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Donald is about to go through some things...

That is an interesting conundrum. Will prosecutor Jack Smith have to follow the law in this legal case which will mean Trump likely skates free, or will Jack Smith break the law in his effort to win a conviction?
At this point, I’m probably leaning to this case not proceeding before the election. Some think that’s Cannon’s “plan”. Give Trump the chance to win in November, so he can dismiss the charges. I’m not an attorney. Smith has lost big cases before, and I think it likely this case is over, and Trump will defeat the Florida charges. But, some do think it’s Cannon who’s mistaken.

From my point of view, I don’t need any legal arguments at all to know Trump stole classified documents, to know Trump made a serious attempt, with the help of Republican accomplices, to steal the 2020 election as well. All the debates are essentially beside the point, or meaningless, if all I’m interested in is the truth. The truth of what crimes Trump committed has been obvious for a long time. Just ignore the “alternative reality”, the one that bears no relation to the real world, and I’ve known all along what Trump attempted. Am I saying “guilty” before any trials at all? Of course I am, it’s not like what happen is/was hidden. There for all the world to see, except Trump’s followers and his political party.

But our legal system may allow him to escape all accountability altogether, except perhaps for any that History might provide in the future.
At this point, I’m probably leaning to this case not proceeding before the election. Some think that’s Cannon’s “plan”. Give Trump the chance to win in November, so he can dismiss the charges. I’m not an attorney. Smith has lost big cases before, and I think it likely this case is over, and Trump will defeat the Florida charges. But, some do think it’s Cannon who’s mistaken.

From my point of view, I don’t need any legal arguments at all to know Trump stole classified documents, to know Trump made a serious attempt, with the help of Republican accomplices, to steal the 2020 election as well. All the debates are essentially beside the point, or meaningless, if all I’m interested in is the truth. The truth of what crimes Trump committed has been obvious for a long time. Just ignore the “alternative reality”, the one that bears no relation to the real world, and I’ve known all along what Trump attempted. Am I saying “guilty” before any trials at all? Of course I am, it’s not like what happen is/was hidden. There for all the world to see, except Trump’s followers and his political party.

But our legal system may allow him to escape all accountability altogether, except perhaps for any that History might provide in the future.
Yep. Two tiered justice system often let's the most rich and powerful go free

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Yep. Two tiered justice system often let's the most rich and powerful go free

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I mean they didn't even try to hide the propaganda you fell for. They knew you don't care about lying. YOu're not even slightly embarrassed. Two-tiered hypocrisy. Two-tiered lying. Two-Tiered propaganda... system that allows fish to post blatant propaganda and not even address it because nobody calls him out. Tell us more about two tiered please where you can post blatant brainwashed propaganda and nobody calls you out. I would really like to know why fish would put blatant propaganda up and his thoughts behind lying like this but that would take owning it.

Trump is going to win because people are now starting to see you will fabricat lies about crimes like you did here and didn't own it. Just like your fabricated video. But keep lying like you did.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qbj5e0pea1I
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The judge in Trumps faux case said Mar A Lago was only worth 18 million dollars and you guys believed it. Meanwhile CNN schools you. @fishonjazz @Red Trump is going win these cases because they are fraud cases just like with Fani Willis sleeping with her own prosecutor and getting dismissed. This is serious **** and the cult hires a lady that steals millions of dollars and sleeps with her prosecutor.

"Mar-a-Lago, potentially, that could be something that could be sold quickly," Brown Harris Stevens CEO Bess Freedman told CNN Thursday. "I think the valuation is something in the hundreds of millions and I think there could be a buyer for something like that."

"There could be plenty of international people who want to buy that property," Freedman said, explaining that there would likely be great interest in buying Mar-a-Lago from Trump. "There's properties that are priced at $150 and $200 million that are near that."

Notice how Red, @LogGrad98 , and fish wont even address this like when their own supreme court 9-0 voted that Democrats are literally rigging the election by illegally and fascistly taking the leading candidate off of the ballot? @Red you remember not addressing this? @One Brow ? It's all starting to unravel for the Trump Cult that post propaganda like @LogGrad98 does. Just like @LogGrad98 not even addressing that Liz Cheney deleted evidence that Trump asked for 10,000 troops to stop Jan 6th and Democrats said no. @Log why did Liz Cheney delete this and lie that it didn't exist? Try not to troll like you admitted you did already. That just means you are angry and can't use words like an adult and that your avatar is true. This is why @fishonjazz needs propaganda videos. That's all he has anymore. He has nothing else. It's all crashing down.
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Notice how Red, @LogGrad98 , and fish wont even address this like when their own supreme court 9-0 voted that Democrats are literally rigging the election by illegally and fascistly taking the leading candidate off of the ballot? @Red you remember not addressing this? @One Brow ?
Since I predicted that SCOTUS would restore Trump to the ballot, why would I address it? I'm not some loser who to parade every victory and grievance over and over again.
Since I predicted that SCOTUS would restore Trump to the ballot, why would I address it? I'm not some loser who to parade every victory and grievance over and over again.
No you didn't. You should address because it an open admittance that Democrats are trying to steal the election. Don't play stupid dude
No you didn't. You should address because it an open admittance that Democrats are trying to steal the election. Don't play stupid dude

My SWAG is that SCOTUS will overturn both Colorado and Maine on the grounds that POTUS and VPOTUS are not officers of the United States.

I was wrong about the reason, but correct about the result.

Edited: corrected link

I was wrong about the reason, but correct about the result.
So you were wrong. The truth is that taking the leading candidate off of a ballot is illegal and unconstitutional. Democrats literally are trying to illegally and unconstitutionally remove people from ballots. Pure evil. Doing what Democrats did is literally the opposite of Democracy. Everything you see in front of you is falling apart. I know red and fish are trying to fabricate lies about the judge as they always do but Trump is going to win his cases because there is now undeniable proof that Democrats are unconstitutionally rigging elections. It's undeniable now after you guys illegally took him off of ballots.
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Donald Trump's social media company could go public as soon as next week, paving the way for a potentially huge windfall for a former president who raked in tens of millions of dollars the last time one of his companies was listed on a stock exchange.

That decades-ago previous experience, however, did not end well for the company or its investors. While a 2016 Washington Post review found that Trump made over $44 million, the company — Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts — lost more than $1 billion and ended up in bankruptcy.

The company kept bleeding cash. The year the stock peaked, it lost $66 million. In 1999, it lost $134 million. And in 2004 — when the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange — it lost $191 million, according to a CNBC review.

Trump, who was the company's chairman and later CEO, continued making millions of dollars a year in salary and bonuses despite the heavy losses.

The business helped pay for aspects of his famously lavish lifestyle, including spending over $6 million to entertain guests on his plane and golf courses, according to The Washington Post report. He also used company cash to buy Trump-branded merchandise, including $1.2 million on Trump Ice bottled water, the report said.
Anyone who thinks that almost a half a billion dollars was constitutional should probably go live somewhere without a constitution. Every single one of us knows damn well that punishment was far outreaching and downright against the 8th Amendment.

This is nothing more than Democrats using the law to take down a political opponent. A half a billion dollars... nothing like this has ever happened. I mean Letita James literally ran on the entire platform to arrest a president. The judge refused a jury. The judge valued Mar A Lago at 18 million despite it being worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The judge then exceeds his power and breaks the 8th amendment. Hell even the banks took Trumps side.

In the end Trump gets a major victory and can now appeal this to something outside of Democrats kangaroo court. Lawless Democrats.
LMFAO Democrats are a **** show. Imagine starving to death because of Democrats evil policies because they are psychotically obsessed about Trump and the person that should be helping you mocking someone worth 6 billion dollars as broke. How utterly insulting. 6.6 BILLION dollars is "broke" in your guys' economy. That's how bad it is.

Biden campaign tests Trump’s nickname strategy with ‘Broke Don’​

Literally the very next day....

Trump Joins Bloomberg's 500 Wealthiest Post-Merger; Net Worth $6.5B​

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I think this also is important to keep in mind. Trump isn’t a friend of law enforcement. He never attended any of the funerals for the Jan 6 police and he vows to pardon his fellow Insurrectionists. Are we going to be “suckers” and “losers” by electing him again? Remember, he called those American soldiers who fought and died in France “suckers” and “losers.”

Just a great guy. I know Biden has his faults, but have we forgotten Trump? He’s a complete loser, just like his cultists.
