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This has nothing to do with following the science. The new mask mandates are authoritarianism for the sake of authoritarianism. Deaths from SARS-CoV-2 are at their lowest point since the pandemic began.


Everyone should get vaccinated but wearing a cloth mask does nothing but outwardly signal compliance to authority. So long as people are willing to wear them the government never has to give up emergency powers.
Wearing a mask does nothing? Flu and cold season sure was almost non existent last year for some strange reason.

Also, try putting some water in your mouth and then spit out as far as you can. Then do the same thing with mask on. See if the mask has an effect on how far the water gets.

You could do the same test with smoke.

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Requiring fully vaccinated people to wear unregulated cloth masks isn't about saving anyone's life.

What is it about then in your opinion?
I think it's about trying to make the virus spread less.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Accident and Alz are not communicable diseases. We can’t stop accidents from happening and we’ve poured billions into Alz research.

Simple question: do you think COVID deaths will be going up with this latest spike?
The data out of the UK showed the death per 10m population going up from 1.3 to 2.1. That is technically "going up", but it is nothing as compared to the "going up" that we observed when the emergency powers were first given to the government.

I do not believe in 100% safety. I think some level of acceptable risk should be tolerated. We don't ban automobiles because people die in them every day. We do what we can to minimize accidents, to protect occupants as best as we can, and to inform drivers of the dangers, then we let people drive cars. With automobiles we tolerate some level of risk. That is good and right and as it should be. The government pumped a ton of money into vaccine development, has made the vaccine available at no cost, has informed us of the risks, and allows us to buy masks if we want. The government has done their job and now needs to get out of the way.
You could do the same test with smoke.
Yes you can, but you have to be very careful when posting to YouTube because those vape-smoke tests show how poorly non-N95 masks perform and get classified as against their terms of service. The smoke tests also show how Plexiglas dividers do nothing. Here is only example of one that has remained up. Remember that if you can see smoke then you are releasing virus.
I didn't fake the statistics. I can also robustly support my contention that anything other than an N95 mask doesn't do much.
Can you, with a year-long epidemiological study into the effective ness of masks into preventing diseases passed by aerosol droplets? Because we just ran one of those last year, and the masks came out pretty well. It wasn't just covid19 that was contained, it was also measles, the seasonal flu, etc.

Being that there are no mandates on the certification of masks being used during pandemic spikes like there are on nearly every other mandated safety item (seat belts, baby car seats, motorcycle helmets, etc) it is easy to argue that effectiveness of the safety measure isn't the point.
Poorly designed seat belts can cause more injury, and seat belt restrictions have altered over decades to make seat belts better. The same holds for baby car seats and motorcycle helmets.

Unless you are actually breathing in an excessive number of fibers, masks can be more or less efficient, but they don't cause danger in the same way, and we haven't been using them for decades.
Yes you can, but you have to be very careful when posting to YouTube because those vape-smoke tests show how poorly non-N95 masks perform and get classified as against their terms of service. The smoke tests also show how Plexiglas dividers do nothing. Here is only example of one that has remained up. Remember that if you can see smoke then you are releasing virus.

Going through the first four masks, I saw exactly what the CDC has been saying would see: a redirection of the smoke away from other people and toward yourself. If the smoke/particulates are landing in your hair, they are not infecting other people.
Going through the first four masks, I saw exactly what the CDC has been saying would see: a redirection of the smoke away from other people and toward yourself. If the smoke/particulates are landing in your hair, they are not infecting other people.
Statistically there is almost no difference between being 6 feet away or 60 feet away. It doesn't matter if the virus is initially escaping forward or backward, up or down. If the virus escapes the mask at all it is in the room's air. It is also why plexiglass barriers don't work. If everyone isn't wearing an N95 mask, the only thing shown to make a sizable difference in the likelihood of transmitting infection to other people is how many times per hour the room's air can be completely changed. Ideally you want 6 full air changes per hour but a minimum of 3.
The data out of the UK showed the death per 10m population going up from 1.3 to 2.1. That is technically "going up", but it is nothing as compared to the "going up" that we observed when the emergency powers were first given to the government.

I do not believe in 100% safety. I think some level of acceptable risk should be tolerated. We don't ban automobiles because people die in them every day. We do what we can to minimize accidents, to protect occupants as best as we can, and to inform drivers of the dangers, then we let people drive cars. With automobiles we tolerate some level of risk. That is good and right and as it should be. The government pumped a ton of money into vaccine development, has made the vaccine available at no cost, has informed us of the risks, and allows us to buy masks if we want. The government has done their job and now needs to get out of the way.
Okay... so again, do you think deaths will go up knowing the denominator will be heading up?

Agree that there's no 100% safety, but always odd to fathom how people will smoke, drink, take opiods, etc. and other harmful things but getting a vaccine is a big no go.
Statistically there is almost no difference between being 6 feet away or 60 feet away. It doesn't matter if the virus is initially escaping forward or backward, up or down.
Please describe the exact statistic to which you refer, and why if it is anything other than viral load imparted, we should be paying attention to it.

If the virus escapes the mask at all it is in the room's air.
You don't get infected by viruses while they are in the air. It's where they go after going into the air that matters.
I don't think the CDC is the one wagging the tail on this dog.
I'm still waiting to hear what anyone outside of mask manufacturers actually gains from mask mandates.
Okay... so again, do you think deaths will go up knowing the denominator will be heading up?
I do think it will tick up but not enough to justify the societal collateral damage, such as cratering the fertility rate and practically non-existent "hybrid" education in districts where teacher's unions use CDC guidelines as proof of danger, that accompany virus mitigation efforts like mask mandates.
Please describe the exact statistic to which you refer, and why if it is anything other than viral load imparted, we should be paying attention to it.
The study is at the link below and it was a pretty big deal when it was published. It caused my local school district to trash more than $100k worth of Plexiglas dividers because it was determined they hindered air exchanges per hour.

Statistically there is almost no difference between being 6 feet away or 60 feet away. It doesn't matter if the virus is initially escaping forward or backward, up or down. If the virus escapes the mask at all it is in the room's air. It is also why plexiglass barriers don't work. If everyone isn't wearing an N95 mask, the only thing shown to make a sizable difference in the likelihood of transmitting infection to other people is how many times per hour the room's air can be completely changed. Ideally you want 6 full air changes per hour but a minimum of 3.
Well something worked. Cold and flu decrease show that.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Okay... so again, do you think deaths will go up knowing the denominator will be heading up?

Agree that there's no 100% safety, but always odd to fathom how people will smoke, drink, take opiods, etc. and other harmful things but getting a vaccine is a big no go.
And God forbid they wear a mask.

I have a co worker who smokes 2 packs a day and he was like "I'm not putting that garbage in my body" referring to the vaccine.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
This guy would’ve been alive today had he taken covid seriously.
