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Dear Fat People

Or,on the other hand, kids who struggle with weight and who are consistently reminded of this and who, as a result, suffer from low self-esteem and self-loathing might look at Clarkson as a good role model, showing them that being overweight does not diminish one's inherent worth. I guarantee you, fat children already know they're fat, as they are reminded about it on a daily basis. If this type of ridicule worked, no one would be fat. But having lived with a sibling who's suffered from fat shaming since childhood, I can say first hand just how devestatingly destructive this shaming can be on one's sense of self-worth. No minor public health benefit the might accrue from ritualized fat shaming can ever come close to compensating for the human emotional and phsychological damages it causes.

And I wonder what MVP thinks fat shaming, particularly of female celebrities, does to fix the problem of obesity. Is it honestly a matter of counterbalancing the negative influence that an overweight successful female has by calling her names and defining her by a singular failing?

That's what fat shaming is. Calling female celebrities names and attempting to define them by a single physical attribute in order to diminish their accomplishments so that no one will look up to them and attempt to be fat like they are.
God, America is becoming so ****ing dumb. If you're fat, save for a thyroid disease, you deserve to be called fat. Especially if you're in an industry where "looks" is a major component of your job. As time progresses, it seems like people to want to be held less and less accountable for their own actions.

as long as the obesity epidemic is individualized and depoliticized, it will both continue and worsen.
as long as the obesity epidemic is individualized and depoliticized, it will both continue and worsen.

there really isn't a way to stop obesity in america. that would require a restriction/ban on sugary, high carb, low nutrition foods and/or force people to exercise. neither of those things will ever happen.
there is no way to stop anything. because liberty comes attached with responsibility. but everybody thinks liberty has no strings attached

A Rhode Island man who weighs nearly 800 pounds says he's determined to slim down and he dreams of becoming an actor one day.

Steven Assanti, of Cranston, refers to himself now as a monster. He wants to eventually inspire others who struggle with their weight.

The 33-year-old said he's addicted to pizza, as long as it's not topped with anchovies.

IN the article he states he eat 2000 calories a day? Does anyone here believe him?
Fat shaming has been going on for a very, very long time. My sister was overweight as a child and mercillessly ridiculed by her peers. Guess what? She got fatter. I'm not trying to generalize from an N of 1, however, I'm skeptical that public shaming and ridiculing fat people will change behavior significantly. As I said, making fun of fat people has been around since I was a child, and today there is a mutlti-billion dollar diet industry, meanwhile, we (as a society) have only gotten fatter.
hmmm my sister wsas fat and got ridiculed now she is in tip top shape.
"you look fabulous". LOL. I bet it is another fat whale posting it...lets see how many guys here would want to take her for a date. Any volunteers?

She's way to young for me, but back in the day, I dated heavier women.
Tell me why you don't...

I too would like to hear this.

There are obvious exceptions for why some people are larger than others, but by and large, we have absolved people of personal accountability. I mean, why blame ourselves when we can blame our bosses for not paying us enough, the politicians for not giving us enough, and capitalism for ensuring that our food is no longer healthy? It's all somebody else's fault, not mine!
How many beers you needed to force yourself upon something like that?

None, she's an attractive young lady.

However, if your real-life persona is anything like your on-line persona, I might need a drink just to avoid spitting in your face.
Tell me why you don't...

I have maybe 50 posts on this topic, probably in this thread alone. Take a read.

How's this for an answer: placing the blame on parents for their fat children will be as successful in solving the obesity pandemic as it has been up until this point in time.

Now, a couple of questions: is America home to the worst parents in the developed world? Why the inflated rates here vs. elsewhere? Are Canadians generally better parents? Germans? The English?

Placing the blame squarely on individuals, and ignoring systemic, societal factors is incredibly naive, foolish, and the precise reason why America has this epidemic in the first place.
tl;dr nothing is more rich than ppl individualizing and depoliticizing obesity. Commonly done via genetic and/or parental arguments. A simple comparison across time and nations easily deconstructs this moronic argument.