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Donald is about to go through some things...

Trump is good at recognizing opportunities, executing plans to take advantage of those opportunities, and getting people to support his efforts. Those aren't bad qualities to have in a President.
The same skills of a master demagogue. Instinctively recognizing the fear and anger present in large numbers of fellow citizens, who are experiencing the strain of the many stresses of modernity, both economic, and in terms of culture wars revolving around deeply held beliefs, some rooted in religious beliefs, the demagogue that is Donald Trump recognized these very opportunities and took his eventual base by storm, with a goodly % of that base enveloped in cultish traps that will ever make it hard to see clearly. Few see golden opportunities like Trump, and have the skill to abuse them to his extent. A wannabe mob boss who settled for the Oval Office…

That’s how he used his skills once in office: not to be a president for all Americans, but a manipulative power driven man with zero moral fiber, zero moral character. A skilled demagogue has to have his/her pulse on the fears and anger present in his/her lifetime, if he/she is going to successfully pull off the power play he accomplished.

He used his skills for ends that help define him as the worst president in American history.

Then again, his sale pitch can also also seem a bit below the dignity of a former president, and the dignity of one who would actually ask to be president again! Actually, I must be kidding mentioning Trump and dignity in the same thought, lol. Running these sales pitches by my sister yesterday, she replied: “It’s unbelievable isn’t it. All the things going on in the world and he’s selling golden sneakers!”
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Unfortunately the answer is yes. Because the danger he poses, as ridiculous and juvenile and insane as he is, is very very real.
Oh yeah, the answer is STIIL yes, accompanied by a cold hard chill down the old spine, knowing just how real that danger is. It’s been one hell of a ride though history in recent years, and our present moment is like no other, 2024 like no other year in our history. Buckled in for the ride, lol…

A political action committee (PAC) supporting Donald Trump's presidential campaign was dealt a blow by Wisconsin's bipartisan ethics commission, which recommended it face criminal charges for allegedly trying to circumvent campaign finance laws to support a challenger to an anti-Trump Republican.

The bipartisan ethics commission is split evenly between Democrats and Republicans. Commission chair Pat Strachota, a Republican who formerly served as assembly speaker, signed off on the order recommending charges against the PAC. Two-thirds of the commission is required for any action, meaning at least one Republican member agreed to recommend the charges.

The commission on Friday released its report into allegations that the Save America PAC joined efforts to illegally donate tens of thousands of dollars to the campaign of Adam Steen, who challenged Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos in 2022.

Despite efforts to unseat Vos, he ended up winning the 2022 Republican primary by 260 votes, delivering a loss for Trump in the crucial battleground state. He easily secured victory in the general election, beating back a Democratic challenger and write-in effort from Steen.

In a lengthy statement endorsing Steen, Trump knocked Vos as a "RINO" who "consistently blocked efforts at conducting a full cyber forensic audit of the 2020 election."

"He does not come close to supporting America First policies, and I do not come close to supporting him," Trump wrote.

Vos joined the former president in voicing concerns about the validity of the 2020 election but ultimately declined to decertify the results, sparking outrage from some Trump-aligned conservatives.
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Fox News cut off Donald Trump's speech at a rally in South Carolina to fact-check comments he made on Friday, 23 February.

Neil Cavuto spoke over coverage of the former president's event to tell viewers: "He’s entitled to his opinions, he’s not entitled to his own set of facts... The market has indeed been going up but having nothing to do with him."

"Judges picked by Donald Trump himself found no evidence of a [rigged election] in seven battleground states," he added.

The Supreme Court has officially dismissed appeals after reviewing sanctions against two pro-Trump attorneys, Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. The lawyers along with five others had challenged the outcome of the 2020 election in Michigan.

“The size of the certiorari vote could very well be significant in Trump v. United States. Although we do not know the precise votes, the justices’ recusals are always announced even at the certiorari stage. We, therefore, know that Justice Thomas did not recuse himself, even though his wife was deeply involved in the efforts to subvert the 2020 election.

It is, thus, conceivable that Thomas delivered the crucial final vote to grant review and delay the trial, resulting in the lifeline, gift and huge win for Trump, no matter the case’s outcome on the merits”….

“……Or maybe not. It is also possible — perhaps even likely — that five or more justices voted to take up the issue of presidential immunity, making any single vote irrelevant. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s insistence on secrecy has made it impossible to know whether Thomas has improperly exerted a determinative influence on the court’s agenda, in one of the most significant certiorari decisions in history”.

— A longtime Mar-a-Lago employee who is a central witness in the investigation into former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents is now speaking publicly because he believes that voters should hear the truth about his former boss and the case before the November election.

Brian Butler, who is referenced as “Trump Employee 5” in the classified documents indictment brought by special counsel Jack Smith, told CNN in an exclusive interview that he doesn’t believe the criminal case against Trump is a “witch hunt,” as the former president has claimed.
I agree with coach. The only way to bring back god is to elect a thrice married corrupt rapist who sleeps with porn stars and has 90+ felony counts, and incited an insurrection. It’s the only way American Christianity can be saved…

I agree with coach. The only way to bring back god is to elect a thrice married corrupt rapist who sleeps with porn stars and has 90+ felony counts, and incited an insurrection. It’s the only way American Christianity can be saved…

He keeps saying the Democrats are trying to take God out of our country.

How does one even remove God from our country? Is God really that weak that Democrats can just deport him or put him on a bus and send him to Mexico or something?

Are the Democrats also removing ghosts from our country?

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He keeps saying the Democrats are trying to take God out of our country.

How does one even remove God from our country? Is God really that weak that Democrats can just deport him or put him on a bus and send him to Mexico or something?

Are the Democrats also removing ghosts from our country?

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Yeah **** the ghosts. Get'em outtaheeerreeee!
I do find it interesting that an omnipotent god is such a wimp that he demands Americans pledge loyalty to him and to his ****** *** servant, Trump. A god so weird he uses losers on Fox News to broadcast his will. What a ****** god. And why does god need to rely on things like the EC to keep his servants in power? Can’t he just convince the popular vote that his candidate is best? What a wimpy, impotent, lazy, ****** cuck god. And those who follower this ****** god must also be cucks

Wouldn’t it just be easier for god to find someone who the majority of people actually like, like Obama, Oprah, JJ Watt, Taylor Swift, Sandra Bullock, Keaneu Reeves, or Morgan Freeman? Or a god that advances popular policy, like universal health care or increases on the rich? Or how about god just appear and tells us what he wants? That would really make a lot of things easier for the entire globe. Imagine how many wars would end right now if god just magically appeared and told us to be nice (and then Zapped the bad guys like Putin, Xi, and Trump to hell). Why rely on one of the most incoherent and divisive characters in our history? What a pretty stupid and ****** god. I’d be a lot better god if I were god. So much smarter Everyone agrees.
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Don’t give me that. An omnipotent god cannot provide food, shelter, health care, or popular leaders for his children. He’s so powerful that he cannot provide just the basic necessities for humans, his beloved children. He’s limited by the god constitution. Kinda like the blue genie in Aladdin since he cannot kill anyone.

The omnipotent American god can only do certain things. Like… He can only force women to carry rapists’ children, force women to get so sick they wait in ER parking lots before getting health care, get rid of entitlements, demagogue Muslims, ignore systemic racism, cut taxes for the rich, and put immigrants in cages. It’s ironically the same agenda white conservatives have been pushing for years. Don’t like it? Tough. Thems the rules. That’s how American Christianity works!

If you don’t believe in this god then move to Canada.
“Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle, violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work, grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace, treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy.That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame.No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this mirific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong.Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”~ Advocatus Peregrini