratory thing to me.

I agree with TroutBum here. I'm relieved, but there is nothing to celebrate about it.
The media is making me sick.

I quit watching after about 5 minutes. I'm still glad he's dead.

I mean, can you believe ANYONE cheering for the death of another human being, let alone thousands?

Considering the collateral damage inflicted on an entire country in our pursuit of Saddam, I have no problem with people cheering this. I'll admit, I don't want to watch it, but I understand it. I'm grateful they actually got him, rather than dropping bombs on a house full of innocent people, just because somebody gave them a tip that he might be there sometime. To be honest, even though it is disturbing and not at all pretty, I think you and a few others might feel differently if one of your loved ones had been one of the casualties of 9/11. Maybe not, but that's my hunch.
Is anyone else upset that our local crowd of yahoos in front of the White House couldn't come up with a better chant than "na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"?

It was that and the soccer "Ole" chant. Outside of good ol' dependable "U! S! A!" we really had nothing. If we insist on gathering in front of the White House we need better chants for situations like this.
It's sad how some of you hate America.

No matter what America does, it's wrong.

Yes, death is usually kinda a sad thing. But the death of the #1 terrorist so that billions can be safe is well worth it.

I dare some of you to tell victims of 9/11 and of those who are serving in our armed forces that they shouldn't celebrate. That they should feel bad for Osama Bin laden.

I dare you to do it Trout. Lets see if you have the courage to backup your stuff.
Nobody is suggesting we should "feel bad" for Osama or pity him. But adversely, we should not be celebrating and cheering death/torture AT ALL, no matter who it is. To do so, you are no different than the 1700's masses that cheered at a lynching, and why not? It's a criminal dying, right? Hasn't that image ever struck you as odd?

Once again, I'm solemn that we have war going on, that many were killed by Osama, and that we had to kill Osama and others to prevent more deaths. It's all horrible, horrible stuff, and I feel no elation over it whatsoever.
I haven't seen the "celebrations", but it seems possible to me that they might not be simply celebrating the fact that a guy is dead; but also that the world is, in theory, now a safer place.

Or is it just a bunch of idjuts out screaming "take that, Osama! Where's yer virgins now?"

It's like when Aint was banned. I held a little party in my basement, NOT because I was glad that the guy got what was coming to him, but because my head would now hurt less when I read the board.

Not that I'm comparing Aint to Osama. But not that I'm not.
Is anyone else upset that our local crowd of yahoos in front of the White House couldn't come up with a better chant than "na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye"?

It was that and the soccer "Ole" chant. Outside of good ol' dependable "U! S! A!" we really had nothing. If we insist on gathering in front of the White House we need better chants for situations like this.

With originality like that, we should recruit these people to come cheer in the Jazz Rowdies section next year.
I watched the news coverage until well past three in the morning. Watching the soldiers holding American flags and cheering from light posts in NYC, watching the Firemen of the NYFD gather at ground zero to celebrate and remember their fallen comrades, watching throngs of people waving American flags in front of the White House, and listening to a couple of people interviewed who were in the twin towers and were able to escape on 9/11. I felt a great sense of pride of what the US military was able to accomplish. I also don't feel bad for being happy that a murderous coward is dead.

Watching the throngs of people celebrating last night I was reminded of news coverage of people dancing and celebrating in the Middle East on 9/11. The difference is that they were celebrating the murder of 3,000+ innocent men, women, and children in an un-provoked attack. Americans, on the other hand, were celebrating the death of someone who encouraged the murder of as many innocent people as possible. Osama was the figurehead of an organization that funded, planned, and assisted in carrying out attacks that brought a nation to its knees. Given those circumstances, New Yorkers, Washingtonians, survivors of Flight 93, and those that have lost loved ones due to the War on Terror have every right to celebrate without having to worry about who it "offends".

“Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit softly” - Teddy Roosevelt
A few questions and if these have already been addressed I apologize.

1) How did they do the DNA test on him? They did it once aboard the ship/boat? I can't imagine the SEALS were carrying them around.

2) How did they confirm it was him so quickly? I thought it generally takes a long time to get DNA results back, no matter who's involved.

3) What the heck did they have to test it against? I want to say he had close family who lived in Boston, MA but I'm not sure.

Any answers to these questions are much appreciated.